to the uine. No blackc face type used. 201% discount on al cash advertise- monts when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wtlrnette, or 561 Lincoln Ave., Wiftnetlca. 109% discount on ail advertisements mun four cons 'ecutive issues. Classified advertisements will be ac- Deallnefo In* c p te up to Tuesday 9 P. M. for WILMETTIE LIFE, or ail three papers; Wednesday 9 P. M. for WINNETKA TALX and Thursday 5 P. M..- for GL.ENCOE 'NEWS. Telephones:. Wllette .4300,. Winnetka 2000) (Wlnnetka. 500 atter 6 P. M.), Greenleaf. 4300 or Shedrake 5607. LOST AND FOUNO LOST -MAY, 15T-1 MASHIE, WALKER Cup Golf Club, on Winnetka Avenue near New 'Trier. Reward. Phone Wil-. mette 2120. 3LTNI-Itip LOST-SMALL BLUE LýEATi-IEiI COIN purse. Phone Winnetka 1960. BUILDING AND CONYRACT9NO MODERNIZE YOUR HOME!f LET US MODERNIZE YOUR HOME! Basement recreatiôn roomas, additions, attie modernization,. home repairing in > ail branches. No job too smatI. Season- able lw prices. We have built more than 100 homes on the north shore and know our business! F. H. GATHERCOAL 1511 Highland Ave. Wtlmette, Ill. Phone Wilmette 225 151,TN21-tfp1 THOMAS MEYER MASON. STONE & CEMENT WÔItK WILMETTE 1778. 15LTN4-l3ti) BUSINtSS SBrRVICE EJ.JTE WINDOW CLEANERS QUICK SERVICE 7e a window outsidq. 14e in and et INTRIOR CLEANING. StomD sash removed. Screefls put on. Eatimates cheertully givén. J. KITCHEN WINNETKA 1100 16LTN1-ltp TEAMING -TRUCKINQ Black soil. sand. gravel and çirnders. 21 1 JOHN FIEGEN 211Schiller Ave. Wlmette 1659 TAILOR -FURRIER REPAIRING - REMODELING - RE- , iningg. Reasonable prices. J. T. -Rosberg, 830 Park Ave. Wilmette 251#0, 16LTN44-tfp) COLLET'TE SOEURS eDESIGNERS & MKR Gowns, - Wraps - Suits- Coats Original ; Copied - Restyled -Altered 833 Elm St. Wlnni-tki 1011 ________________ 22LTN50-4tp Claire Mil'od-iste Offers, Special 'prices on, suni'r frocks and suits. Asodo irenodeling,,repairing and alterations. Phone Winnetka 147ý. 22LTrN1-4tpi DRESSMAKING DFESQIGNING AND CUTTING, AT YOUR hoo,çr DIlue. Ph. Wilmette 2158. 221,'tN52-4tp GARDENING Landscaping-Designing Speciai for creeping bent and rock gar7 den. Tree trimmning. Tree esurgery. Plants of ail klnds, fertilizer, nianure, black dirt. OTTO DESSLIING WINNETKA 3135 27LI-Itp NO.: 1-B LACK SOI L AND G- Contract or by1 Ing pogitiOni Wilmette. 2254- or steady garde n- cd.- Refs. Reas. Gîencoe 1397 I3LAK VIGINSOTIL $4 per load. A. J. Schmitt Northbrook .,39 27LTIN54-4tn FACTORY DIST. AIND SERVICE F0OR Moto Moj(wer Co. Finest Po)wer Mwî made. L'sed mlachlines in trade 01. fol. sale Pa ljk* Brs. enjilwocrth 280-N20. 271,TNI-4te PRICE ON- ýand blank( MASSAGoE ELECT-RI'C CABINET BATH., COM- plete scientific massage. Ultra výioleét and Infra red lamps. 3 treàtnients $5. 627 Grove St. Greerileaf 1642. ______________________ :8LTNI -Itp Swedish Massage lieducing and Cabinet Baths TECKLA HEALTI-I & REDUe. BATIIS 833 ELM ST. >W1NN. 3.56 38LTN.52-3tr PAINTINO AND-DIECORATING iPaint, Paper 5 Ris., $34.50, CEILINGS CALC.. $1 UP SANITAS AND CANVASINGY WORK Rm. *wallpaper cleaned, $1;. bathroorn -enamneled, $5 up: kitchen painted, $6 Up. -15 RM. FLRS. WAÉIHED, SCRUBBED, VARNISHED OR WAXED, $8'. REFS., PREE ES T:IM A TE S. MAT. FURN. 1MELVIN - Wilmette 3413 CEILINGS CALQ, $1 UP RM. PAPERED, $3 UP. KITCHEN painted. $6 uî%. Antique walis washed and starched, $2.50 up. Bathrm. enam- eled, $5 up. Paper cleaned, 75c. Out- f31de palnting with pure white lead a,,nd cil, aIso stucco finish with bindex. 