LOW PICE.FRDUC 93 horsepower -85 Miles an hour 10 to,60 miles:an houir in. 21 seeconàds - 15 mil es peglo For Sire and Modern> Beauty NORTHSHORE BUICK CO. INC. 1030 DAVIS STREET, EVANSTON IL uicjc Valu - Buick Quality Buick Depenulability Thàrou g/àan.d Throu gi Mathews'F'raniiéisPhoto Trhese 'thret, Neti Trier High School boYs (le/t.. to righ t), Bill Fayinon- vlille, Jantes Kiingslell and George Ma.tzeelli collected enough'.points to givc theii sciool the state track chainpionship Iast'.Saturday iific he40tlhanelial state intersc-holastjc traek and ficld uieet lield intlheLUniversity of Illinoi.s staditijn at Chantp«qi. Ncwe Trier zvot the mect with a total of nineteen points. Rock ford and Sterling tied for second with 15 each. Fa ynionville won first place ini the. VISIT IN VILLAGE discus throw and third in. the Shot put'. Mr. andMs Edward Price.,alid He was high point man .for New Trier, their daughter, Marion, of Maywood, with ieight points. Kigsley, captain, of jIll., Mr... and Mrs. Charles Thomas the team,, who -won first in 'the pole and t heir daugliter, Betty, of LomY vant, nd ax~ell wh copedthebard,. Ill., and Miss Grace. Cannon 120-yard high hurdles evént. hiad fiveî points'each, to their cçredit. New Trier of Evainstoiï were guests last Sun- added.an ,,extra pointbhv virmiiing fif th day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. iii he 80-yad reay.William Ash, 736 TWelfth street. The boys pictured above' wil l)e s .een ini action again Saturday. when New Trier takes part in the annual Suburbai league outdoor, nieet at Evanston. Mrs. Claude Burnhanî of New York, formierly of Keniilworth, spenrt the week-end visiting 'the. Mark Cresaps of Winnetka. A A northi shore bridge club) will motor. today to Geneva,. III., for luncheon. at the Little Traveller. The f ollowing members are going: Mrs. 'Walter An-ý dersen, XMrs. Herbert Mec.\Mrs. Louis: Bouchard, Mrs. W.H.:,Smyt4e, aýndMrs., Walter Botthof ail of Keniil- iworth, and Mrs. V. A. Smith and Mrs. .Robert. Fyfe of Wilmette. QAS FAR AS YOU PLUMSE AS FAST AS YOLJ PLUES 61 0v LIZe/res/teci! 'VTESTE RDAY'S -tiresom e journey, iLis just a refreshinig. jaunt in an Airilow Chrysier. You arrive places ready to enjoy yourself. . . at ease in mind and body.. The Airflow Chrýslir is thc world's llrst truly roomy motor, car. Bîgr peo- wcats a r e ini the mniddle o the car . Four Distincti ve -i ç9 Mode/s, so that you ride near the center of -'CHIRYSLER AIRFLOW EIGI-IT'. .. zhrw balance. ( î~power and iz3-inch wheelbase. Six-passenger Se- At seed ove foty, he auto~jc dan, Brougham and Town Sedan, five-passenger At seedsoverfort, th * atorntic Coupe. Ail body types, .$î24. overdrive cuts down engine speed one-, third. At 90 miles an hour, the engine runs no faster than in many cars at 60. . . . i30. Six-paiscnger er Coupe. All 1840 Ridge- Avenue, [vanston £LIES hInc. Wulmette, 2277' 'j