Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 May 1934, p. 14

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Friday evening to ur service orfworshlp next Sund- day.mornlng LutherM ueler w ll delivert the message.MMr.M ueller was the-.filrty Youngmmanc confirmed. ln ourc hurch, havlng been contirmed w th't he classc f 1922H eébhvs just compieted his t holog- Ical' training a tthe ChIcagoL LutheranT heological semlnary.L uther leaguersréeserve June 2 for theL Luther league hike.I. nisteadcof discont- linulng the league meetings fort he sum- ierm onths the leaguers have decldedt toh old their meetings oùnthe second andf oUrthW ednesday evening o f the monthb beglnnlng withW ednesday evening J une1 e ll begin our summer sched-ule.ofs serviceso n Sunday, June 17.E arlysservice8............8a.m.S Sunday school9..........a. m.S Second servicei......a. m.T he early worshlps ervice , s held fort the convenience0of those whow lsh t o Pend t hed ay away from home.b ut firatw lsh t o worshlp.B Sunday, June 17, wtllb e C hklren'mD ayIln our ehurch.TThe Chiidren'ss ervi- ice wil b e heid at 9 o'clock, which wli bet he regular Sunday s honi' hour b e- innrng .t hat day.A An hour Bpent ýin the House of 'God on the Sabbath Day will make ]ýourî week more joyous, ýFiÈst Presbyterîan Ninth street at Greenleaf avenue James T. Veneklasen, minister 'rhe Goal Lies Forward" will be the theme of the sermon by the pastor. This service will be specially for students who are graduating this year from our schools, high.schOol, and colleges. They are specially Invited, and their parents are urged to accompany them. The eerv- Ice wIll be at 11 o'cloék. We cordially in- vite You to worship with us. Miss Erma Roune, director of music, has prepared the fol.lowing musical pro- gium for the service: Prelude, "Largo'.ý (Xerxes), ilandét. anthem, ..Spirit lmyùortal," Verdi,, > Mrs. MeCormick, . Mr. IRÙst,,: Mr. Otis, and the. choir * offertory solo "Recessional," De. Koven, Mr. Ed- ward Otis -, poËtlude, "Marche' (G Minoi- Suite), Rogers. Week-daý'-activities for . boye and girls ýàre scheduled as followis: Tuesday: 3:» p. m.---ýOullrilette Camp Pire Girls. 3:30 P. m.-BMwrites; 7:30 p..ý-m.---ýTroop No. 2, Boy Scouts. Wednesday: 7:30 p. m.-Troop Boy Scouts. Thursday,: 3:30 p. iii.-Oirls' choir re, bearsal; 4 p. m,-BoYs' choir r'ehearsal 7:15 P. m.-Senior choir rehearsal. Priday: 7,30 P. m.-Wekeacafila Camp Pire Girls. Saturday: 9:30 a. ni.-Cub Pack No. 63. Still Life Painting Is Given Silver Medal Mrs. , EUgene ýSel.leck (Margaret Hall) of Despjaihes,ý.daughteÉ, of.ihe late Mrs..ý Lo.rin, :Hall 'of Wilmette., ýwill,%receiire a silver tnedal îrom the »-Illinois Society of Fine Arts this Friday at a luncheon at the Stevens hotel. . The medal is being awarded for a large. watercolor drawing of a jar of g , iant dahlias, The paintinL, Any boys Communion and reception of new mem- bers will be on June S.' Children's day will be observed Juiie 10. Little children *Ill be baptized. The service will be at 10:.10 O'clock. Wïlmette Baptist Wilmette and Forest avenues > Rev. George ID. AllIson, pastc;r for are Urged to support the young people ln this, th6ir last production of the year. The Oison trio will play. Tickets may be, obtained from àny rhembýer of the league or Weslèyan.Service gu'ild'ý 'rhe HIgh School league will hold a party at, the hornecf Marijorie Kresge, 2615 Blackha*k road, on Friday evening following. the play. AdmIssién by Invi- tàtion for ail league members. Cet youý invitation fôllowing the play.. AU women, are asked to, reserve June 5 for a 11811vér Tea" to be given by t-ý sixth division. - Further announcernent will be made Iater.ý The Quilt exhibit, tea and musicale given by the, women of 1he gu.ild ye,.gter- day in the Pariqh Ilouse was largely at- tende.d andmuch enjoyed, by, ail. rionoreoatîonal, John Cr. Hin4leyý minister ThÛrsday of this week . is Parents' ýnight for, Cub Pack No. 63. An intéré-,;ýt7' ing program haîs been arranged, and awards will be made. "Whitheri Atnerlea?" will be the subi Ject of Mr. Hindley's sermon at the Il oeclock service next SündaY. The m usie for this service will be. Prelude: "Pastorale". : ... ... -Bonnet Anthem: "Souls of the Righteous!'- Tertius Noble Solo: "With Verdure.Clad". ..