'Very reasonable. Guarantee work, Refs;. LEWIS, WIL. 5034-WINN. 2511. 421,1-1tp PAINTING, CALCIMINING, 2c PER1 sq. ft.. Floor waxing, wall wash and restarched. White washing, window washing. outside windows paintedî for 40c. OdcI jobs. Phone Wihnette 4646. 42'i'NI-111p C. MELSTED PAINTING AND DECOTIATING Wilmette 4972 42UT-N50-4tlp EDWRDW. HUCK PAINTE.R & PAPERUIANGERýlý 1405 Central Ave. Wilmet.te. 24,18, DR. F. C. BUSC2VBOMý% Dog and cat hospital, plueking, ciipping,. boarding, m-ith outdoor runs. 1000 Ridge Rd. Wilmette 5004 44LTNI-:Stl 48- fUr'scarfs at Miller Fur Compa gan Avenue. +ETWITfH US F0O1 ýpairs but uncalled for: t, $18; brown caracul, .cul, $20; Leopaird Cait, Broadtail, $24; Black iccoon, $25. And many ore t4ian four times five jackets at $5 and S$3. Ecoilony section, >ny, 166 North >Ichi-. 59IiTN52-2te, LOANU _____ LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Confidential service, legai rates. MOTO""*R LOANCO State Bank Bldg., Evanston Cire. 3200 65LTN36i-t l'e 15T MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE on, north shore homes. Cail G. S. Oberne, Orth Mortgage Co.,. 160 N. LaSalle St. Ph. State 4638. 65LTN51-4tp SITUATIONWArt-FEMALE _ COMPETENT HEI4P NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER, Effiit Service> for North Shore Home* WE INVESTIGATE EFERENCES WE ARE THE ORIGINAL Pauline's Emp. -Ageîicy WILMETTE 2171 Fourth and Linden Opposite Il" Ter 68LTN47-tfeýý EXPERIENCED HELP WE SPECIALIZE IN HIGH GRADE domestic. help, ail nationalities., No charge to eniployers. References investi- gated. Under State' supervision,. Reinhart's Empi. Agencv, 748 Elm, St. Winnetka 1,194 MiiDJ. AE WOMAN DESIFIES P' - sition a.s compaflion, pracjticai num .S'liary ilo object. Free tio travelk Phoîîq Franklin Par~k 13-W, revere eliag'. 01- write A-4X, 1>(x -10, MWilintte ]il1. _____68LTNl-ttrp EXPrP.-WH.ITE GIlyl WISIIES DAY- * wo'k. IDo WaIShIilîg. ironfing, qdca nillg. $'2.75 d:iy. (C,01 betwéen. 6 jùd 6 ::'. p.ini., M'intka :1218, ask foi' Nellie. NIUSE F.OU INFANT AND)YON iliothet', or <'1111(1undet' 6 ycans, ri4,iable, effive*nt, ecellent îce,'s 'IL,29.YltS. 0F AGE I)T»-1ElTý geneî':al lonsework. Good cook. laiund(r.,Best of rfeenes linlI- Wlilnette 73A..6SlýTNl-ltiib EXPER. AND RELIA BLE WHITE --- ng, near Haif Day. . 2LTN50-4tp) DREUSMAKITdG FOR~ YOUR PERENNIALS, ANNUAL$, SEWIN MAKE YOUR OWN CLOTHES. LAT-. and vegetable plants corne to-- AND VACUL est styles, under expert cutter,. fitter; e'casH tH ueknarpi advice. instructions. Tel. Winnetka 1235, Pe* fsH t ois ity * ear Mrs. Silke, 903 Wiilow road, Wi nnetka. *onHjhbard Roadt(-. just South of Lake, mtt e L. E. 2±LIlp Avenue. Reasonable pricee. 2SLTNI-Itl» or 4368. RIN.G NEED HELP WITH YOUR SCREENS. _ - ýhouse, garden, lawn, wtndnivs? Phone NES Gre. 9354, Mr'. Horning. North Shore 3. A.L L rfrne.Resîal 69LTN52-2tlp nore than - in Wil- llOL'SE CLEAN.I N(1 WIN.DOW WASII1- nette 75~4 ing or. houseinan. -Colored. Uni. 7146. ýTN29-tfc .691,TNI -ltp