*-Victim in Dual * Tune- Up Meet Preparatory ta the Inveita tional Tra ck and Field meet held Saturday, *May .19, Wilmnette grammnar st*hooi track boys held. a dual meet with Park Ridge Wednesday, afternoon,ý May 17, at the Wilmette Village Green. Oiwing ta the fact that Park Ridge was.unable ta 'bring - a com- plete team, the compeiition was rath- er ..uievenly divideti and: Wilmette hati fia difficul1ty taking. the meet by an overiwhehmitig score. Tohe Vut. Peeest aei: 7t n Theôle ut. s resit ae: 7t n 1. Wmi.-Roberts, Wiimette: 2. Robert i. Denniqton,, Park Ridge. Pole Vault. Lightweights. Heiglit, 7feet. 1. Robert Mohr, Park Ridge; 2. Dick Cochran,. Wilmette. Pole Vault. HBeavyweight8. Height: 7 it. 6 In. 1. Harry Seifert, Wiimette; 2. Leonard Prindie, Park Ridge. 50-yard Dash. Pewees. 1.* Kimbal Brown, Wilnmette;,2. Wifliam R~oberts, Wtimette; 3. Robert Denniston, Park Ridge. 50-yard Dash. Lightweigits: 1. Don- ald Speéht, Wilrnette;* 2. Milan May; Wilmette; 3. Robert Mohr, Park Ridge. 50-yard Dash. Heavyweights: 1. Rob- ert DeVinny, Wilmette; 2. Bernard Reagan, Wlmette; 3. Harry Miller, Park Ridge. 75-yard Dash. Pewees: T ime, 9.9 seconds. 1. William Roberts, Wiimette, 2. Kimball Brown, Wilmette; 3. Robert flenniston, Park Ridge. 75-yard Dash. Lightweights:. Time: 9.5 seconds. 1. Donald Specht, Wilmnette; 2. Dludley Yeoman,_Wilmette; 3. Rlob- Running Broad Jtnnp. Pewees: Dis- tance: 14 ft. 9 in. 1. Dick Moreau, Wil- mette; 2. Robert Denniston, Park Ridge; 3. Cari Mayer, Wilrnette; 4. Felix Fabre, Park Ridge. Running Board Jump. Llghtweightts: Distance: 16 ft. 1. in. 1. Milan *May,' Wilmette; 2. Doug -Huck,- Wiimette; 3.ý Bob Mohr, Park Ridge; 4. Bob Gross,I Park Ridge. Runining Broad Jump. Heavyweights:ý Distance: 15 ft.- 7 in. 1. Eric Samuel- son, Wiimette; 2. Jarvis Lingle; Wi -, mette; 3. Leonard Prindie, Park Ridg(e; 4. Art Lawson, Park Ridge. Runninsg High Jump. PeWees: Ileight Howard 5A has played 5C about three times in basebali. Last Friday we played for the championship. We were going ta play ni .e innings. In tbe fourth inning it was. 9 ta 3 in fa- vor of 5C Then some af aur best hit- ~1~ters gat up and made the score i0t in 5A's favor. In the eight h inning 5A was, leadin g, 16 ta 15, Then soon ini the ninth in- ning it was 20 ta 16 in aur favor. We had wvo.-Curtis .,Brown, Howard 5A. Girls of Howard SA Lose Only On.e Game Howard 5Aàgirls areoverY.good this ryear. We have Iost only one garne. We have a prettY big team this year. We have won by a very large score, too.Or team is camposed of Mary Bacaon, Mary Ann Lascelles, Pegg-y Magie, Patty Crawford, Margaret Mickey, Bett% Steele, Katherine Di- vine. Beth Myren. Julia Janicki, Nýancy Henderson, Alice Kresge and îne.-Shirley Elftmian. Howard '5A. Bears Defeat Lions in Practice Track Meet Saturday, May 12, the peewees,. iightweights and heavies divided uip the track teams and 'had a meet. There were two teams,' the Beas ami the Lions. 1 was on the Lions' side, The Bears were coached byv Mr. Gathercoal., and the Lions by MNr. Stane. The Bears.,woni.-Diick- Coch- ran, Haward 6C. TWO STOR lES A DAY I Miss Van Horne'-s room ive are having tmo stories a dlav in history. We are doing that sa we can get ta the World wvar andl so..we. can finish Before Hearing News Friclay, May 18, the 2B class was due to have a test on ou r grammar. We were ta know ail the coordinate conjunictions and fifteen subordinate çonjunctions and fifteejn inking in-. transiti;ve verbs in addition to, the case. outline, Friday I1 came ta school flot knowing ail the case outline. 