vve vel, ui nin xminI. wico cmmwomIIIUIU the klnd of a food store they wold biltd If they hmd their way about it, and what's more, we've just finlshed GIV- ING THE*M THEIR WAY ABOUT IT. They asked for a dlean,- bright store--o we palnted our stores wlth brlght new colore and belleve they are the cleaneat and"brlght- est In the block., They also sald thsy' muet b. convenlont- juat. 1ke th eir. pantrIe@. We have CoMpletely. re-artanged them wlth everything grouped as ybu woutd group themr in your, own pantry. 1115 CENTRAL AVENUE -Fresh FRUITS and VEGETABNLES, For Week-end Only). NEW CALIPORNIA SUNKIST VELENCIA Orandes Larg e lfe , 29, 176's, per doz. c FRE8H FANCY CUBAN Fineapple Extr FOR 2i5C ___Medium ime 1.0Ic EXTrRA FANCV LARGE SIZE CucuinberS, 2FOR 17c' EXTRA FANCY ALL GREEN HOME Aspara us 2bunohos 9c Cheese Thb" Pkes. 1~ Am el A Few Jewel..Everyday Presfhpe5 Kit'chen 'Klenzer Chipso Jell-O (Flube. ou Guanohi) 1<Au Fi avm») EGOS BACON Mr 5e Campbells Beans ::;kg15 Henz Sô ps, $114ungweet, Prunes Blue Brook. SpeciaIIy sem- lected and candled fer. your protection. Blue' Brook Sugar Cur.d, Hickory * Smoked, Siced and Wrap- ped in Cellophane. Bue Brook, made from pure, sweet cream. lry if -you'll like if. Blue Brook, milri, meIIow kand smooth. PINEAPPLE, (Eigh-i medium 's$lces in .ach can) KraftsVlvt, Amnerican Swiss, brick, pimenfo. 1 CAKE FLOIJR Port eaum 2c250 34.190 Carton of On. Dozen 19e PV. 10e Pound carton~ No. .2 Can 26c: 1se Packages29 Package Fin QualltY Co2ns 19C MAY 24, '934 I u