Smnart Youthful.Things for the. Beach nexpensive Trhlngs -for Children Who, Like the Water and the Beach (1) Here's a new one -a plaid gingham suit with a jersey lining. The back is low and the haiter neeklile flattierng. Assorted colors, sizes 12 to,20. .57à75 The >rubber bathing cap with bright contrasting stripes......... 5 >And the lattice design rubber h 44. ~c (2) pcrfectly at home wherever sports aré important. The. PUaiUit ctte pulover ln red, .natural,uay Or brown is. --p5.... -- The rnanxush slacks corI n r-bkdin colore of red, natural, na"y orbrw ... .. . .. . .. . . . The ,French sailor Wob= wtb tbis oti............... sag (3) On ebah or. luthe water- who chose correct- ly.. Her suit bua, 7stra Y oungd boIt and anchor buckle. h .cornes in bIse, brown, black or The rubber bath- 3 ing cap witb the ancher.. ..5 The lcy, atural corod st rng sau- W. think we have the perfect pîsysuit; -a white pique or seersuckor witb a detachable over-, skirt trirnred with buttons sud shorts trirnrnd witb the saute buttons, $ffl This young lady has outr uew- est 2-piece 'bathing suit with shorts and Bra-top. In brown, red or blue; sizes 10 to 16, eaçh piece....... $2.95 And the white shoes wtb c rep« soles are. . . . . . . .50 Aod tbree rnb cotton aukiots-lu white, navy, Pilk bine, palue, oor n sizesljto 10%.... lhey're grand for tennis and gol f Sec pur snug-fitting wide wglc pique, lacks with ithe, belted back. In white, nayy or brown -girls' sizes 10 th 16.. $2.501 Boys' swirnig îrunks witb & ' all-elastic top-they're made to be worn without an upper -sshirt. Sizes 4 to 12 .. .2.45 Mmre and Trouble . We have a large selection of sport bage. One is canva trimmed with leather. It is rubber Iined and bas enap fasitcn- ers .. ...... .................................$1U25 TIIH de 1 &A--~ "m" *A M lE EVANSTON. STORE CUUKM -ANU blltKIWMNl ARSHALL FUIELD AND .,COMPANY.,I MAY 24, 19.34 ~<Y .0 I m!" 4-U ý kmz;ýl