board lias madle tin fs arrangements for the Fair, preceding the tea at 4 o'clock for aluinnae of the twenty-one women's colleges comprising. the board. .Into the attractive lounlge ini bronzé brown and mauve, about 250 aluinnae,. mail>'f rom the north shore, throngked to ýbe ýtea guests andl to hear M rs. Ru fus Dawes speak. h ,was a:charîring locale. The novel- long black wedge-shaped table with its glass bands lighted f rom underneath, held bowls of lilacs>, tulips, and mortensia brought luf rom gardei.s by Mrs. W. A. Magie and Mrs. john.t Foster Manierre of Winnetka. Sand- wichcs. cakes and mints were scrved witli the tca and( coffee white guests chatted and enjoyed thex~icw of. the fair f roin the ,nany %winidows, -seeing the 1934, Century 'of Irogre*çs.s .new'com-1 plcxiotid-tlie pale green sky-ridle tow- ers cdged in orange, the use of wvhite, and of a color new. this vear, cdeep leges,~ and the importance of the commng together of the twenty-one colieges in' the College board, large and small alike, *ail, she sunimed up,, "sisters under_ thé skinl." Throughout the summner College :Board days will be observed., at the lou!nge as well as those for, each in-* 'dividual college represented, Mrs. De-. Golyer announced. Board .Meeting Today Trhe board of the Kenilworth 4eague of Women Voters is meetinig this mori- ing (Thnursday) at the home of Mrs. P'.. F. Suydacker. 1340,Cheýtlut avenue, Wilmette. (ariora Cottouu Frocks (to wear after 5 O'clock) I them around the ýor as summer, for mal. nke legt and low, backs. in: pilds, checks, polka dots and Mexican stripes., 12 to 20. Sizes Lu bwer Price Bom Edlgar Au Stcv EV A NS T ON PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. I Fggr A. Stevem@s, tue. EV AN S T0N 4 Wear house I f 'M