Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 May 1934, p. 36

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The annual exhibition of work done, by the stu- dents inin terior decoration, drawing, painting, and design at Northwestern university is being beld this week at the Art Studio on the university campus. The exhibit was opened formally Iast Monday afternoon- at a tea sponsored by the Art Seminar of-the University guild. Among the north shore students whoý have work on display are, Fred and AI Lind, Jane Yost, and Marie Skog of Wilmette and Betty Dostal of Glencoe. Miss Yost end Miss Skog have ex- hibits in. interior decorat ion; the Linds in design-- and. Miss Dostal: in, painting. The tea was ar-. rangèd by Mrs. Robert E. Wilson, and among those who poured were Mrs. Waltei Dili Scott and Mrs. Robert IElliott of Eývanstonf. *The heads of the varîious. art departments are Professor Anna Ruitt, interior decoration; Kari Gassiander, drawing, painting,, and interior dec-i oration, and Clara MacGowan, design. D)r., Rens- sélaer Lee. is chairman of' general departments. 'the work is beingdisplayed.on the three floors of the Art Studio. The exhibit is open to the public and wili continueè only throughout this week. Tc) PlaySelections by N. S. Composer The Swigart trio wili include compositions of Louise Ayres Garnett, distinguished Evanston composer, when it gives a ýprogram of chamber music on Sunday evening, June 17, at the home of Rutheda L. Pretzel, 1035 Bluff road, Glenlcoe. The trio's first musicale is on Sunday evening, June 3, under Miss Pretzel's direction. Both eve- nings of chamber fiusic are open to the public. Reservations muast be made in advanice becausc of the lijnited seating capacity. Several. songs, the words and mnusic of which have been composed by Mrs. Garnett, will be sung' on. June 1-7'by John Eliot, Chicago tenor. Mrs. Garnett will make special arrangements of her songs for trio accompannxe.nt, and she, hierself. will be present. it wiII be remiembered that Mrs. Garnett wrote the texts to two oratorios by Hadley, "The New ff E.arth," and "Mirtil in Arcadia,'" 10 which have just been heard in- Chicago. The texts are said to bc unusually be.autiful. Mr. Eliot, W110 arriv-ed in Chicago several mnonths ago fromn concert successes ini thu West, is considered to be one of the outstanding lyric tenors aniôoz th Th-e cartoon drawn -by Carey Orr of Wilmette and publisheci in the May 2lst edition of the Chi- cago Tribune will bc reproduced as- a painting -and exliibited to the public, it was announceci this week by the, city council. The picture portrayed the heroism of the Chicago fire department dur- ingte. stock yards fire. The- picture -adequately' expresses the f eeling of the people of the city towards its fire, fighting forceý and its faith in t-le personnel of the' fire, department of the city, it was stated in the reso- lution adopted by the: aldermen, "In order to preserve the cartoon or a picture ba sed thereon as a lasting memento of the brave. and efficient .work dône by the fire department, the mayor is heeeby authorized to have a paint- ing in .oul, or in some other -appropriate medium for a perm anent work of art, prepared on the' theme portra.yed, and cause.. the e to be placed on exhibition at such'public paeas'mav be determîned upon by the art commission of the City.,, The council also suggested. that Pire Commis- sioner Arthur Seyferlic.h have a copy of the car- toon placed in every fire station in the city, as an« aid to building up thé morale of the department a s well as- commending the rnany acts of bravery -on the part of firemien. RAIDIO PROGRAM, FRIDAY, MAY 25- Chicago A Cappella choir, directioni Noble Cain- (NBC at 3:30 P. M.).- String Symrphony, Frank Black conducting (NEC at 9:30 P. M.). A Racli excerpt, the suite in) E minor by Frank Bridge, and two waltzes by Dv orak. SATrURDAV, MAY 26- - Pietro Yon, organist (NBC at Il A. M.). Mischa. levitzki, pianist (NBC at 9:45 P. M.). f HU-RSDAY, - MÀY 31- josef Lbevintne, pianist (NBCat :30P. M.) 1NILFUFAIN Al- CA I[YDASJCI- Another season of chamber music recitals is assured for the north shore. Officers and direc- tors of the North Shore Çhaniber Music associ- ation met recently at the home of Mrs. Percy B, Eckart of Kenilworth anid after canvassi-ng the subscriptions already filed with the group, unani- monsly deci 'ded'thata successfül season for 1934- 1935 was assured. This.ikill mnake,-the twelfth successive yeéar that this group of north shore music loyers has con- ductedthese lovely chamber recitals. Incident- ally, this organization. which was started on its waýy in. 1923 b'y Mrs. A. B. Spach of Kenilwo.rth, is now the oldest association of its type, purvey- ing solely chamber music,, in. the, entire Chicag area. During the eleven. past. sea .sons the, association, has brought to the Kenilwortl, Assembly Hall just about aill the. best, chamnber music artists. reside'nt in or visitors o the Chicago nei ghblor- hood., On many an occasion subscribers to thes- concerts> have had the pleasure of listening to sùch celebrities befo.re they were available to, mnuch. larger Chicago audiences. Therefore, say the promoters of, these artistic Sunday after- noons, if. you are 'interested and are new ýto the north shore, get in touch with any of the corn- mittee if you woùld join the grouçi. Following are the officers for the ensuing year: Mrs. Percy B. Eckart, president, Mrs. A. B. Spach, siccretary and Walter Marx, treasurer, ail1 of Kenilworth. In addition to the officers the 'six north s-bor e communities are represented by the following: Evanston-Mrs. Richard S. Tuthill and Mrs. P.> B1. Kohlsaat; Wilmette-Mr. and 'Mrs. Herberî B. Mulford and Mrs. Ernau Akely; Kenilworth - Mrs. Arthur Wakeley; Winnetka-Mrs. R.. D. Whitman, Mrs. Homer E. Cotton, Mrs. Evelyn L<a Salle and Mrs. Hildegard Marsh; Glenéoe- Mrs. Albert 0. Oleson: H-ighlandl Park-Mrs, George Jones. D:etroit Symphony, to Appeau- ,ýat fa Ir - The Detroit Symphony orchestra., wil appear ini A Century of Prog-. __ress Exposition, Chicago, for twelve co1n.sectitive.,.weeks, beginning june 16, giving two concerts a day in conjuinction with the Ford Motor company's exhibit. l'le orchestra, as it wiII go to '-schaikowsky A -minor trio, roup of short compositions. Swigart, violinist; Estelle 'cellist; and Pauline Man- pianist, compose the-trio., one Of the artisis ?x'/o zîi gizwen Tuesday, May 29,, b_ iuy Cen er, at the homec Bottor f, w/w is stiil in hi Old, concentrating on the pi and with that has alreadn He Àjs one of the futurej year's contrctl and he re( i>tenjumi . *Iarsals i-Ww imette. Albert- ,' has been studying mnusic si» ce he qwas 7 years nd violin. He la fer chose the miarimiba-xylophonte 'lished for himself a place in the mnusic zworld. -v/to is being sponsored by Paul Ash during a appeared -with .h -ai the. St aie-Lake theater. To fi the vacancy caused by his temporary- retirement, Prof. John W. Beattie bas been appoint.ed act- ing dean.

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