Of beS<U t. I cn iti1en is dlstjsfied with theas sessrnent, hie should stili at Ieast pay that sliare on account wich l(,e thînks is fair. * 3.Objections to eal Estale '1kcs~ for 1928, 1929 and 193o0* Many Iroperty owners used attorneys.. or. tax associa- tions to file objections for the foregoing taxes' and then did nothing further about it., These arrears are bearing penalties except on such iportion as inay be deciared invaiid. Out of self-l)ro- tection such property owner8.sliould take proper action to have sueh objeé- tions disposed of. J. Objections to. 1931 and 1)193, Hcal * Etate Taxes. Many hionie -owners ob- Jected to t hese taxes. in the hope of getting a la per cent, reduction on1 the assessed valuations of their buildings. -Now that al homes andsralart ment buildings in tiîis township hi-ive been granted this reduction for the yèars 192.1 to 1934, inclusive, reaity owners should, at once take steps to' stop their penalties by paving ail stieh taxes excelpting the smali percentage on the buildings alone which they are en- titled to 'deduet. 5. Reaity O'n ers 1 W l ave Paid uit F01l Taxes for 1931 or 19U2 or o. Such pr9perty oWners have been vexe at the prosPect of stiffering fromi;hv ing paid suéh taxes in fuil. The 111ii- nois State hegislature has passe4. ala by %viich alil-iuchi o ver-)a y nientsiniay be- dducted in subse<iuent years, if you paid your realty taxes in fuil fo r 1931 without benefit of tht' reduction and aeo ad in fui! for 1932, you are entltled to inake a (le duetion froi j the 1432 taxes. If you have Paid both1 19.11 and 1932 tx~ you, wiIi be en- titled to deduct ions, for both years frünm the' 93t ax bill, And in either typle of CaSe you wili bé entitled to interest . on the exesýs paynient at the rate of one-hiaîf of on(, per cent per 'month for, the tume the taxing, bodies have ýhad1 th., use of your excess'paymient money. 3Nust Resume Paymonts It -shouid be ob¶,lous to ail parents that If they are .confused by thede tails set forth herein, it is doubly di?- ficuit for yoùr board of éducation to * make calculations for the 1931 tax !evy or for the 1934-19ý35: school yetr budget with *any oeertainty* that estimates *ilI;; 4e, even remotely correct.' The, oniy thing that can keep this -institution n its present 'high educaàtional plane is a; resumption of tax paymnents by the titi- zens of thie township., In order that citizens may kniow that. the foregoing suggestions and the re- quest for 'action ýare trustworthy, We have sePcured through «the New Trier Township Committee the accompiiranying letter f roin Mr. Hayden Bell, Assistant State's Attorney in charge o? tax Pro-1 cedure for Cook County. We bespeak. your careful consideration of the in- formation therein and urgently request your cooperation on behalf of the school. RespectfullY ours, New IBoard of Education, NwTrier Township High school. The other day a dealer friend of ours told'us of a customer who was quite surprised to learn he could buy a car other than for spot cash! Can you imagine the shock he received when the dealer took. bis, old car in trade as the total down payment on the purchase ofa brand new car-wth the rwiemaining balance- to be paid off. at the. rate of $1.00' a day?; And the saving in operating cost of the new car, as compared to the old one, w ill pay a good share Of that sum per. day. Some of. these old, cars are. just regular money-eaters!! And, folks,;,there is not one butc seve ral low-priced cars- 1934 models-with s-afety glass--and ail the other up-to-date things on them-that can be bought just that 'way-witli your old car as nearly ail of the down payment and the bal. ance to-be paid for at. the rate of $1.00 a day. That, in fact, is our businss-to enable certain purchases to be made-and paid for not out of your past savings but out of future income as you drive the car. Our finance charges are as low. as those of any, national com-. pany., Your payments can. be mnade directly.over our coun- ter, eliminating al expense of 'money orders, 'checks. or drafts.l And if an. insurance loss to your, car arises--or an extension of a few, days on your paymenit is, needed-we 'are 80 conveniently located that you can drop in personally to see us and make the necessary arrangements-not Iby mail, but in that far more satisfactory personal way-as one good' neighbor deals with another. -f and cliarm, andalaso for elceptïonal piety, obeying flot only the letter but the spirit of his religion, it is ex- *plai ned. He later fell a victim to the fanatical fury of persecutors and his body was the t.arget of a thousanci bullets â! the public:squýare of Tabriz, Persia. Serving Evanstori and Surplus-$425,OO) iià the North Shore for nine years