in the beautitul Crystal ballroon O'f the hotel. Elaborate preparations are beinig made under the direction of Mrs. William St.urmi. A souvenir Ihooklet has 'been compiled.. and manv, beau- tiful prizes ar e I)ing prepared.ý for] Iucky.innersg. Al. Mallinckrodt inothers anid friends, are invited for tîli: gran rally of the school . ear. In aniticip)ationi of Mther's day.i t he facultv and students inivited Mal- linckrodt M.Nothers to. he present at an informai social and programi on the affern6on of, May IL. The piro- grain consiste(l of a hearty eme address; several appropriate orch es- raSelections, prominent, amongî which aste Wlt on Nurserv! Rh%,mies"; then. .Mother Day rever- tes, ,includinig *Mother's Hearte."M Mot her's Favorite Songs," 1n Jess an d the Children"'; severa choruises and solos: -Mother, 1 Love' -o. A> Song of Mother," "Moth- er,» "The ToN Towii Admirai." "W\oniderful NMother tif M\ine," and "Charity"': tap danicing. and dramatic sceties f rom nurs.ery lore. After the program the niothers and daughters enjoyedl an informa' luinch.e*onto gether..ý Last Sundav, Malinkrodt %vit- nessed the second of the senior re- citais, under the direct;in of Mr,. Charles Broad-that of.. Miss Eulali a Barker of \\ilmette. The heautiful readings given h3rij Miss Barker were the followving: "The Music M\aster" "Doctors" "Coaching a Play.' "Rosa" "That Old Sweetheart, èf Mine" "The Kingdom of.Gode' Miss Barker showed great draniatie talent, soulful, interpretation of the chàracters -and situations that occur- red in the s elections, and power of expression.1 She wras assisted :in the program by. her father, Harry Barker, Frank W. S9mith 'ami her sister, Clare; ers iii the cast art Don NMillett, Lucre, Bcw.Maioin Shar *ton road,1 IS~~ A 'DR @M MODRN be running about from one room to has an extension telephone-like this another when you want, the telephône, bedrooni in the J. C. B. or when the telephone waints you. ,Th ne unmneys, airer winich siiv an( ber guests played bridge at hier home. Mrs. Anthony Bemlis of Raleighi rdKenilworth, entertàined Bishop Anderson's guilld of the Çhurch of the Ho0ly Comforter for luncheon last mon- day. room of the house. There need ni i L LIUN 0 Ils IB E LIL TEJIEP *NE cou rti). When ih is .tastefullv furnished and