Mrs. Joli S dent;1 on Program The annual meeting of the Wilmette League of W o nme n Vot ers was-h the home of Mrs. J. F. Comee, Quail ýCrest Farm, a lovely spot on the Pfingston. road, Wednesday, of this week.. Dessert was served iù. Mrs. Comee's garden after which niembers listened ta the. report of the retiring. presidenit, Mrs. Hlarry Burnside. A very interest- ing program was given by Mrs., Mil- dred Hendricksonl, pianist, and by a dramatic reader f rom Northwesterni university school of speech. Mrs. John Clark. Baker, the new president af the league, was introduced, who in :turn .presented, Mrs. .jasper King oi Winnetka, president of the Cookc County League of Wonien Voters. Mrs. King spoke af the highi-lights of the recent national convention in Boston and of the purpose af the local leagues. Mirs. Baker then introduced the new- ly elected officers, Mrs. Fred E. Parry, first vice-president; Mrs. Murdo .Ross, third vice-president; Mrs. Ira L. Rey- nalds, recording secretary; Mrs. 1. R. Adkins, corresponding secretary; Mrs. C. W. Cozzens, treasurer. Braadcasts ofi 'interest te al vonen voters are sponsored by the Illinois leaguc,. over Radio Station WJJI) (1130) .Mandays from 10:15 to 10;:30 a'clack ini the morning. On May 28 and June 5, Colemnan Wé,odbury will talk ou1 Municipal Hous- ing projects. These lectures are the concluding ones oi a joint series by the University of Chicago and the' state league, >Mandayv, lune 12, will be a: discussion. period on. questions sent ini as a-result of lectures. The international relations study group of the WiInîette league lias post- poned. its meeting ai May 25, ta the frst week in June. Mrs. F. W. Merri- Raipli Kline, 1311 Greenwoad ave- nue, and William Weldon, jr., wifI spend the week-end in Champaign visitinig Foster Bennett, a sttudent ai the University ai Illinois. cflurch were liste in haonor of Mrs. Ahniii 25fl rni~c*~ at tea sday, I iiiG.1 e presel The beautiful friendsliip quilt de- signed by Mrs. Charles D. Ewer, made by members of the circle, and autographed by-about'60Ô fritnds of Mers. Hindley and ber husband, wvas displayed and presented tQ the guest of honor that afternoon.. Qf white with, floral design whose colors blended with, the rainbow border of' blue and. laveîider and pink, it was. acclaimed with deliglît by ail who saw it. In delicate harmioniizinig. hues the signatures were worked into the, border., At the, beautiful tea tab le' with its white lilacs and white daisiesI, offset by. maiden-hair, ferns and white candies in, silver and silver service,- Mrs. Hinidley,. Mrs. Judson Stone, Mrf s. J., A. Pancoast, MNrs.. Leslie Perry and Mrs. W. J. King poured.ý Elect Mrs. A. W. Peake Head of Mary Crane At the animal lunicheon and dlec-. tiuli ot ohicers of the -Mary Crane league hield at the Orrington lhotel Friday of last week, Mrs. A. W. Peake of Viniette ivas choseti to be the niew presidenit ; Mrs. Robert Spaeth of' Evanston, irst vice-pÉesidenit; Mrs. .1.. i-dgar [,ce, ut l.a stuîec.,.ni .-( president: Mrs, C( iger I<eyîioltls of. Keilw-tort;h , third vice -presidn Mrs. R. H. Schnmidt of Rogers. Park, sçcretary'; Mrs. Clive. R. Bishaop of Evanston, treasurer ; Mrs. Wilfred Shiaw %of \Vilînette, chairnian Qofways and imnîes ; Mrs. WValter C. Roberts :oi Evanston, revisiolns. chairmian; Mrs.. Paul Fleer. and Mrs. ýRoscoe Pi~ge, of lEvanstoin. ieenîhership an, î( corganiization ;, Mrs. E. I.- XVarcl. also oi F.ýastoni. l)ullicity., Mrs.Alono ~. Bernie Photo Mrs.Alono W.Peake of WiI- mette is the newly elected presideizt of the Mlary Crane leaglie. Mr. .Ralp), Ml)ernid. ,Ji 1anonhas. charge of a-'rai stich imPortant delails as UI t'n~'ta>in,'iIfoi- the 'benefit Aer dance Io bc b. Xo i-h Sh art' a u.itary of Ca(h o W<<j~.talcrilit ce, t 1r1o da . .Voav 29. ai thc enai s hall studio inii imte . At Northridg. Club c andl iy 11wr Tuacs- 'lli-- AIl nienîbers ai the card club wvhici mneets under the auspices oif the Northridge Wý%oxnani's club, w-ill please r eserve the day of Tuesday, Jlne 5., A.ýs a finish tathe year ,s meetings,. a luncheoni at the Georgian hotel. fol- lowedQ.I by an afternioon aof bridge is* )eilng plannied. It promises ta l)c a, Yvery pleasant climax ta the year's activities of the group. Th'le regular meeting of.thie North- ridge WVoinan's club was hield at the home of MNrs. Rudolph 1-leser, 1932 Thornivood avenue, IMonidav evenllig, A benefit bunco and card party will be given by Helen Thompson ai the Royal Neighbors af Anierica at 612 Church street, Evanston, Saturday evening, May 26, at 8:30 o'clock. Prizes will be given, and refresh- ments served. >he public is invited. Infant Welfare Center of Scope of Work Mrs. Telfer MacArthur, pres iÎ- d.ent of the.'s auxiliary Of the, Infant Welf are ýSoc.iety of Chicago, in ber talk to the mnem- .bers of the, Wilmette center, was >an inspiýration, to carry on. Some of the t.houghts we ça n- îiot .forget as s--recalled theni to the. graup: First, the abject of Infant \Velf are, -tu reduce the infant death rate, and inîprove t.he health, of the coming genierationis by.keeping the baby wvell, before its birth by- caring for the ither, and after its birth-by, teach- ing bler how ta feed and cary for lier child.' 'l'li Infant Welfare of Chicago was started by a group of wonien in .1910 who saw the need of-furnishing milk foi children in certain districts., 'irygroups of women are nowv in- terested in the Infant Welfare inove- nment. The Infant Welfare :ociety of Clii- cago 's in reality a man's organiza- tion, being fostered> and sponsored by meni The -board of directors is composed of twenty-five meni and women-fourteen men, eleven wvoinen. Fortunate indeed, is Infant Welfare to have Philip D. Armour as i ts presi- dent, one' who gives much tinic and thought. The United S ýtates is second f rom the last in its ranking. of mpatern'aI death rates. In spite of the millions of dollars which have gane into re- lief, there are, hundreds of famnilies who are not, nor have ever been, known.toa.areliefagency-borderline families, whose children are p'aying the bad debts ai a socially, nialad- jus1ted orcler and tao high is the ina- ternall death rate af this class. This arganization spenit only nlle percet incarne for The \Vo- Infant \Wei- -ftfty-sevenl entire in- Alpha Phi Mothers club at the an- nual lunchean and meeting Thursday af Iast week at the Georgian hotel. Mrs., George Malcolm of Chicago, i5 vice-president; Mrs. Jack Stull of Evanston, secretary; Mrs. William H, :Mellin oi Evanston, treasurer.