lial pouds. he Gtheroalsto visit thle forest preserve at Green Ile ill~iam V Sears, 556 G.reen-,_ and ahi od h ahrol Bay road and the County line at wood avenue. have a son, Forrest, 2 years oId.. Braeside on Saturday, May 26, to see th North Shore Area council's Ma- a-jaRalwith three hundred scouts 4ý> in action, camping, cooking, signal- mng, conipeting> in various contests and i imanv. wa3 d(emonstrating their scout* training. S Manvy scouts have been looking Sforward to this évent for a. nimber ;).~f weeks and have been working hard in preparation. 'j'le '\Ma-Ka- Ja-Ral starts at 1:4i o clock in thé afierîioon.. Ma* 16, % when -patrois xviliI enter the wvoods with their packs on their backs, af- ~ter, %vhich timie e% v hng thev do- i nciudiig cooking, canmping in-all its Tli . c ,Sous U ficNolh phases, anid.their, participation inj Ther S;Ir a c outsi h es N rth hield events-w lI he judged. A il pa- -ilarcbityfttiig trois, will carry oil,' thus competing, <t heir i';-Iisili.tschooner ".41- ntwt-i aohr u ith. stand * I l'<tr<'ss" or. i (Iiiuînmr Of inter,'t- ards of good camping. inq trips os?. Lake Mcia.Lait The \,a-Ka-ja-Ral Nvill he over Year <mopio!thel critises flot as far I rtly after ý8 o'clock on S uoih<s I.aki,'rjirthrouflt. nô t -, .tailso!.lakinac anîd fil,, 1notlng. May 27. nça * Nnt 8<' .Sic. Soie~ of file 4CýNhaue ho pes of diuplicatin<; Scouts to Join in * t~~his J<cat aqain fuis suinnier.NIe ora Ii yRts The *Alhatro)ss" is a Marconi stay- XVllmette scouts have been asked by *sail-riggeil schooner, fitted. up ta ac-j the American Legion to participate crmdate twelv Sea Scouts andln thé animal Menmorial Day obser- leaders. Shie as built originally for ance. The Legion has asked for * . w'- the. Bermutda race on the Atlantic coast sotfroui each troop, ta assist in an Pi-sdoer th scouts hy .Cý-1. thýe pacing of flowcrs on the graves 1f slirs in Menorjal Park cerne- lt is onie of the Sea Scout require- -e usday, May 29, inirnediateletsthat boy-s actually work- on a after school. A .group of scouts wl b oat. Thev learn ta appreciate howv a$slst at the flag raisin.g cerernbnv a boat is designed an~d huilt, and get tie jmet'ilaehal.1"6:3)_ soie udertadin ofallofthe work o dlock Wedn esday nlorning, May 30. Thame understandingàccof' ail ai that 's necessary tomnake »tsea\Northyý. Ta aegop~i1acmpn h ilh Legion to Mémorial Park ceîneterv« Te Sea Scout wvork is being' don,- [ or thé flag ceremony one-haîf lîour *** ~~~~hi f llowing Skippers:Will .ltr I imtesot r atk **~**** ~.. ~ Jh mof "Ouilniette" in MWi1metêje parade which tvill sata Roos of the "Albatross II".hllat1 oclcini h - . ~ ~. ~ . ýv'innletka, L.vle Gourley of "PortlCliii- îîrin ton i'in i Iihland Park ; J. H. Swvan ______________ .......of Sea Eagle" ini Libertyvillee an ~ *...S~fy ~ .~Toin ~ Atteridge of* Sea Scout Patrol.46 Wildèrness Camp Now iii. Lke orest.I .Beckons to Older B y ........Anv Sea Scout interested iii, workin oy ~-:,.«~»ni iFor first clar aidscsanp scouts ~ .\, -~~ . ~ ~ ithat least 15 ye arsssoutsCap scouts p~an, t sou hedqurtes ii -lih-Ja-'v'an this summer is inaugurating * .* .. .. * ~land Park aWildernless camp, situated on Ma- -~ property and connected .........Wilmette Scouts Rally; il* erîess site is heaviy wooded, .......t W lfrean he scouts are to be as independ- - f~ ent of the other -camp as possible. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .n e th at d t en an eT h eé nm aini cam p, 1aw ever,, w ill super- featured thé Boy Scout rally at thevietewmmgatiiisoth beaclW n"Wilrette last Thursday. ,A v. ie té wmigatv.iso cheèck for $88.76, the second realiied prt 0 eScu.Asnth ohe frôm nthe saleaiofod_ papers and for o te arpte feîlle$1 * Iited by i ie B03,v 4.y -- - i s, \vs tunned1 er ta the W-el- HO IE Y A E A N A G fr bar.Throitgtt the collection Camp and sale of oid papers and magazines. A il slk, f ll -fa hio ne chif on S m e neonhiteondaynsJu àeW25 T a t hisB r ek f a d the Rleie On B Scout ampOtrsenluig nai-ayFurh *.,. in . R i, lmitd ta six unded p tros, JAy clebati., a so tcat m will je hl u ut2, 1 ad0, led et n " e n ht j~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~RGO O7 . oato-19Dvi t. ciedls ka th oficeAi hetieaps frtaff will leave forap 179Gwgd * lNrth Shore pArkear ouc.JuIli. 16 ta geots aeeryting rd. o