ýuaintance deepened the place and the four years' officiaI ONE 0F BEST MYSTERIES The Nine Taylors, by Dorothy' Say- ers, author of Murder Must Adiertise, has just been publisbed by Harcourt, Brace end coznpany. The book is being acclained as one of the best mysteries writfen. 131, FOR gALE-MiSCRLLANEOUS TUXEDO SUIT IN FINE CONDITION. Size 38-40., Phone Wilmette 3679. 13ILTN-te WTD. T> mU-MISCEILLANELOUS Cash for Yôur OId Furs Highest prices >pald. Bring thcm to INTERNATIONAL FUR CO. 190 N.- State St., Rooni 98, Chieago. 132LTNi - (7OMlPLETE EDITION,,:OF -MY BOOK Ilouse"l by I. Miller1.. $ally We.ersing., 730 Nýoyes S. Evankston. Ph., Daviis 1816., 132LTNI -ltpi $$ $ 0OLD CLOTHE S $ $ $ XiiI buy nien's used suit.s. s1o<,<>.eCOats al-so fur coat.tS lie-t prices.. Prompt srie 'A. MARTIN. UNI. 0347. 132LTN39-tfp) Gcoldnan-+Junk Dealer ilghest prices paid for. junk. Wlliette 5417 Winnetka 37_2'ý 132LTN4.5-4tU XVANTED: Baby's large p)lay pen. Phone Winnetka 2855. 132LI -1ltJ \Vaiîte(-Usé(l Type'writ er ti goodl condition. '%use be reasonable. Phone Kenilworth 107. 132LTNI1te ýWilmette's Only Tireproof Storage Warehouse Offers$ Security Efficiency Reî onsibility With Its Moving, Packing 103-33 Doxis Swe 4 VDIsitQrs ztoU sec, a Ieaning tower aadoriir anienfl of italian architecture repr-odiiced in t/us It-aliin villae, "forictu iiivillages" nicwbcliug bu iii for tMc neu, tVorl&sý Mai' j6 .Shiozwnihere is t/te Via Colombo. Sand fanu'd ye. <>ue of . Fuair ii il pîtecit ofteus AlhaG mm D la o charge 'of the, teaý is Iiss Beatrice Give Teafor Alumrnae K. Seckley, Mfiss Lucille Shrubb, The Chicago club and' the. North- ,Mrs.- Keith Cole, and Mrs. O. L,'1 western chapter of Alphaý Gamma Buèek, Delta wili hold a tea Suniday, NMay 13, at the chapter house iii I.va uston.A A,4 Esta.bIIsbOEi 1S10 lie S. ,Ffst twelve'days, irom zipru l Z NMy 1, the lst, 3r.d, and 1Zth of which are, especially holy, days. This feast, according to the ad- herents of the faith, is inter-religious in character for members of all the great religious.sYtems who have em- braced the Baha'i teachings wilI unite in thus period.of Joy and harmony. On May 23, 1934, accordiâg to 'the belief of more than a million. of orientais and' thousands, of oc- cidentals, marked the formai advent of a new religious dispenisation. This happened. in Persia wbere within nineteen years of. each other, two successive prophets, the R ab and Baha'u'llah, -one heralding, the- other proclaiming a wo rld religion, made, their appearance. This date. marks theý birth of the Baha'i movement whose.1 twô outstanding precepts are the ýessential onenessý of -aIl religions and' the un ity of mnankcind. ýPresent day' followers: are. working for a new world 'order based on the brother- hood of ail religions, races and na- tions. The, day of the declaration of the Bab therefore, is observed. on May '23 and brings to the minds and hearts of Baha'is the remembrance of this transcendent Persian youth, whose .,body later was pierced by a thousand bullets by the fanatical Moslems in a vain endeavor to suppress ail efforts for purifying their teachings, and the pure truth which he brought. lie was the herald of the great teacher of chaos in this day. Beginniing on May 31 and through june 3, there, wilI be held the An- nual Baha'i convention in Founidation' hall, 'Baha'i, Uouse of Worship, Lin- den avenue, Wilmette. On Sunclay afternoon, june. 3, at 3 :30, there will be a meeting open to the public. Scouting Magazine Has Many Helpe for Camper The currtnt issue 'of Scouting Ion Dun~dee road to Deer Park on - o 0 the Northwest bighway. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wallace 'Kerr, Jr., -Carl Scheffler, head of the acad- and son, Wallace, 111, of Jackson, emy, feels that the work out-of-doors Mich., are visiting Mr. Kerr's parents, etmakes deinands upon the artist-stu- the W. W.. Kerrs of 707 Forest ave- dent -Which, if it is earnegtly stpdied nue. Into attettion people 'during residence.