Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 May 1934, p. 38

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Cads Hill Dance- With two most successful summer dances establishiing Pte-> cedent, the third annual affair; on june '9, for the benefit of Gads Hili. settiemnent, is herald- e4 along the niorth shore as one of the. gayest and most colorful of .the society eventsof early sunimer. *Given when interest in* dancing is fresh,, the dance appetite, unsatiated, is quickiy whetted by thoughts. of a summer night, strains of persuasive mnu- sic by a popular dance orchestra, and the gayety of carnival features. A Mexa- caix string orchestra, in, the romantiýc *costumes of that sunny land, will fur-, nish entertainipent between dances, andj IEarle Voyle's orchestra will play for the dancing itself. Skokie Country club will be the background for the benefit this season. Preceding it, the club wili serve.,-dinners to non-memnbers as well. as tomembers of the club. 7wvo o the active imembers of St days filled with activity attendant up thte all-Paris/t Part y at Shawnee June' alid Mrs. Frank Collyer, The former of table arrang.ements for cards. *The general chairman and the com- rnittee. chairmen already have been an- Slogan ...a ls fo Mind nounced. This week the entire 'person- Gala AII-Parish Party îiel is revealed, the committees includ- ing ail those who work with the Gads "Meet mie at the St. Francis Suinimer Hilauxiliary,. sewing and aiding--the - - -~'a hwe n ux ,'i h settlenient in 'its diversified activities. slogan that lias been adopted by rèsi- The auxiliary is sponsoring the dance. dents botb young and old ail along the On the1 ticket comnmittee ' is. Mrs. north shore. The comniittees are out- Harry B. Sutter of Evanston,' Mrs. doing one another to secure patronesses, William P. Baker, Mrs. Rate Hunt- to dispose of tickets, and to' put this ington, Mrs. J. Endicott Bradstreet, real. get-together party over the top, Mrs.' Norma Bosworth, Mrs. 'Tracy one 'hundred percent. Buckingham, Mrs. Lon C. Hill, chair- Mrs. Frank Collyer is in charge~ of' man, and Mrs. Samuel 1Smtart, assistant ýthe table arrangements for cards and chairman, al of Winnetka. Mrs. Llarry Barker is taking,'care of Competig Mr. Wlte F. trab'sthe refreshments. Mrs. joseph Joyce as. committee for the procuring of prizes chairmnan of the reception committee,' are Mrs. Gilbert P. Bogert, assistant and is calling a meeting of bier coin- chairman,. and Mrs. 'William Ogden m'ttee this weelc to make plans to wel- Colernan, Mrs. Edwin A. Meyers, Mrs. corne every guest to th.is all-parish' "AIaddin" ,Saturday What is mûre fitting thaaî that figure of fancy., Aladdini, WilthI the Genji mysteriously e vo, iiig fromn his magic lam.p, sl'ould xîîake his appearance on an ,Eichanted,'Isl and?. He will,, boys and, girls of the north shore, wvhen the Chicago junior Ieaguc's c hil d.r-e n's theater brings hini and ail of the char- acters ini his story to life in the play "Aladdin"ý having its first l)erforiaice at.the 1934 Cený- tury of JProgress at il o'clock Sat.urday.. morniig of this,-wýeek, the opening day of the fair. For înariv w.eeks *memhe.rs. of the fPrakics Xavier- parish who find their Junior league have been conduicting >0,, their comrnittee chgirinanship.e for fifty courses. for speakers in ail Chi- 2, ar Mrs. Harry Barker, at the right, cago schools, public, parochial- and is iet charge of refreshments, the latter private, ieachirag two children froin each school to go back t'o.'their, scolmates to teli themn of the En- chantéd Island and alf that'.is on it. Brdge Luncheon for An, the suburbs, Mrs. Hallett Thorne, Who has been chaîrman for scbools Infant W.elfare Members, in Winnetka 'and Glencoe, held a big A ge-toethr lnchon nd rid rally at the Country Day schiool on. A ý .gttgte ucé adbige NMay 1. Marion T. Martin lias been in Party is being arranged for. the first .charge of publicity in' Highland Park Monday in June, the \Vilmette center and Lake Forest' and other league of the Infant Welfare Society of. Chi- members have carried on the wýork 'cago 'annotinces. "Save the date," 'it elsewhere. AIl student speakers have urges. -"This is not a. henefit, it is for 'been invited to th e opening. of the thè sole pin-pose of sociability for rnem- Enchanted Island, as guests, their ad- bers of the Infant. Xefare, seiiorsand, mission free. juniors included. On their revolving. staàgeue "That mile of pennies which -Infant the first time, in a childreen's thFeater,: \Vlae.is collectingis growying. To .theý cast of actors. for "Aladdin" wil date, $35906 lias, been brouglit in by, enact their rolesà. Man. ftejno gettiaig 17 pennies' for' each foot. One league stars haveY the Juoinno' lhunclred( thirteen dollars wias received Parts, 'the, corn.plete cast, just .an-' at a recent mIeetinag. Mrs. A. E. noun.ed, Beirnes' team bhas the honor of the Mrs. John R. Winterbotham. j-r., most for this month and also for col- Peter Pan at the Fair last year, will lecting the niost to date. Lier teami be Aladdin, to whomn corne a prilîcess mnust have more. competition: Mrs. anid a fortune at the tou-h "f thé Charles 'Herbert Rockcastle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Rockcasile of 520 Abbotsford road, Kenilwcrth, entertained eight little friends at a anovie party Saturday in honor of his eighth birthday. are asked 10 cala M Stuart, Glencoe 1596, H. Ross, Wjnnetka 1, Young "Drake the entertain at 3 o'clock. an," il Jr-, W. H., Wiegtnan, 'and- Straucli.- , . . - -- ' -' vvlici n isa r4 ead C. magician wil - take his part. ~am "'Aladdin" will be given three' es- tii»es daily Saturday, Sunday, -and :é-. again on Decoration day when' an, sehools are closed. It is the Junior. P. league's presentation.throughopt the month ,of lune. 4 4

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