Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 May 1934, p. 46

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of iften ew olues f avenure He are the Lakes of Killarney, ofiteen.ewvlueif de Pue withrtheir gray walls and the woods ~eetve, and rnystery fiction.Then oigdw oteaersde-te tire Library is to be Tulihen-a singl dat in Jly, sland of Innisfalien with its great Thsnge thhtbaJuly h mprtn ash and holly trees, its rocks and event is that a carefuliychosen and ruined litrthrodneCae balanced, groupi of, volumes. espec- from, Tipperary, where not a man, ialiy, designed for masculine enter- ntacrfo ofo os tainment andraxtofrmbsns met him for miles; Lady GregQry's. carsrselax w atioundmsifepro-Colle Park,;with its la ke and sto ried, fessional and business. men ,.wil woods and garden; tbe fisbing vil- welcme -iheughot th colage of Ciaddagh,.witb its huddle of weiom trogbutth cuntry. browvn-thatchedý cottages, its. dogs The fifteeén books are being care- dhnsadwi-ettrs;Ail fu1iy selected by the, Applet on-Cen- and es n idbn re;Ahl tury ediors from hunred ofIsland with its heatb er-colored land. manuscripts submitted and'. wili in_. wbere everyý bouse has a horse and clude well-known naines in adventure every. man, womnan, ï and éhild rides 1and mysÉtery fields, as well as new ~Sc1Wlteseppae "dark horses.." The volumes will be sol sea.rtel aswel asinýhe et. Padraic Coium in setting dojwn bis splertCely as weporatinthe set. stories of Ireiand, ,its people and Appeto~Cetuy rpor tht ery their folklore, wrîtes like one neigh- extensive plans are being made for bor talking about another,, and lbis a national adveretising and! promotion w campaagn.to bring the business man itn brgswbitbeslio into the bookstot es for purchase o tf pa adtesf clr fa the Library. Irisb landscape. He is the, authtr of Croçsroads i lr-eland, Thze Road Round Ireland, etc.s KENTUcCY WRITER f______ In the "New Republic" of May 16,: DREAM AND ACTIONa Jesse Stuart describes a. "Kentucky DraiadAcon anratv Hill Dance" whicb wound up, after p em b ad acon,t e narratven the disposai of severai gallons of '" rot- o eanyALeonrdRibaco, the Frych gut whiskey," into a fracas between pei nocdfrublitiornb r two warring families. Mr. Stuart's pe is Bnotcefrs p ulicatin-byi Kentucky poems will be publîsbed nbHdsarp othmoaoersinneune. is -tbe faîl by E. P. Dutton and com d n aud s a otmprary owsfiVe ers. under the title of Man Wiih a B7{ll i ling.er. aryco arerwsof iveyers ITon gue Plow. Mr. Stuart is a nativelng MrBaosysfbi:He. of Riverton, Ky. ', e farmas during wrote vey little. One v olume i- lb i s love for the beautiful Victoria, daughter of the Doge of Venice, Iwbom he meets at a baIl on bis first trip to Rome on business for his father. Hie also tells mnucb, of St. Francis-bis bold, gay spirit, bis mad peranks, bhis -impulsive- generosity- and.how hé made the Lady Poverty his bride and became a..wandering friar, ministerinig to beggars and lepers and ail otbers in need. The story is told'partly by Odriano, partly by1 Victoria,_ wbose adven- tures on ber journey to Assisi, and while there as: guest in tbe palace of Count Scefi, forna a Most exciting' part of. the romance. SThe novel is not oniy a study of the character of St. Francis from a new angle, and the dramatic story of Adriano's life, but aà picture of an eventful period in Italian bistory,, presente 'd. in ricb color and with the ideaiism and the 'warm human sym- patby that, always distinguisb Mrs., Borden's work.- Like ber previous niovels, Siig to thse S itn, bas a special appeal for Roman, Catholic readers. Mrs. Borden was born in St. Louis, and brougbt up at Maryville,ý the Sacred Heart convent there. For nany years she and ber husband ha?ve made their bomne in New York City. She bas, however, travéled. exten-, ively aillber life.. Sing to the Sun is ber sixtb novel. Thte Candlestick Mfakers, Silver Trurnpets Càlliiig, etc. are somne. of ber LONDON ZOO BEAR DIES WINNIE--THE---POOH is dead! The Canadian brown bear ceiebrated by A. A. Mimne in bis book of that name, died -May 12 at 'the London ZOO. Wininie mas a favorite witb London's smail cbIld ren. She badt a fetching. way of roiIingover on ber back andsaying "poobi,"-wbicb bighly entertained ber littile friends, among, thena Christophecr Robin.. Onice sbe "poohed" Queen. Mary. "We neyer had a bear like ber," said ber keeper, re- cailing tbat Winnie had been teased by tbousands of cbildren. and "neyer -North i.arolina and JKentucky, ail 1*ýïeuc.n VIiVFenergywsuout whicn it their days. My fatber's people the dis sb cattered verses., the casu- I Stuarts and the Stewarts, are, and ai prose, of a boy of nineteen became haeI efuit, ilrboes the Koran of tbe Symbolists, a group conr bae e, edss,kiersbl oersndwbicb possessed and may yet recover fin ry peers, R tepulis peoletbe future. It may be tbat tbey:did finesoiders My othe's eopi, iot attain bis heights and bis ardors, the Hiltons, are, and have been,bt country scbooi teachers,'mooiishiners, b tbhey saw,,, and their -sympatbetjc rebes an Demcrasi Téy- avesuccessors see, now, that: in Rimbaud relbes an emocinats.heyig ave France, most prosaic and rhetorical ail beenapioneers iii the BigtSendy of valley and the mounitains of Ken- pntio ndnad ro oethe os tucky. 1 amn the first of my peoplepoicadntri*fpet. to finish coliegeY AICN ICUR . . Ilire o JohnVassos original il- lustrations were on display. at the ýMubi- enberg branch of the New York Public iibrary, April 20, wben a "GreekLiter- ary Evening" was held.* Dr. Demetrios Cailimnabus, editor-in-chief. of the Nra- tional Herald was the principal speaker of the évening. BOOKS for that, Ffedding Gift Invlta*lobo asUd Party Car'dm fur AMl Bridai> Evente 1124 OringtOO Ave. .. 0227, Oningion Hofel SJd*.-Evansën TYPIEW RITII REPAIRftIN( Ex pert repairing on ail makres'of maçhines, in our o.wn hoF. GRE 7200 m

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