Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 May 1934, p. 3

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The regular mon thiy meeting of Wiimette Civic league wilI be hield ini the Wedgwood room of Marshall Field ' conîpany's retail store at 12:15 Wocick, Friday, May 25. The featurc of the> session Will be th e in- stallatiOll ut officers, With John P 8ailnman, 1524 Elmwood avenue, as the uwPrésident. lTeeing:wlei.tentr tia test iménî iil hefoinr thse nt -fthe league and, a public- appreca tiùIî of their incumbency and contrýI- batînus 'to the progress.' of both the! leag.eu >and> the village. Those occu- pî the presidential chair since the &rgaliza tiu1j of the league are - Herb- crt 1,. \Iulford, 835 Eimwood avenue; 1) )oniddAld. (allie, 1115 Elmwood ave- neJohn Weiton .Fisher, Jr., 826 <rvcwoucl avenue; Hector Dodd s' .720 Prairie avenue, ardd Géorge H. edig,1510 Elmiwoôd avenue, 1now ret iring Th ~ ~ p- icc t ssiwl a- 1ci ses, andi if a conflitionô~ of tine can, 1119neein, 01i1ai wiitaeonle avoideti the Evanston Drtim and l(,. character, of a social affair. There Bugle corps wilI be present. wIi be nu set speech, but the former i__________ I)ireidenlti %ill each talk briefiy and IlIle tembership) wii ai*so have oppor- n rae s tojun.ii te nfrmi ro ~ ater Rates, Says .ie league was formed severalJ L yý:ars agu as the Viîrnette Luncheon President 'Dubbs clidb. its mniîbers meeting at lunch- Armo-a,- tie sm cru eoit to discuiss civic matter of inter- latin houghout the village that, est and Iimportance. About. four oWig to the fact that the pumpage *car- ago. at a dinner meeting at the of water at the new water works is SiaueCountry club,. it was broad,- cOnsiderabIy' below the estimfated cned iii scope and given the titie it quantitv, the mWater rate is to be raisecl luuw bears, the Wilmette Civic leagýue. 'by the Village board, President C. .P. t lias taken an active part i dis- Dubbs was asked. for a statement, sîinating information of interest to Expressing surprise that such a the citîzens of the village as public rumor shoulti be afloat, Mr. Dubbs questions hiave com e up for discus- stated that it is absolutely without sion antd settlement. The league is foundationIà in fact, and that an in- xion-political, but militant iin matters l' rease'ini water. rates. lias not even pertaining to t hé welfare. of the cm e»togto,îuhis*cn -inuint 3'.s'idered. Speaki ng of the estinxated pumipage as cornpàred ivith the estinîated con- Sunset Club to Offerj sumiption, Mr. Dublis said: "When Comedy Drama Tonight: the estilnated yearly inçrease ini the A tlree-ct ome~v "Tr~ 1 consuniption of wvater was set uini The program will include a parade, which will form at the old Gross ,Point school on Wilmette avenue, just west of Ridge road, at 8:30 o'ciock. Head- ed bv Schneider's band, the proces- sion, with Gold- Star niothers oc- cupying a pro minent place, mil[ fol- j ow this line of mar ch-: east on Wii- Mette avenue, to Sixteeilth street, where a hait wiil be nmade to permit 1 a salute to,.Frank A. AIles,. one of IWilniette's two survivors of the Civil war, north oný Sixteenth street tfo Highland av enue,1 thence west, to Ridge road and, north to St. Joseph's çenmete ry, At the cemetéry, a patriotic- pro- grain. will be given, with the Reév. George P.