'l'ie New. Trier group Ieft Chicago on a special train last Friday morning with students frornE-vanistot, Deer- *field-Shields and other highi schools iii this area. The >roup arrived at the niiversity Friciay .evenling. POn theý return trip the. special, train left Granville- ai 3 o'clock. Sun day ýafter-, noon and arri'ved in > Chicage about 10 o'clock :Sunday nighit. Enjoy Busy Program New Trier students who made the trip reportedla busy week-endl. The progra i of, events included a. minstrèl f:,,-'ndaynighit, -airopportunitv t mieet profess ors and (leans at the uni- versity Saturday morning. a track mneet between Denisoni and the. Uni- versity of Cincinnati Saturdav after- noon and a dance Saturdav night., The visiting boy studénts %Yere en- tertainied at. the fraternities and. the vis iting girls at dormîtories. and sor.- orities. Amonig those froni New Trier who made the trip were Janie Bryson, P hyllis Caniso i, Virginia Jones, Venr ita Mangel, Helen Clenients, Lois Wolfe, Mary Speer, Helen Sethness, Phyllis Richardson, Virginia Snorf, .Eleanor Steen,',Katherine Idier, Lee VanSchuck, Betty Linds'trom, Lee Blaylock, Foster Gilgis-,: Myles Ger- inger, Bud Thackery, Bob Hernman- son, George Kneisley, Bill Burrili, Sheldon.Fox, Arthur Jones, Bob Pat-7 ýterson and Grant Ehrlich. Denison university has an active alumiii chapter on the nortlh shore. It is one of three chapters ini the Miass., roiyýtecnnîic inistîtute in 1883. As an énginieer he hecarne coiinected ivith the Thomson, Houston companN ini 1884. This conipany wvas inerged, into the General Electric comipany and MIr. Nichols wvas manager of its miotor. departinent in the' early. '90's i Clilcago. Prom 1894 tittil Ihis re- . tiremient from active business lie %va; a partner, i the firrn of George. P. Nichols and Brother, ianuifacturers of rairoac, iimachiniery,. Mr. Nichols wvas the first to apply elcctric power te (draw bridges, the old Rush street bridlge ini Chicago being the first il! the United States so eeilippe(l. Many other bridges were similarly equipped .by 'Mr. Nsichols. For twentv- two vears 'Mr. Nichols hiad been a, resident of Kenilworth. Hie is survived by bis widow, Mrs. Engenie 1). 'Nichols, two daughters,,l Mrs. Williani C. Anders.on of Chicago and MIrs. Andrewy Beauniont Johnson of Columbus, Ohio, and tvo brothers,' I-Iarry of Grafton, Mass., and Samuel of LaGrange. Miss -Alice Donohue, 907 Elmwood~ [avenue,-was the week-end guest of. Mliss' M\ariani Stuart of Chamipaign. The. girls attended theprom at the L'niversit3î of Mlinois. vicinity of Chi 1c ago, ýand Henry J Skipp of Evanston is the president. Mtiss H-arriet 'Mons of Kenilworth is secrétary for the Chicago district chapters. Visit,, write, or 'phone for iniform~ation. IIOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION 2ad FI., 1737 Howard St. 14th FI., 10V. Madian west of teL"l, Chiigo hiag Phones Greenleaf 2M,50 Phono:, Franklinu 08 r 4. v-I. bu '11 fin d- OId Timers wîitell you -There is nothing more refreshiig und zeuiful thon a boufle of chillNd * O ARC B E-E FOX IMEAD SALES Phone GRE«nleaf 6260