e. PdUbh.d Chrooium Pîttinge .3. Hmwdyr-Latch DOMr Openir 4. CoeietnuEiet TOP 5.&Ge Doo r-ni! Lg 10. rlconTdc.agie d Itor Il. Ai-eIutibn SJelio 12. &cientlle Shef Spacing 13. Uxr BouleSpuce 14. BSùetive Teniperature Control 15. Dual-autognatic Protection M6 Ubosomatie Defr,,ting- IL. Eco.onatjc operating cycle là. BermelRy.Sealed Mechaniam 1t9. MecimnnimOiled for Life 20. Pemefently-Oiled Cooling Fan 21. Select-a-Cube Ice Trayu 22. Triple-Servicé Dessert Tr&y 23. Fetra Ie Cube Capacity 24. Non-Splah »ehroeting Tray 25.- Big, Fmt-reenln1 Froster 26. Thlck Super.8ea4 Insulation 27.. w.l6ed,,AU-Steel Cabinets 28. letonoablp. le. Tray sh.eives 29. Ovunla Storage Capacity "0. Lifime Qmaity Finish 31. M4echanliMoutd in Top 32. Loy Opeeetlng Cat *Many electric frigerators have a fewm of these important ad- Vanaes... à few re- frigerators have mzany of them. But only Westinghouse bines themn ail! a good tme, and ail of the-girls are 1i LUIV duy uicts arec urged to e loking- forward to futurehikes and rad by that date. Leaders are pieinics. The troop, which meets in ppinting out that now is a fine time te Preshyterian church, bas many for bird observation, as the warblers new members.. Eight girls are to be and vireos are. here *an their way învested Thursday. of this week. north for thesummer. Members et Troop S A GIRLS PLAY. GAM4ES 1 . 1 Atthe recent meeting, of Tro 'op Il 10jY Ther Mee',g e played squad dodge bail, stinigo The: meetingý of Troop 8 was opened and 'a flower identity gamne-anid bypaying: gaines. Then we had pa- lerè ow many fowers we, did flot trol corners. The patrol leaders are know. We sang, and learne d "One Blanche Kreusch and Charlotte, Man Shall Mow My Meadow."- Schaefgen., We- :decidedý what .to Ca roi McCue, scribe. take along on our overnight hike, May 25.1 Then we installed four a, very niée meeting.-Charlotte new girls to get their pins. We had Schaefgeni. COM- That's why Westing.. house owxiers have been proved to bé more loyali an~d better-aisfied than th~e owners of any other make. Thatsawhy any owner wil tell you "You'11 be happier with a Westinghousel"' Corne in. ... let us Cksrence E. Picket t, sto ope iP'veçtigatino for the other fasnons dresses -ot fabrics featuring Dupont rayon yarns. Two performances will be given, one at 4:~30 and an evening show at 8:30, with the mannequins parading 'in fashion.s for every hour, of the day to the music of Palmer Clark's orches- tra., The 'Swift theater will provide'al dramatjc setting for the revue, as the mannequins will cross bridge run- ways across the water from the stage in the Mrs. - James Mrs. Butler represent Wjnnetka on the spon- sor commnittee of the. instittite. 're.ë,