1 bad, a streak of good luck 'When I found out that the glee club had gone over to Howard ta practice sa we. had to postpone the test. until 'Ionday-aîid was 1 glad !-Pat Roche, Stolp.2W. Stolp 2A Gives play at Assembly Program For asseînblv onl May 16, Stolp 2A gave a play called "Ten Minutes by the Clock." The cast wvas as, follows: HJousernaid, Ruth .Schcibel; Queen, Jean Stark.- Page, Raymond Arm- stronig; Gypsy.. Charles Vonl Tesrnar : Butler, Bud Dav-is; Duks and Doks. Carl Maýrer and John Miller; KI'ing. Douglas -,Ilçdleb)rook, The Cook, Robert Scheibel;- The Guards. Rich- ard Magner and James Parrv ;The Heralds, Sarah Strayer and Jean- nette Leche4'-Jeannette, Lech1er,ý Stolp 2A. Bobi Anderson Moves;, to Finish Work'Hera Last week we were all surprised to find Bob Anderson had moved to Evànston. Bob will continue with us this year but will be unable ta continue with us in high school * as hie wiIl go ta Evanston High. We are ail sorry that Bob will not be with us the rest of aur school das.-l Bob Cochran, Howard 8B. SUFFER. SECOND DEFEAT Wednesday, May, 16, the rooms of 2B played the roomn 2A in basebaîl at Stolp. The. score was Il. ta 2 in favor of 2A. Lt was only thesecond game that 2B lias lost this ye*ar andj %%e hope ta do better next time.- Edith M,,endum, Stolp 2B.1 Cage Letters at Highcrest At Highcrest,'s 'open bouse pro- gram Tbursd'ay *night, May 24, e shall receive aur basketball etters Mr. Murphy is awarding the letters. The boys played 'twenty-seve n games, won thirteen andi hast four- tçen. The total score for Highcrest this year ws38pon. The score ofthe oppanents Was 357. We played such schools as us Us Center, Clevelanid, East Prairie,- College Hill in 'Ni.es Center, Glenview, and Croa- tioný in DesPhaines. Onily letters for basketball are being awarded this year. This is the first time we failed ta get letters for basebali. We did not have. enaughi big boys for a good bas.ebahIl teani this year. The boys who are going ta get letters' are Earl' Barre, Donald Kreusch1 fHenry Janaes, Earil ien- ricks, joseph Tripicchio and Junior Loss. The girls who are gaing to r eccive letters for baskectbaIl are:' Lenora Giambastian, Harriet Young, Char- lotte Schaefgen ,' Madeline Vanal- stine and ,Bernice flraun.-Earl PBorre,, Highcrest 7th grade. StolP., Howard Peewees Planning Basebail Game* Tuesday the peewees are startifg baseball. There. is going ta be more of a. chance ta get your letter bc- cauise Stohp pupils- have their 'own team andi we play them. Before Ini football, basketb and track, Stolp school was with us, and bath schools. tried ta get on aur teain.-Clifford: Johnson, IHoward,,6C. GIVES'ATHLETIC TESTS In gymnasium classes, Mr. Davis is gîvîng tests -in the bal! throw, 'broad jump and running highi jump. In the high jump we -jump until we miss. If you are good' in any of these sparts you might break the record for your weight.-ýClifford Johnson, Howard 6C. là Reiay. Lightweil 21.8 epd.1 , Rcobert. Anu ihr. > 10nE s: -. ime: I Rdi rl.SaPrini Milan May, on Specht; 2.. Park__________ît, ta.JontarH adS. team: 1~brt Denniston, Robert TU LEVST SCOL I Felix Fabre, Robert Mohri UTEVSISSHO EXCHANGE PAPERS ittie flelay. Hea.vYweights: Tiine' A boy in aur room brought a turtle In Mrs., Gibson's room we took 21.5 sec. 1. Wilmfette team: Robert ta school. The boy's name is Teddy each other's papers and sliowed how on, Robert DeVinny, Robert Johnson., The turtle would wahk all to ipoeante.Soep'l an, Bernard, Regan; 2. Park aIPoeo hù. oepfl team: Wilbur Grief, Leonard arounti the roon. -Sam Jorjorian, hati ta do the .paipe rs Over. It, was e, Art Lawson, Harry Miller. Howard SA.. f n-ettyMye, owd5A