Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 May 1934, p. 54

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fumn out of life-have a hobby for a hobby-now you have sQnie leisure time, emnjoy it! You'lI live longer, Iearn more and be a better man,. or woman for it." The above advice is sent fromn the National Recreation office, 315 Foiurth avenu, Ne York City,, to recreatio systemns throughout the country to try to establish profitable leisure time projects for people.. It is being placed before the people -of Wilmnette by Danie M. Davis, -director, of recreation, who has an- nounced. that the' Recreation :boardl -stands ready to sponsor clubs or pub- lic exhibits of the- various hobbies. Among the hobbies 'suggésted, are the, following: Shooting, fishing, ni'ature study, ten- MnIS, golf,. swimming, archery, dogs, tropical' fish, canaries, travel, camp- ing,. motoring, bicyclîng, gardening. .carpentry, homne decoratinýg,: photog- raphy, radio, needflework, soap cary- ing, games, magic, chemistry, scout- -ing, wodel aircraft~, stamp collectiing. books and reading. Any group of persons interested in formning' organizations sponsoring any .of the -various hobbies are urged to communicate with the, recreation -office.,'914 Central avenue, Wilmfette. Bill Condy Takes Ping-Pong Titi Bill Condy, 1001 Oakwood avenue, .annexed bis second AI-Wibnette ping-pong title last- Friday even'ing by wnning the chatupionship brgicket of the double elinination tournarnent the Playground and Recreation board has 1een conducting during the past few weeks. Mr. Condy, who is a hig.h schiool stuclent, is' second- ranking national -champion ping-pong player and biolds« the Illinois state championi's singles title in ping-pong and other state and national laurels. He has been identi- fied with the Piayground and Recrea- ltion' board's activities sinice bis early zrammar schnnl <ays. He was one oi Mosday., bay 14 7Yp m.Tap dancin'g class for chil- dren. Stolp gymnasitum. 8 P.rm.ý Tap dancing celassq for aduits. Stolp gyinnasium. 9 -a. m. Third aninual invitational track and field meet. Wilmette grammar school athletes. VOlage Green. Monuhmy, May 21 7 p.. m., Openng ninth, season of summer playground baIl. Fast pitch- ing league. Village Green. Tuetday, May 22 7 P.th. _Opening slow pitching league. Men's playgrouind hall. -Vil- lage Green. Choose Athietes for Track, Field 'Meet Choice of repres entatives from the Wilmette grammar school atlietes to compete in the third annuai invita- tional track and field nieet whicb the Recreation board bas announced for May 19 at the Village Green, hasi occupied the staff members during the last few weeks. >The heavyweight (boys' weiglîing ,more than 110 pounds) and peewee tearns (boys, weighing less than 90. pounds) have been chosen but the lightweight team cannot be selected until the coaches can find three events for Milan May, who at present is the leading contender in five events. The lightweights . weigh between 9C and 110 pounds. Among the outstanding boys who are. sure of berths on the teamn be- sides youing May are Donald Specht, Douglas Huck- and Dudley Yeoman. the Stolp gymnnasium bas nôw reachied the 100) mark, it is announced by members of the Recrtation staff who, are, sponsoring the, activity. 1the class- was- divi de d after the first meetinig Monday, April 30, anci both divisions, showed marked in- crease In. memberihip during thé sec- ond class lesson,, Monday, May 7. The children's class which.meets at 7 o'clock, had, a total membersbip of forty and the adult class basa mem- bership of sixty-one. The classeg.'*il have four _nore meéetings., They ae beitig conducted under. the auspices of 'the Recreation board, with Miss, Bernicé& Borre as class in structor. Change Playing Days* for *Basebali Leagues The days of playing have be changed in the men's playground balL league wbich the Wilmette Play- ground and Recreation board is start- ing the week of May~ 21. It was an- nouniced last week that the "lsoft pitching" league wouid meet on Mon- day' andl Wednesday and the "fast pitching" league on Tuesday and Fri- day. These days bave been reversed and the soft pitching league mill play its games on Tuesday and Friday and the fast pitching league on Monday and WVednesday.. The leagtie season begins Monday, May 21, and will con- tinue untii.the tniddle of August. The. girls'*leagtie will start June 1 andt Iast tlirotigh july. Ask Women to Register for Playground League Teams andi individuals intcrestedii i affiliating witb the summer play- grouinc bail league for woinen spon-. sored by the Piayground and. Recrea- tion board annuaily are requested to send in their registrations at once to the recreation office. The staff mem- Bucher, wbo started as catcher for NJew Trier, suffered a broken finger in the second inning. He was replaced by Dabi. Knight, who had been doiîig the catching in reent games, was ill. Oak Park got to Greenblattfor two bits in the first inning. TýThçee bits, coupled Witb New Trier ýerrors,. re- sulted in two runs for -the west side boys. In the second,înning.Oak Park added another score., The final run was made in the sixth. New Trier, will resume its league schedule next Monday,, meeting Ev- anston at, Evanston. In a non-league. gaieé ith Senti last. Tbursday New Trier was victorious, 7 to 4.- Another non-league gamne was scheduled, with Watukegan' for Thtirsday of this, week on. the New Trier diamond. Announce Extension ofRadio Programs, T joint radio program of the Illinois League of Women Voters and the University of Chicago will çcpntinue until the middle of June, over station WJJD (1130) Chicago, on1 Mondays mornings at 10:15, o'ciock. Dates and topics are: May 14-Need for governmentai re- Search in state government. Robert M. Paige, Governmental Re.search asca tion. May 21- Discussion period, on qtleg- tions sent in'as a result 0f Mr. t>age'b talks. May 28-Municipal houslng, pro jects. June 5-Speaker to be annouinced. *June 12-Discussion perlod, based. on pointM raised in two preceding lectures. This mnethod of handling radio pro- grams, with, certain periods for dis- cussion of questions raised by pre- factory. lks, is proving highly satis- factrv. Local "listening groups"' have been organized by the IllinoL*q League of WomenVoters throughout the 'state, and' members have given active cooperati.on and shown great interest. MIrs. Charles H. Wacker of Chica- go, radio chairman for the Illinois League of Women Voters. is now in i gaines are open to, the blu Brown, tobert Spiegelhauer. and are played from 7 to 10 o'clock the Howard gymnasium. f museum visi insîie thé nc de, are cor They are rs, and parti h~ entrance. Lulcanovic's sister and family, the iHarold Lynches of 1241 Greenwood ravenue. Mr. Lukanovic flew f rom 1Chicago to Seattle and back where -he was calied by the- death of bis father. '~I.

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