.1 SEF The Lamp that made television pos- sible. The Electric Eye that opens dopors- sets off alarms---disting ,uishes..colors.. The new electric light 'that makes moving objects appear to stand stili. Preview .of the, famous, exhibition which wil appear at the Wo' 1Vrld's Fair this summer. -e - Thousarids were turned away lat year at, this -great show at The Cen-i tury of Progress It's free to ail who attend the Re- modeling Celebration of our Evans- ton Store. FIEIE PIZES- Eaeli day 26 pie will be gien iG-E, Food Mixer 25, ReCIpe BookLs GRAND PRIZE- A G - E Fiat Plate Ironer wil be giýven awýay Y NORTHl SHORE HOTEL BLDG. 1609 CHICAGO AVE., EVANSTON Phonme WILMETTE 4334 MAY 2 4 934 i lkq-