the May Pole)....Second grade up on the work achieved in the course Le Bazar Parisian (Parisian of the year, the question clebated was Dolls Shop) -. ..... Third grade the following: "Resolved: That the Le Pal.ils de Beurre Frai (The 11 girls' schools are better exponents of Fresh Butter Palace).. Fourth gradeCahlcctntanheby'soo, Un Voyage en France (A.Trip Çto.cýto hnteby'sho In France> -Sixth grade w ihresect to Parisb Loyalty,-Char- sasFmle(ihUt ity ad Relief, Citizenship,. Christian. .FaMily) .........Fifth grade1 Famil1y, Study Clubs, and Literature.'" The costumes andi scenery for the Th pers n tearaive side ,plays have heen designeéd and made wretwkenrs of Maheinckrodt, hy te cilden.Louise Behr.ndt and Maryhe.len Flan- A typical French luncheon wvifl be agan; those -on the negative:side were served, in the school diningroon at 12 Ted Kretchmer, and Frank Csar of o'clock,' and there will be an exhibit' of St. George High 'school of Evans'ton. French books held at the school from 10 oloc to :30o'clck hat ay. The girls, well equipped with data, 10 oclok t 3 30 oclok tat ay. and statistics, proved to their oppon- ents.that they have been just six times Mr. and Mrs. William Moultoni, as active àlong the, unes of parish 235-Raleigh road, Kenjlworth, return- loyalty, and approximately fine times cd Monday 'of last week froîi a tel' as active along the lines of relief and day' vsitto hie Siphr Srigs. charity as the boys' schoo1s. In 'regard Their daughter, Dorellej was rnaid of to the other committees, the girls were honor at the crowning of the- May also. far in advance of the. boys., 1 queen at Ferry hall, Lake Forest. The b)oys de fended t heir cause. by i O7 il- Siinply Stunning Sum m pr Stripe*!l to Ad M nficlloBOOt 1 n the Elin Place school, Highland Mrs. A. B. Spach, 228 Leicester Park. road, Kenilworth ,was one of the as- A total of thirty-three charter sisting hostesses at the benefit il- members was announced, with rooni lustrated gardeix lecture and tea given on the roster for pienty more memi- for the fund forthe Monticello Semn- bers. The program 1 c ommittee a n- inary booth at the 1934' Century of nhounced that the Julie, meeting. to Progre*ss. The seminatry, located. at be held June 18, would be an auction GofeII., is one of ýthe*first girl's of stamps belonging to rnenibers. soosopened in the west, having As auctions 'are always full, a s ta mp opened the same year as Mount Hol- auction among stamp coilectors is, yoke clee The tea was held Sat- usal tl oefi.Mannel Hahn, urday .at the home of. Mrs. L. Har- of C. Hlahn. for Stamps, mn Winnetka rison Mettler in1 Winnetka. Percy will arrange the lots -offered by mnem- BEckhart sowdot movingý and bers and act as auctioneer. A list tilpictures ini color of Charleston will be mailed to aIl intereste<l the gardens, the showing preceded by the week before the auction. description given by Mrs.-, Eckhart. Mvrsý. Dudlev ..Frecho' 'nek Member& of the society, oldorn. also showe(I moving pictures. Sevn are invited to send up. to five lots; of ty-iveguets~veeprset. îoni-good conditioned. stamps, mounited cello celebratess one-huidredth on cards or paper or, if large lots, in envelopes, to eitiier Mr. Hahni at l)ithay xet yar - 545î Lincoln Ave., 'Winnetl<-a -or- to the secretary, Mr. Klinger, Highlanid HEALTH CENTER CLINICS Park.1 Each lot should be marked Infant Welfare clinic We4nesdav, with the naine of the. owner, and his jun e 13, froin 2 to 4 P.M. or her address, the country of issuie. Wilmette Dental clinic will closI e taognuhr ad ctalog vlue.i june 5 for the summer. Tenwyfre tm lbi Xew Trier township met Wednesdav l ogan-forwared e n ta chic ight for organization at Suite 16'. cloed ov he*umm r o ,My 15,. 45 Lincoln avenue, W innetka. Sixice Chest cliriic Monday, June 18'. Dr. ;iext Wednesday is 'Decoration I)ay., Jules Novak, medical director of the it'Nvas voted to Ilold the %%vèekiv mneet- Chicago Tuberculosi.s institute ini ing otn Tuesdav night., Mav 29, at charge. . 7 :30 o'clock at the same placé. $5.*95 0 W0v e n stripo, wauhable crepesý WOMEN8S HOP Tennis Rackets 3 HOUR SERVICE SONS. C~rd sud Shurgb..-E7AN~g~ON 7Scea. $9.00 doL.. x gel Iff?, 3