IUBOEIPTION $2 PER YViii SIN*GLE COPIES 5 CENTS All communications and contributions intended for publi- "ion must bear the nanme and address of the author, not aecesariIy for publication, but for pur files. 'Such material muet reach the editor by Tuesday noon to be. in time- for <lic current issue, THE VO..CE OF NWASHINGTON There was recently- effected i iWilmette an' organization the motivating purpose of which was stated to.be the "defense of constitutional governmient.", Its sponsors boldly avow opposi.- tion to many of the policies of the *present na- tional, administration, and, express 'conitinued faith in that for m' of governiment which was cre- ated under the Constitution of the United States, and which lias given to. American -citizens the greatest measure of freedom, the most in op-ý portunity for individual initiative, and to labor thie greatest rewards and the highest standard of living of any people in the world. TIiey deny that* the present deplorable economic conditions are due to an outgrown and cutworn constitu-' toôn, but rather to continued and ever-increasing departures from the basic laws, of the land as established by that remarkable document. Théy deny that there is anything, in the pres- ent so-called "emergency» that would even faintly justify the alleged abrogation or violation of the constitution as represented by many acts of the legisiative and executive departffents of the government, and point to the tact that pre- vious to the, adoption of the constitution - the * states were faced with' dangers and conditions far more serious. In this regard it might be of value, after reading the preamble to the consti- tution, to note the effect of its adopti-'i. as re- vealed by the words of Washington spsKen pre- vious fo and -subsequent to ýthat event. Trhe preainble. rea4s:, "We, the-peQpIe of the..United States, In o&der tg form a:rmore perfect -union, establish Justice, Insure domestie tranqulllity,,pr*ovide for the coin- mon defense, promnote the general wlfare, and secure the blesslings of liberty to- ourselves and posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitu- tion for the Unilted States of Arnerica." That the flrst president was, deeply concerne d for the future of the country is evidenced by bis i words. In 1786 he wrote: "Unles.s somethlng is done, 1 can see nothlng ahead but the black niglit of atiarchy." In 1791 he again wrote: "Tranqulllty reigns amiong the' people, wlth that~ disposition towards the general govern- ment, whlch ls likely to preserve it . . . Our public credit stands on thit. hlgh ground. whleh three years ago it would have been considered asa specles of madness to have foretold." If, say the friends of the constitution, it br ought order out. of chaos when -first established and thus« saved the' government b y- putting it upon a. solid foundation, ,it will1 bring order oui of the present muddle if there is a cessation of violation of its provisions., Washington had lost hope for the orderly progress of the states, as somie of the above exm- cerpts plainly show. That bis fait.h in the fut ure was restored b.y the adoption, and workings of the constitution is sbown in others. Why, should we dépa.rt from it? z.. $13OOO. ýMAYBE MORE The sale of Wilm-ette water revenue bondsý by the Reconstruction Finance corporation, an- nounced exclusively in WILNIETTE LWEF last week. is a stroke of financiering for which the citizens are grateful, and for which Presiden t. C. P. Dubbs cannot be to6>highly' cormended. It means that, the final costof'theý new water plant will be reduîced by the 'amiount received as prÏemium on the bonds. To date there have been issued. bonds,. a total of $500,000, and the ýpremiumi of $13,000 applies to thes.e bonds. Any bonds issued hereafter will yield the Village a prermuim of $20 on each $1,000. The Village is empowered to issue up to $580,000, but it is. not now anticipated that more than $25,000 aciditional will be required. 1 There is also contained ini the transaction a very definite compliment to the soundness and attractiveness of Wilmette bonds. Few would bave thought that at this time. bonds of any kînd couldbe sold at a' premiunl. And yet it bias been doue. Officials of. the Reconstruction Finance, corporation, stated to Village officialis that XViI- mette -bonds are held inhigh esteem by the in- vesting -public, which accounts for their salability during a period when most investuient'paper is going begging. The credit for' this, of course, attaches to past Village administrations as well as tbe present one. The Village bias always paid its bonds at niaturity, and even. before, when an a gqooî evVVy (my. .A1.iaty matLue wfiter i inte woriu s gr-well, anyway, one of the world's greatest newspapers, relating a near-accident to a party of notables, said that "they had gone up the mountain in a wagon driven by a team of mules," The mules, of course, rode on the front. seat. But why two of them? The 'La Follette famiiy organized its new party ini Wisconsin Saturday, the purpose being to put both the; Democratic and Republican parties out of business. Its rall.ying cry, is "A *party of principles, not of office'* holders." Fancy that 1 What, is the 'La Follette family coming to, any- way ? The great.est regret that comes to many men at this time of year must be that th ey neyer had the privilege ýof being Boy Scouts. Right- now, with. the close of. school- in sight, plans are being made by these lucky youngsters for the annual, camping season in which: they will, live, under: iilant g aaship of ex- - perienced and devoted Scout- ' masters, a life of .freedom in the "wide-open spaces." What the ntonths of instruction in Cz school has done for their mental betterment the weeks of, train ing in camp life will do for their physical;.better- ment. And it is a :fact that no boy's preparation for the duties of citizens 'hip is complete without the experience.s that. come with life "near to, nature's heart" where self- reliance, sturdy moral character and a sp irit of comradeship combine in the enjoyment of real, sportsmanship. Oh, you lucky Boy Scouts t Now we .add another to 11f e's littie complica- tions. When agked about the "big Chicago ire," it will be necessary to ask i turn.: "Which one? 1871 or- 1934?." [t 'reall.y does make, a differen.ce, as the old saying goels, whose ox-is gored. Thçy are, trying to send MUr.. Cutten to, jail, or somnew.here, for carrying a trading, acco un t 1in bis wife's namne. Secretary Wallace is not molested. for1 carrying on a seed corul business in bis wife's -name,-even though its puirpose -is to defeat .what Secretary 'Wallace is urging farmers to,,do-reduce pro- duction. Hitler and his Nazi cohorts may be all-power- fui or nearly so, but when it came to separating the ex-Kaiser from his salary, well, that was something else. Some jobs are too big for any- body. -MLain writing to General Knox, he said in 1787: "f...any Person would have told me that there would have beeft uuch formidable rebel- lion as exists, I would have thought hlmn a bed- lamite, a lit subject for.a madhouse" Good luck, Mr. Cutten 1 Good luck, Mr. InsulI I To ail others warning. "The guv'ment 'ili gil yuh ef yuh don't watch outT" Meet you at .t he Big, Pair, Satù .rday. Fightin~' Jim Reed will not seek a senate seat from Missour~i this 'fall We're sorry. What a scrap it would have been. Police efficiency bas developed to such a stage that they are now arresting «"voices." Lady next door, please take notice. THZBNTm R~O1E