Cive Enchanted Island to Children Thisý news is for, boys and gi rls. of the.lnorth shiore, auid for their eiders who -children at heart, are w7ont to accoinîpany tlîeîn when on 1leasure ,lient., This. îîews is of that p)Opular, spot of f un and- deliglit, aa spot set apart for them fromi out of, the Miles of exhil)its,,and con- -cessions at the 1934, Century of Progress, 'the Enchanted Island on Northerlv Island. T 'he islanid and ail that is iii it will be turned over to them on the opening day of the fair, Saturday of this week. t will be given to.them ,officially. by En'fchanted Island officiais at 10 :3Q'0 o'ckiclç, althougbi the prograpii for the openîing ceremony begins at 106:15, \vith music by the Chicago Elementary schiool orchestra under the direction of - wvard A. Bird. At 10 :35, the boys anýid girls wiIl be called u'ponl to Point out features of the î9land and explaiti whmt tliev know of thenm.. At 10..40, the mggician, jean Laur-, ant. will he introduced, thrilling. thern xvith a mnagie act followed on a eue by freworks. flags. parachutes. figures, and other devices, at 10 :45 o'clock. Five .minutes later. ill bring its surprise. the release of b alloons: f rom the land oi Nowhere., *At. 16:55 the b1allyhoico" ab)out the junior league play, "Aladdîni," will be- gin. At 11, that 'fairy talc. character- who acquired a fortune and a* princess wvith bis magic-lamp, will bet making his appearance with the Genii and ail of the' characters of the story, "thb>anks to the Junior league.- ,The cast1s Three performances Nvill bc given Sat- urday and: Sunday. and again on Dec- <rati(>n day. alternating. with two other deliglîtful entertainnients. "W'innie the MViss Jean 11<11! of 500 Cenitral' Ilne.H'iI>,u',ttt,, ivilI pla.v t/se part i f.lar. Sa-bine, it/le !ea(luu roie ini "Thle Riasoii," thec lasi of fliie olie-aci student plays givèn e'd flic Gaod;nan ithc'a er Tuesday v ce- iliy. May' 29, by mc>nl'rs oficw Gondinan theater si-hool of draena. Verse Sends Appe al for.Ardlen Shore Funds fI lic hepostinan brinqys a letter, Or a' knock contes ai Your door, RTcquesting that .you help the drive For funds for Ai-den Shore,,. Please dig down ii i von,-pockeiboo k And then dig dow~n, some miore T1o iîelp lisJire1p tise bo.-ts ai, camp., Tt'wvyosi have before. Just tiink of ail1 tie good if does, SThe' iteaifh and jov lili store 1For molli-rs and their children 1Fho conr Iot Arden Shore." Koehne Photo Miss .lfariou Ortseifcn. w/vo is plicftred here, presi'dod al o e' of ,ieurns zîhse, »,ionFrida .Mav 18' M,'s. Marshall V. Kearury - en- tertaiined at tIca atf ler hoise, 905 Greewoodavenue, 1Wilinefte. for, tise yroup. of juniors, colleège-, and ikýigh school girls, who are assisi- 1 ifl< her with the publicitj. for1 the St. Franicis Xavier Summi;ier parti'. Mfiss Betty Casey pre.sided zvith M1iss Oriseifen a t t/e tea which wta.s atfcended bY about tuentv gliests. Mary Farmer Soon te Be, -Brde cf Gardner James Miiss Mary Farmer of Wilmette willJ beconiie the bride of Gardner A. James of Oak Park this coming Sat- urday afternoon in a ceremony per- forned at 3 :30 'o'clock at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fredt to Locale for Supper Dance ikeservations ha've been coin- ing in so0 fast for the benefit supper dance to be giveln l)Y the North 'auxiliary of the ýCh icag> M1aternity center ,on Tuesdav., Max' 29, at the *Benî- jamnin Marshall studio that the party portends to, be one of the inost popuilar affairs, of the sprinigcaedr he number of' reservations lias, been lini.ted to 700 buit the ticket supply is so* nearly exhausted. that members have obtained theo use 'of the Sheridan, Shore, Yacht club, un- deriieath the studio., The entire Marshall home and adjoiisg gardens have been turned over to the 'Mater- nity center for its party. Among those on the north shore' who wiIl be attending: are Mes-srs. and Mesdames Willard T. Grimm; Vernon Loucks, flenry G. Zander, Jr., Leonard J. _Paidar of Kenilworth; lames J. Johnson, Court W'. Toel, Fred, Schroeder, Jr., Benjamin Bis, Max Hayford of Wilmette; Charles. ,E. Galloway, James L. Houghteling, Clark J. Lawrence, Walter F. Straub, Donald Jones, Marquis Bowman, M. B. Kennedy, George J.. Dietrich, Gustav A. Schwartz, Paul, W. Gree- ley, Leo J. Doyle, Averill Tilden of Winnetka; and from Glencoe, Lever- ifng Cartwright, Robert H. Loomis, Julian R.. Norris; Carroll Shaffer of Highland Park; J. B. Mocrton from 'Lake Bluff.,«. Mrs. Ralph Mc.Dermid, Jr., of Ev- anston, who is in charge' of the' music and entertainmffent, has engaged Hi. Nelson's orchestra for dancing, and .has alr 'eady signed 'uptw popu lar entertainers, Marga'ret Libbe, radio- singer, and star of the "Desert Song" and "New Moon," and Alb.ert Bot- torff, young Evanston marirnbist. If the weather is fai'r tickets will be sold at the door,. but if it rains the' party will have to be held indoors, accomimodations, therefôre, being very imited. the Wolfe Travel bureau, whicb is Miss Alice Waltan of Evanston as- scheduled to leave june 23. During sisted as hostess at the banquet the ,he two weeks they expect to see Chicago club and Lambda under- -many delightful spots, including graduates of Alpha Gammia Delta X»ehimilco, the floating gardens, the gave WVedniesday, May 23. at* the pyramids of Teotihuacan, Puebla. Bismarck botel, to celebrate Founders' Cholula, Cuernavaca, and the charm- dily. Miss Walton was recentlv ing littIe mountain town of Taxco, elected presidetof th , ' hor a favorite of al artists,, aluxnae group. especiaîîy for Miss Farmer's we-dding. .Nçrtîhwest e rn' ui ve r sity.'yqzbd * The atlmounceffient was macle on May day when Jane Orr, datighter of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Orr, 755 Mrs. CIifton Keith, 222 Ninth Grove street, Giencoe, Who edited the street, spent Mother's day at Cham- Syllabus, the campus yearbook, pre- Paign visiîg ber son, Wendejll, a senited. the first> copy to President student at the University of Ilfinois. Wa lter Diii Scott.