day New Trier qua1ified its entire track teain for the state mnt Onir teainîs winning first place .ini the, district ineets are eligible to send a full teai to the state finals. Othier teain., art allowed to send onilv the ineti %vlio placed, first or second i:n the, ilistriet. meets.r Fourteei. teanis coin- pete<l in the mneet at Evanston, aniong th eni tlîe. strong Suburban leagie, en- tries, O)ak .Park, Evanston and I)eer-, Ne% 'rrier's representative in the State golf mneet will be Richard Flynn. fie qualified by shooting an 82 f or the, second, low score iii >the district tucet hield at the Sunset Valley course ini Highland Park.on May 5. Billl 'Condy will, carry Nýe% Trier's barnier ini Ite state tennis ineet. Ille %va, runiner-up to Ross of Oak Park in the district tennis nieet at Oak Park. Cali Village AttorneYs * to Chicago Conférence .Municipal attorneys of the. north' *.hure villages have been invited *to a c t)tfretice at the Palmner Houise, Clii-ý ca g(,. Lriday noon, Mfay 25.1 A. H. Miarshall, attorney for the Village - o ('lencoe, is., receivilng reservations for tt'li luncheon which 'is sclheduled for 12:15 o'cl(ck. Many important legal probleins of municipalities will be con- sidered at this imeeting, it is pointed out, anid, fht' attorneys representing nortlî slîireconnîniteshave been urged to *takc advantage of the interchange of. ideas. Other municipal offciaIs are alqo invited tg) attend. Tlhe conference is * sp(>unSord hy the Illinois Municipal *leaguie. with which the north shore v ilaes are affiliated. Charles Dostail Given AmherstShoasp Chiarles Lewis Dostal, a senior, cap- tain of the' football teain and president 4.)1 the' Tri-Ship club of New Trier High schlool. * vas awarded a fotir-year, .(Ol j e ff reyV Anmherst scholarship titis %%eek in conipetition \vlth ten other a1picants' fron the bigh schools of * greater Chicago. pranio, and Arthur Weldon, vjolinist A scene from their forthcoming play-, "Three Moss Roses," was given by the Sunset club, a college young people's organization. Financially, the. past year was re- nmarkable for-the paymentof $2,100 ini floating indebtedness, in.addition to the current, expense. budget and the ,li- terest service on the church debt. The treasurer closed the year with, a neat balance. in hand. Meanwh ile, $3,175 *as raised for missionary and charit-. able purposes. A booklet containing' reports of the various departmen ts and- organizations of 'the church revealed a -spirit of optimism andloyalty. There ar "e 316 active resident, communicants in the church -membership. Officers. elected at the business m, e et- ing include: deacons, H. G. Rice, E. W. Roberts, Mrs. H. D.* Davisson, J. C. Blaylock, H. M. Phili;ps.. and Alrs..Jý. C.Blaylock; trustees, E. E. McDow, H. A. Bush, 1dward Meier, A. C. Youngberg, and Milton M. Bowen. .Board of Religiouis Education, Earl C.Carlson, F. G. Guthridge, Xi'r s. G. N.Lamb, Mrs. Harry Burnside, Mrs. John Davis - Comniittee 0on Wolrship, Z. A, Parkhurst, Mrs. Frank Guth- ridge.- Mrs.. C.. P. Dubbs, W%. C. Mattliews, W. 0. Haas, Mrs. P. H. Arden, A, E. Batchelder. R e-elected were G. 13. Williamxs, moderator; R. J.- Lascelles. treasurerý; R. E. Dalstrom and Mrs. George Green, financial secretaries; Mrs. W., D., Millard. treasurer for henevolences: Benjamin Richards was eiected clerl< of the church. VACATION IN SOUTH \'illage. Manager F. I. Strte.d of Kenilworth is taking his annutalvaca- tion of, two weeks. He, was at bis deskMoa, but planned to leave that, night by. automnobile for Fort, Lauderdale, *FIa. "Mr. Streed's farnil lias, been spending several noths there and, wi1l drive back hoinie %ith. M rs. uating class is presenting the annual Shakespearean play, "As You Like It," Friday, night of this week. The coniplete cast for the play was an- nounced l i last week.' s issue. of Mrs. Robert Lee Megovan. 197 .Ox-' ford road. Kenîlworth, enitertained at a luncheon.followed by sewingand bridge last ruesday. WE SPIECIALIZE. IN Complète Automobile Maintenance NOTrICE- t lt lu ry impovtwnt' * htyour radiator and cooling system be chemicalIy cleaied every .sPrlng. Special this. ý. 1 . $311 Prire bau'eid on mater ecaeit> - faIIy guarallteed 725MAN T.WIMETE26 THE GIFT Y1OU 01VI. IELGIN is the atnswer. .1h metthrilli ng of ail grade- ation gifts for your boy ou girl! .These *watches have been au American traditiona for More than 65 year. D.PAGLIAlIULO, 114 Wfflmette AveWImte1081. Albert Ackermiann. 811i Park wilI be 1îostess at the Georg- Serve it regudàrly tisese warm days, 17c. Per t33e at'6 Ille