White .But ,bric s.,Va ry Are Sisters TIueïr Skins Underneath, Clove Extreme I ef t-W ite basket-weave fabric is.9 confin.d within a gleaming bon. framte............. Lef r center-W.hite fabricoid 'zips" ifs way fo 1 Summer fashion. Smartly shaped and onty. ........ Right. center-A. pigskin bag flaunts with'fullness below .......... .9 Cuffs Are- Ingenious Silk.pique witb a $4f2 faille silk contras+ Siik pique witb $1~ teensy peari buttonsI Soft fabrcwitb swag-, gercéuff of $1 .25 nove.lty fabric I ý. $do,1 dp04 q.- ~ Below - Classic linon with iflfrigufin cl.p en- nounces ifs.lf ready$ .98 for anyacfivlty..I - ~::.:Z ~ - .4'..: t - s White ýýShoeés Trod Lef t-The Kid fie wifh flafterfig 1 grosgrin. bow nd $ -.95 siender .heel......... . & , Cent er-EfF ective pei -Embroid.ered linen WJEnSoLDT' VAýNSTON ýo. DaViS Sfreef $HOP WITN A, CHARGE ACCOUNT FOR CONVENIENCE-1 WiUmette 11 00> MA'Y 24, 13 Fas-hion ',s -Path fashions $4 95 Fe