cllIctLI1E, CUJsvIY 111111g te. studio walls in single, a.nd sometimies iii double rows, have beeni entered ini the non-meull)er jury show of the North Shore Art league, ixow hai g- igat Communiility House. The col- lection,. the finai exhibition of the season.- opeuc<l Friday tveniing of Iast week with the Art league animal meeting. If this display.eau l)e considered an accurate weather vanle. the receit water çolor sliov, at the Chicago Aýrt * Instîtute umust hiave been highly inl- spirational to artists as a' whole. The water volor. inifluenice blows liard * uponi the exhibit' atd uni-1 c overs several, choice bits in this mledliuml. Provineeto wn Str-eet' b% B. Heming is a very smaàll, but a very startling. direct àud sure .study in water color.. J. NI. Fratik aslies %\'intcka land(scal)es withi even greater Niîlciv et still gains pic- tonial effects. D)eep- green f oliageý both blo%,vs and grom*., wthaétOnish-, l)elafield. \Vis, painteid bv Nargaret' Caikins 'Taylo.r. Depset Fastid joua ,Womeuý It is also a satisfaction to sec fasti-dious.ytullg woienl of 1934 (lone as trutiftullv as Hazel C. Ewell and' FrankI)illon paint thein.. CosmIetic compillexionýs and rilhy nails tlhey may have. but there they are for 'fuiture generations to scruttimie andi won(ler alout. \Vilder ' Frank P k and René' La A jtf . %vv Ieelock, rmedapence, t'intah Shippen, Dorothy R. flender.. sen, Helen J. Taylor, Rena Hostetier, Maud, McDonald, Alice Jackson, Margaret Blatchford, Sybell Ven- nema, Ruth Gibson, Maria.Gallagher, Dorothy Davis,' Bessie I. Davis, Mrs. Frank W. Ketchamf, Sara 0. Buck, Eliz abeth Boldenweck,. Quevera Watts, Eileen Jewvell, Dorothy Wil- kins, Hazel Bell* Risk, Bess, Divine jewell. Catherine M. MNurphy, Helenl SA. Hiare, Mrs. Van Wagenen Alling, TMargaret Kerioot, AniTe Burnhami and, Anita Willets Burnhain. New Drama CGroup Seeks Memberships on Shore A group of youug nmen and W01110:11 of the north shore have recentîv organized a dramatic- club knovn a thé 'Round the- Town, Players. "!i club), thoughly l11-uiiits infancv !e ,a very promnisiug otlook fïer thelij ture. Those itterestfd in dramnati,~ inembers ini this club are invited to1 * onIInlUnicate with 'Miss .lorrainýe O'Hfare. Davis 1391.:- Miss ri Sliiels, Greenleaf 2348: George, WVN-m, Univers ity 2850. or NMelvin BnwiH hanser, Wilmnette 1703. BAHA'! LECTURE 'The Magnitudle Of the iRevelation" will be the suibj ject of: a one else, he captures the elusive charm of childhood. A BERNIE hotograph insures you the highest. attainment of the photographie art, no matter how low the price. AIl Cfildren Smite for Dermie S>ecial for May Th ree .PHOTOGIAPHS $ IN FOLDERS BERNIE STUDIOý "Better Picturese-Better Values" 1623 Sherman Ave., Evanston ttlC(i Ioung NVacltsnliani on thle we:,t w~all. NI ary' L. Bockiis.. Eliza- beth Nuillard, Louise K. Graffe. Julia Suilzer Grniffith aod Edua S. jolhans.en. in still life andI laiflscape. repeat. their ,past succe.sses. ýCarol Lou .Burihaii i s again coutstautdinig, thiis tinie itil a sceule. **Cliicago ili 1933."* But àanmong thile less. strikîug. palint- u.ngs, are piece, liere an(i there, whichi for unexplaitied reasons, strike eno- tiotial cor(js and rectir in the meminorv long after the others have been for- gotien. Somne of those which tleave thjs impression arc: -'Bedside F(owers'" l)y Caroline S. 1). Moore, Goce' ter. M'Norning- 1) v F ..\\.Herlan. ïdan road, Wimette, May 20 at 3 :301 o'clock. Albert Windust of Chicago, one time editor, publisher, printer, and the first editor for sonie, yegrs of the Baha'i magazine "Starof- the 'West," then published in Chicago, is to be the speaker. IClean . here is r eal -ail Makea WINTKA 3075 Day,.or Night VeruaOu Country club ýROU TE w"'«" . .oS.u Tel. UNI. 8998 O~oe H