ý - Haydn ., 1 Beulah Casier Edwards ' -- Postlude: "Hymn of Glory"..Plietro Yon The North End cirele will meet w1th M". W. W. Kerr, 707 Forest avenue, Monday, May 29, at 12:30. Assisting hostesses wili be Mrs. C. R. Bixby, Mrs. L. E. Mee, Mrs. R. B. P. Kline, and Mrb. T. E. Thompson. Patriotie exercises wili characterize the morninig service on SÙnday next at, Il ü'clock, when Memorial Sundàyý will be observed. There, will be appropjrate. mu- sic by, the chorus cholrunder the direc.ý tion of ý Miss Lydia Koch. Members of the Americari L.egion, 04, the Ùnited Spanish. WarVeterails -àhd of the Q. A. R. 'àré,éspeclaily I;nvited to, attend. Citi- .zens who are.*not worshipping elsewhere are cordially Invited to, jnitri us ln - this religlous service of. remembrance and of hope. , Dr. AIIIËon preaches ýbn "The Religlous Significance of True Patriot- A special observance ý of the fourth gýnnivëjrsa'rY of the dedicatitn of the Present Wilmette Parish . church. will be held Sunday, June 3. A special service is being arranged. tvery Member and frIend of ýý the, chureh should plan to be Present. There wili be iio fInancial .,oli ltatién. the following divisions are meeting today (Thursday). First-2 p. m.-Mrs. Thomas C. Mould- Ing. 1004 Greenwood avenue. Third-1 p. m.-Mrs. Clyde L. Smith, 1756 Highland avenue. Fifth-10:30 a. m.-Mrs.,F..W. Burpee. 129, Dupee place. In the church schOol a similar empha- sis, on loyalty to > Our country will be made, along with an attempt to give the children a right religlous approach to patriotism. There w.111 be Young people's meetings at 6:30, for both older and younger groups. Special attention Is called to the current play, "Three Moss výhiIch these Young people are. ,presenting tonight (Thursday) at the church. On Friday evening, the Adult class of the Sunday school will Éave their annual banquet at the Library Plaza. Great interest lias been manifested ln the ýýeries of studies of "Books That Left Their Mark," which have engaged our thought ln. our * Wednesday eyening's services. The next Immortal book ls Victor Hugo's masterpiece, "Les Miser- ables." The publie is welcome ai these gatherings, whieh begin at 8 o!clock proniptly. Organization and group meetings will be held this week at the usual hours. Kenilworth Union gerillworth avenue and Warwick roàd Dr. Herbert L. Willett, minister The Second division wlll--jhave an afterý nOOn and evenifig party tomorrow eve- ning (Priday) U the home of Mrs. 0. G. Hobart, 1217 Church stréet, Evanston. The May meeting of the Second division will be beld Thursday, May 31, at the home of Mrs. L. W. Benson, 212 Wood- pine avenue, at 10:30 a. m. The Senior choir meets for rehearsal eàch Thursday night at 8 O'clock under the direction of MiÈs Briel. Ali members are urged to be present and on time each Thursday night during the remainder or the iseason. St. John's Latheran Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette- Rev. .1. H. Gockef, pastor 106 Prairie avenue Telephone 1396 9:15 a. m.-First service. .9:30 a. m.-Sunday school and junior and intermediate Bible -çiasses. 10 a. m.-Senior Bible class. 10:30 a. m.-Preparatory service foi Holy Communion. 11 a. m.-Second service, with Holy Communion. Suriday, May 27, Dr. Willett's sùbjeét wlll be: '4War and Peace." The chüých service ls at 11 q'clock. The Sunday,ýàchooiwijj ineet àt 9--45. CbIldren between the ages of 3 and the hlgh school are invited. The Junior and Senior departments will meet jointly a"t 1 10:15 ln the Guild room for a memnrial service. Our Bible sèhôol meets in all mentý5 at 9:30 o'cloek. ,dgpaft.ý,ý church will 1 1001 Insti- 1 s hurch R ' uth Suekoff, daughter of the Ire mem- Louis Suekoffs, 819 Chestnut ave- Lgo North nue, left Wednesday of last week 5 at the for Memphis, Tenn., wheré she will imoIre and be the house guest of Dorothy and ,y 28, at 8 Cooper of Katherine Levitch for two. weeks rk,' 4peak during the cotton festival. y Lo trie q-Gujj turc Our mid-Week epartment. seh( ir study of the bem ý specially the The High School chapter of the Ep- Sid( leet-Mediator." worth league will meet Sunday evening Chu and we invite nt 6:30, with M. P. Gaffney of New Trier Ard lance bas been High school as tÉe speaker. Social hout p. n follo'.%-s. Everyotie Js urged to be present. the Nâti councilj

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