629 Davis Sf reet,.,Evansion moccA0sin FOR WOMEN $34 FOR EVERY ROUND 0F YOUR SPORTS ACTIVITIES ..Eas+ of Faunloin Square - - - I p peýeca inU co..J15LAuing L18ine aVi.1 project throughout the surnmer montbs, so this year it was decided to conduct a campaign for a large number of caris of vegetables and, fruit. These will be sent to the settie.- ment in place, of the 'sandwiches. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week were set as the, days for New Trier stude nts' to bring their contributions. -Each student was. asked to bring at leèast one can. The Tri-Ship Boys' club and the Girls' club are joint 'Sponsors of the project. Annamarie Booz Is Girls' Club, Leader New officers of the Girls' club 'for iîext year Were ins talled at an asseni- bly for >ail girls Monday muorning. Names of the new officers also wvere announced publicly for the first tme. at this assernbly. Atnnmarie Booz of Wilmette, a junior, is the new president. Miss Booz bas been active ini the club, having served on several committees. She knows the duties 'of ail depart- ments of the organization and is said to be well :fitted for her new. posit ion. She has been secretary of the student council during-the second semeèster of this year.' Other ne,,% officers are-'Mary Waid- ner, vice-president; Nancy Gordon, secretary, and Cynthia Walsh., treas- urer. Appointuient of committee chairmen for, next year will take place soon. At the assenmbly Miss Lulu Wright, t.he Girls' club sponsor, announced that applications for the club scholar- ships iav bè made next week. Over a. period of years the club has givenl scholarships to New Trier"girls av-. raging clôse to $1,000 a year. Ruth Anderson Given Seholarship atMilis Ruth Anderson of WilMette, New Trier senior, lias been awarded a Trustee scholarship at -Milîs college. a girls' school Iocated near Oakland Calif. The schoiarship isone of fift which have, been awarded to high i country, bas a membership ot more than 10,000 high school students'. To become a member a student. must participate in, one (lehate il] which bhis team is declared the win-ý ner or 1ini twô or three non-decision debates.. High scholarship also is required. The candidate muist rank within the upper two-thirds of lus class.- The league, whiclî is an ouit-. staningorgaizaionin its field, ex- ercises, wide influience in higli, Sclool debating. circles. George, Wood, Dick Babcock ,Clar- ence Lineçberger, Sydniey Craig,. Ro b- er t Goodwin, Marjorie Taulor. >A lice Hathaway, Marjorie Wood ,a nd( Muriel Waters: are students to bc initiated into the New Trier cliapter.- Otlier Newv Trier students who, arc mfembers of the league are James Donahue, Glenn !Walker, Ed Rosenl- heîi, Annle Lupean, Florence. Hag- enah and James Kingery., %vit I G. A. A. Initiates Plan, Program for Baniquet Girls. who are, to be initiated into the. New Trier Girls' Athletic asso-, ciation at the annual G. A. A. ban- quet on-June 7 and who will provide a program -of, stunts for the banquet held their first rehearsalTeda afternoon of this week. The girls plan to present a show boat per- formance. In addition to the stunts and the initiation of new members,. two other important events wilI be a part' of the evening's prograni. One wiIl be the presentation of awards fo r spring sports and the other "vill be the announcementý of the names of new, officers of the G. A,. A. Oficers for fiext year al- ready ..have been nioniinated, and. Tuesd a3r noon was the deadline for fling petitions, for other candidates not on the original list of nominees. Freshm en Entertaining at Several Assemblies 'l'le freshiman class has held a KIor IUi o o, ck) $1.50J;I Afternouns $1.25; After 4 o'clock 75e WJLMETTE GOLF, CLUBS Lake Avenue at Harms Road Vani der Vries. Io 1 inovan, trea.su etary, Dr. and Mrs. Rufus Stolp, 336 Mrs. Arthur Adair,. '320 Melrose 'ýéJarwick road, Kenilworth, enter- avenue, Kenilworth, will entertaili tained their dinner bridge club last ber quilting club. for luncheon thie. Tuesdav, Frida. h r Golfers t'fivé. cha