rAt' Reduced Rate Rate r.d.cd on .A1loess.860ft $100. Lons's$30 te ,$100 et rate« permtt.d by State Sm.1! Loanlewi. OFàiaibleydpng hous»e, Who can repay mouthly, now may borrow $100 te *30 ata real saving. Quik rvt service. OnlY hushand and wife sign. 209inonths itorepay. Visit, write, or 'phoneo' for information. HOUSEIOLD FINANCE'CO)RPORATION 2»,d l.9 1737 Howard St. -14th FI., 105W. Moduon west of eeL9, Chicago Chicago, Phone: rGreeneaf 2M50 Phone: Fra nn08 First Church. of -Christ, Scientist Tenth Street and Central Avenue Wilmette, 111. SUNDAY SERVICES-11l A. M. WED)NESDAY-TESTJMONIAL IMEETING--8 P. M., SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES-9:45 A. M. MAY 20, 1934 Subject:- MORTALS AND IMMORTALS> READING ROOM -1148 Central Avenue Open Puily (except Wdsdy) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wedesday 9 A. M. t. 7: 45 P. M. Saturdsay 9 A. M.. t. 9 P. M. 1h. Bib* sud Workm of Mary Danker Eddy, and al other authoriz.d Christian Seienc. Iterature may be resd, borrowed or pe hsed at the R.adict Roomh. THEt PUBLIC IS OOBDIALLYINVITE» >TO ATTEND TUHE -~CHUIRCU smvcms AND VISIT THE lREADNNG kOOM lIIIIIIIItIIIIIIIIIIIIgIIiUIDiIMjIlIIIIliuJSthhIflhIIflhIIIHhIfêI WIIIIUNiWII laiMY, aPid the Wil;'&th' resçidelits wEëre PrcPared titis monft to welcoppi f lieGirl Scouts wcith baskets brimifi of ".riîshi;ty" cooktes. By Tursday of titis îveck, sales had foa aed 4,174 dozen. The Girl Scouts are devotin.q flhe irst foiur lWeditesda.ýs in May to tire, sale o 'f cookies. andi Wiljnc.ttre residents are bcing urged to do* th,'ir bit by placing their crders-plwnlc ilmeti.te 5037. KENIL WORTH GIRL SCOUTS Wilmette Students Have Part in Military Event -Th-eodore B. Robertsonx and Marcus, SIRLOIN STEAK "N Orekestra Diui -No lquiot'- Just WonderfuI Food" avu. ouaa snoi, cnvne a94, TROQP NO. 4 o'clock. LiViV 1'oday (May 10) we got ready for a krty we are going to have for the aid work and the third signaled with others of Scouts. We divided into a flag. Then we sang "rounds and- ree groups, six in a group. One played a gamne to finish the meeting. optied knots, anotherdi first -Joan Ross, scribe. g t I E E i= E. = E i I i= E J ~NNhI III Pffl fi