* Magili, as 'the principal, speaker. The'graves of fourteen. de- ceased veterans of the Spanish-Amer- ican wvar and two deceased veterans of, the World. war,> wili be decorated ini advaùce of the program. The stu- dents of Highcrest and St. Joseph.'s choswil participate ini the exer- Boards of education of the cIe- mentary and higli schools of New Trier township to issue letters .of appeal to ail parents to save schools by resunxing delayedl tax paymients. In order toclarif y theé position of property owners. of, New Trier town- ship, Assistant State's 'Attorne- ay den N. Bell, addresged a letter to the New Trier, Township committee, ini- dicatingý that 1931 and 1932 tax. pay- ments can be resumed safely at'once, and pointing out that penalties are now running against ail unpaid -taxes for 1928,to 1931 and for the first in- stalîment: of 1932, irrespective of whether prop erty. owner s filed ob- jections or not. (Sec full text of letter on Page 57). Law enacted at, Springfield ensuring that ail homne owners who paid 1931 or 1932 realty taxes in full shall have rebates, for such paymnents,' which can be deducted from subsequent Rbtlipto oe hn.ficet13 taxes by ail school districts within the township to retire al' 1931 school tax warrants, thus materialiy aiding. in maintaining the good credit ,of local districts. Enactment of state law at Spring- fieldi whereby, either' through a small annual tax or the sale of bonds, ail local school districts may establish cash working funtis equal to one cent per year ou borrowed funids.- TO CLOSE MEMORIAL DAY The Wilmette Public library will be closed next Wedilesday (Mem'orialý day), ýMiss Anne .L, Whitmrack, librarian, announced this week. The remnainder of the library's schedule for' next m-eek will lie thé same. Miss Whitnmack said.- An appeal to "save the schools" is to go to the parents of the element- ary schools and highi school of New Trier this week from the respective boards of education. Due to the long delay 'in resuimption of tax paymnents, and alsô to the drastic redutctions, nhade. in real estate assessed valuations, the school, boards fnd themnseives nearly at the'.end of their financial ropes. Thé, letter that is to be. sent to ail, Parents of- New Trier Hi gh school PU- puls- says that tax payments are in arrears to, the high- school alone 'more than $1,725,O0, 'or oveurtre- years'e expenses. Then it adds, 'If. somie, remed y is flot applied it'may. be'n eces- sary to curtail the .next school year as much as two months." Propos. Comiu.ej Appel While at this: writing the texts of the fetters from the elementarv .s chooi boards are flotý complte, it is under- stood that the schools are utnanirnajs i the purpose to arouse ail parents to the nccessity for ~a prompt resumption of tax paynients. The text of the letter to be sent to Ai parents of N~ewv Trier High schooî pupils follows: Continous and Unimpard educa.. tionai advantages »for Your chilclren are seriously threatened by the non-pay- mnent of taes In this townhip. No) taxes whatever are being recelved for expenses to operate the school durlâg the current .period to end March 1, next. For the Year Preceding that period lessth~ ana br-f,%--- ,A~r.If somne remiedy-is l;-ot alPlled. et nabenecessary .to curtailithe itext -school Yeair as mnuch as ,.wo months. We think It la our duty t .t ea otr attention to thi seituiationl and theref-cre are sendlng this lottp.r'to'every parent, in the hope that Ifpar t» +' ..e8evo have flot.,pald their taxes, they.wIli do .0 ait once, or. if they bave pald their taxes they mnay infljuence th r r nd and nelghbor4 who ave f't epald.rin There are five generai situations as follows; 1. Penaltiùs for U)!PaldTaxe8. Every unpaid tax bill for the Years 1928 to 1(421, inclusive,, and for the first lnatai- gregation. Thel program of the evening îlot been cg will inciude,,an informai; reception, Sucli actiot reports and èe1fetaons of officers and repudiatjon truistees,, installatiô,ii-of officersof the my fellow M,,én',s ,club, and the presentation of tained by -hauve- oi.i» y the, Tempfe-Pr' rates niay ipon as~ word iers of a raise in missed as gr.oun)d- LIFE where you- caffxpc ifteo be reâd and answered, by just càlling Wü imette 4300 Dm r'orest avenue notn no park "is permitted. Viôlators -of these' miaflâfis wihl e, proseccuted, ýtue ýf states.

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