Values I $8 Croup Il.. - ..- ~ - - e- Values to $4.08 7of Sped ag nd. Wil- ifson irons, and woods. No time like th* present t o asseomble à first las s et of clubs et sensetional, S pecia B eg in nE SW ilson er s Setf $3.89; A$5 vMue. 4, clubs and canvas boig. You Owe It To Yo ur Face! ViSit the Beauty Salon. \?E DO YOU OVER TOn Davis Sireet Corne in end.try-thoemi Wo. ventur. to sey you Icen improve your gem. eà hunrdred pertcent:with the aid obf thoe sturdy, boa 'utifully. balencedd ubs. and wbet bergains they &roi. W ilson Golf Balîs* Regul ar $3.50 Value Tough coversi, Long distance belis. Sporting Good.-Third JPfoor, East Room, to u r f Heore you wilI find the femous Rob*. T.- Jones flenge-beck irons es well ese complet. assortm.nt. Of Wil- son, end Spalding woods. Whet e.,buy, ledies,, end gentlemen < .w'het e buyl Extra! Tennmis Racquets .Wilson -and Spal ding $1.98j $2.b98 $4.98 M I You'd Bette0"r ý.Hurry!l Pan.amas,ý To.yos,, Leghorns, Ban koks and Fancy B raids And,. 0f Course,. Stratus ~uu i (E $1 "1TH.I BESI STORE IN EVANSTON FOR MOST PEOPLE" WiImette 1100 MY24,, 9 34+ Values