outside ýeA ~and John A. Servas of Evanston Creates GlamorousDis >iay Br Recca AMthomty With the opening- of A«Century of, Progress again this year, -Chicago May weIl be proud of its- Horticulture exhibition whichpr.omises toôbe not oniy a mopst. miagnificent and .compre- henisive garden, show. buit virtually an art center for the Fair, including. painti ng,. sculptoring, music and, a most unusual-display of .scenic dior- I NUA PLANTS ' I teulas ...ý .eto B*c peydo.. I GIadioIus Balbs; J omod Goideus I Hibbad ILNd udkokle BIvd. 1'ff CM .tWork umaIRefinfishg omwp.ria - Slip Com~a, amas. Plannei and directed by John A. Servas of Evanston, executive manager, and under whose able sup- eriinthis show was presented iast year, there has been created a glam'orous and spectacular display of gardens and landscape settings, where some of the finest talent' in the world has beeà brought to play. In walking throughý the spacious grounds, four, acres ýin -al;, it seemns that each littie secti on is vieing with every other in. beauty and in loveli- ness. Sponsored by the Society of American Florists, and Ornamnental Horticuiturists, -of -which 'George Asmus -is chairman, it 'is indeed a Paradise Garden, from the extensive rose areato the delightfull-y quaint 014 Milli Garden which has been compieteiy revised sincethe show last summner.. Beside the flower-bordered trail of the rose.garden to the avenue of poplars, 'an exquîsite bit of bili- side has been introduced, abloom ~with many rare and zest fui plants. With giant ,nushrooms and gailyt coiored birds, with a vi sta of cool I I BAR AIJ HEATING SERVICE CO* 011 Durmer Servïie -ail Makea WINNETKA 375 DIiver H .iwos Day or. Night I E,,JUDTSON MORTGAGE and LOAN CO. 1167 WILMETTE AVENUE WILMETTE 1167 of the Hunt, extended to the society through the courtésy of the Hoops Gailery, iends grace and classicismn to the sparkling lily pool below. Looking west it rises into a glorious ensemble- of water and light 'and flowers framed in. a grouping of stately oid coiumns. This superIbly designed section of the: garLlens, a remnarkabie innovation, in finesse of artistic. landscaping is a creation *of .Mr. Servas, deservedly recognized as artist and as showman *and through whose efforts Chicago's1 glorious 'Flower shows have been reaiized for s0 mnany yearu. -Not. to be outdone by the, gardens outside, the 'Exhibition hall bas been coniverted into a gailery of exotic disp1ay. No baliyhoo wili disturb thé visitor and' no unbecoming noises h'aras your compiete enjoymnent. In- stead you will be thrilled to hear the i*t, mellow strains of a console pipe organ as fitting accompaniment to the surroundings. Here will be groupings of famous scuIptoring, out- standing 'of which is that of Edgarde Simoni of Chicago, worid renowned Italian scuiptor and portrait artist, who bas so graciously and so gener- ousiy contributed in making possible the high standard of the Horticultural Exhibition in a show that wiil be recognized as an art center for the Century of Progress, and his inaster, fui statuary will add the dignity g ~ ~ Ui.a i s ,rauna Dioramas in this same hall are more beautiful even than Iast year. From jungle scene to peaceful heather Ihighlands and ravishing Persian set- Iting, you are transported to ail parts of the globe, in one realistic effect after another, each one -depicting a most natural scenic story under -the skiliful hand of Mr. Servas who basj added bis talent in -their very finely * prfetedconstruction. Not to be frirgotteti, is the very atatv Wili * 'PhiIipsborm &Co. LaSil. St. PRAmkliai 8397 Clubs to Join Local Cen ter Every garden club on thje north shore has received an invitation to join the North ShoreGarden center which the .Winnetka. Gardent club b as' just formed. Although. plans have not-been fuily formulated, it bas been suggested*,that one of the clubs- have charge of the center each. month. Boy Scout, roomn 109, Winnetka Community House, has been made available for the use of the. center. Every Monday from 10 unitil, 5 o'cIock authorities on various phases of gar- dening will be stationied in this room to give free information to north shore residents. interested in beauti- fying .their grounds. The center is open to questions,. criticisms, and ad- vice, according to the Gardenclub.' Off orVaried Service Thé services of the center include the following: borticultural ,ipf orma- tion, advice in planning the small garden, decorating service, advice on flower arrangement, advice on color in the garden, reference books and garden magazines, complete list of the garden books in the Winnetka Public library, 'and specimen 'plant Among the plants' exhibiied Mon- day. when. the center was opened. were a becktel crab' (double flower- ing) and a Lent A. Wiiliamson iris, shown by Mrs. John C. McEwen, who had arranged also a rack in which were Morel and Leon Gam- betta lilacs, Shekinah, Celeste, and Souvenir de Madame Gaudichau iris, and rose. Hugonis. Mrs. Langdon Pearse. shocwed a philo-cactus 'i bioom, and euphor bia (crown of' Would Elraaicate W.e onday of next week. the ce nter wilehbit a sample of rag. weed, se -that the visitors xnay learn how to recognize it and assist in its ex- termination. The first to be appointed chairman of one of the many commiittees which IENETIAN DLINDS 45e per square foot instaJIJd Phone Wi1nett, 557. 4