Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 May 1934, p. 6

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.curly Ilocks, curIy tocks, WiIf thou b. mine, Your hair is 50 o v.Iy You look so divine.. Pray, sir, don'f b. foolisb, Don't thoughtlessly rave, 'v. mereIybeen heving A» Ceyr-Leen wave. For Your Permanent Pkon. Wflm.t. 4582 the corner irom the VV iiIICLLC ,JL.dL bank, occupies what had been two store spaces and bas been tboroughly modernized to provide first class service, CATSHOP MOVES The Linnea Dale Craft Shop, un- dernmanagement of Mrs, Linnea Dale, has moved froni 511 Park avenue-, Kenilworth, to 501 Park avenue. In addition to the line of hosiery, lingerie anxd notions, knitting and weaving in- structions are featured.. Mr. and Mrs.. Frank Guthridge and their children,.917 Greenwood, avenue, spenit the month of Aprit in New Or~ teans, La. SUN* 3 «Fj7)EAJTTVs. Illinois Giantis Skokle BIvd.-between Iffarrtson 1126 Cnfral v*. ad GIenview Roadsm-BungaIow 1126Cnha Av. ~AOS(FieJd-1% miles West of Wllmette. Lotielne Made LovoiUe Home Cames Every Saitdayv ____________________J._M._SCHUELER,_Mgr. Annoancing ANew SUPER SERVICE GARAGE foMr Wi..effe TIle Airs. R. B. DeVinny,> 1760 Washliingtoin avenue, -wuas recentlY eeh'dcd /'resideiit of the J.ogaii- How'ard- Pareitt-7'acher associa- tion. Airs. DeViiiiii nîd othr .1lezly elected off icers wvill be for- »udIly i,çtalled at thé lune nie'ctillq of the association. Those' choseiz to serve ivith hler duringy the ine.t fiscal year are irs. Tho ntas Car- ne y, first vice-pr-esideeit; Airs. Ben- jamin Ja.cobsen, seconüd. 7ice- presidenit; Mrs. H., G. Vant Win- kisecret ary1 anild Airs. LoielI Todd, treasurer. Philatelie Society to *Meet ini Highland Park 'lhle May meeting of the Xorth Suburban Philatelic, society bas becîx set for Monday night, May 21, at the Eltn Place school, Highland Park, at 7:30 o'clock. TChe speaker of the evenijxg will probably be one of the lcading philatelists of Chicago, a well, known writer on the subject.. It is hoped that as many New Trier coilectors and cnthusiasts as possible will attend,,so that plans can be nmade for «Meetings in the New, ;Trier vitiages.during the coming sca- son, and for a New Trier Township Stamnp club to lay plans for reciprocal meetings betwcen the new stamp club 'and the North Suburban IPhilatelic Society. in the field of public school edu- cation Dr. Melby lias done much re- search work and lias written several books and pamphlets. He re,eived bis Bachelor of Arts degree. fromn the St. Olaf college, -Northfield, Minn., and 'his M. A. and Ph. D. deý- grecs fromthe University of Minne- sota. He servcd as superintendent of a tumber of higli schools and wasre- search assistant in the Minneapolis publtic sch6os bureau before com.în.g fo Northwcstcrn, in 1928. Invite Eighth Grade Parents In taking over bis new position as school ýof education dean at North- western, Dr. Mclby will succecd Dr. John E. Stout, who is retiring 'and who witt become dean emeritus. Supt M. P. Gaffney of New Trier Higli school announccd this wvcek that parents, of pupils who are ùoiw ini the. eighth grade and who will bc frcshmnie iat.the high school. îxxt year have been invitcd to attend. the parent-teacher association meeting on May 21F This is the first year that suçch an invitation bas been extended, Mr. Gaffney said. Elect Officert Officers and class representatives of the association' for 'ncxt year wiil be clectcd at this meeting. The fottow- ing have been nominatcd:- Arthur E Bryson of Wiimntka, for president: Mrs. Walter A. Knoop of Kcnilworth, for vice-president , Lewis M. wil- lianis of WTinnctka, for treasurer; M rs. W. H. Weber of Winnetka and Mrs. A. C. .Goodnow of Glcncoe, for senior class representative: Mrs. Wi- liami A. Durgin of Wilmettc. and Chartes A. Dostal of Glencoc. for junior class representative, and Fred J . Stebbins of .Kenilworth 'anidLe At. Williams of Xinntka., forso- oniore ciass' representatives.', The freshman representatives are etcctcd in the fait.. Five of those whoge names- appear on~ the slate of .candidates for ncxt year are members of the association councit this year. These five ar- Mr BrysoriAirs. Knoop, Mr. Dostal. Mr. Stebbins and Mr. Williams. the and DAMu AUTO SUwuvs STATM>N F. W. NoeTo-T. W. BDRQuIT w LêkeAvouasPhonse WIlutt. 5Sm 17c Pt. 1~ .33e IM DEmE ,nu Labo Avm»

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