Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 May 1934, p. 53

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Ljonaic . dAI lJdler naiLiJoi. ias ~vioniay solngs to-close the mneeting.-Ph vllis *ngtat the Winnetka Community Wheelock, Scribe. House, and displayed an excellent tone, a great deal of self-control, and fine TOPN. expression. One noteil particularly At TurO metn O , 3ody fl bier lack of self -consciousness and af-ormetn Mody f'as fectatiois., She played easiîy;, g race- week we had, a, review of ail that fully, yet.,- ,ih 'force and penétration. wve .have h lad ini scouting. -Mrs. There Was: tot a single question "about 1Uie puèifrn qetoso her aility wvhen she had finishe thJhe, blackboard 'ana we 'wrote the Choi Soat in 1 Moad' the ansvvers on a piece of paper. .Then ý pn Snae i ý Mnm nd hewe checked, theii :off. There were audience.,was instinctively (rawni to lier after that, knowing tlîat it w;s'isen questions on signaling, -tying a sliing, 's l'sen-knots, observation, etc. It wvas ver%, ing to a .younig musician wvho hiad ex- ïi nterestig.-Pegasi Srhe ceptional .powers. *Miss Masoni en-"gvMrh cie cored hier first group with two 'othe TROOP. NO. 4, Chopin n.umbers, -the Waltz ini G Flat Maoran teEtdeinG It th O pril 2 6 we talked over ontr Black-,,Kev ettude). whicli she (id with scn ls custssada)u felig aousnitvt.mr ,SaturdaY hikes., Then we re- feelng n(l enstîviy. ieNve( our signal letters. WVe hiad a The 'second group încluded mo11re lîttle game mu %vhicli evervoile had Chopin etudes -and tlien a small group to o h>tel)akor an wrt *by the more modern composers. The à'v, letter and its dots and dàshes. Dance Epsagnole. from-n "L1a >Vida 'i 'hi NNrs. Wakeley. 1 ur leadler. Breve" by -deF;alla :displayedl a fir': ga e il, a lttie talk onstars. Last of toucli, and the Spirituial andl Blues froin al]. we liad our Girl Scout closîng "Sonatine *Transatlantiffue-by - Tanis- ,olig callei *Dayv Is, mari \ývas played wit1î a 1 iio- s5C1 i5 .f Scribe. rhythm. In conclusion MisMasoîi ohligcol uth two encoi - res. the 1'tude in 1) Flat bv Liszt ,(playcd on requcst Harold Lincoln Garwood an "paks Moszoxv\ski. Dies Suddenly on May 41 \frm. Frazier gave two interesting- Harold Lincoln Garwood. a inietnl)eïc grotul)s., ail fiut tw<) on Iin 1-Aglisli. of Wilinette lodge No. 931. A. F. His diction ,is uinusually 1pmonouuiicedt. 111(I A. M.. (ie<l suddenlv last Fidav Three of hi5 best seetoswerc -Tes in an Evan.ston physiciani's, office. Y-eux* liv Rabey, "Bafilud" lS- Robini- Mr. Garwood. w'ho for awelve years ()il, afl(l 1Ytav"L Rtnuiiii. 'Pice had served as superiniteidet of ho)wer range of NI r. Frazicr's \ioice is buildings and grotunds at \'orthvest- iar IK-tter tlian lî~hîi>l tomes, an(] crui ni 1ier-ity., \vas a past commander is. pianîissmnios, are good. Aîtliiuglmi of the Evamston post of the American his voicv lias; îot ;i gre-at <eal oi I ègion and w,ýas active iii other Ev- volume t is letigand< show\s came- anston orgaizationis. fui training. His ,vidow is tlhe former Winifred Reut, -hose home before lier RETURN FROM EAST màarriage wvas iii Wý,ilmnette. NMm. Gar.-. Mrs, E. V.~ Youngberg of 419 wood is, sumvrivedf also by a1 son, Har- Washington avenue. eturned Satur-. old Lincoln Ga,'wood, Jr.. by his day from a tvo weeéks' visit to Asli-, mother, M.\rs., Clama'A. 'Garwvood of, ville, Charleston, Williamsbumg, andl Evauiston, a brother, Jesse, Garîvood five wéeks, ini Washîington, D., C., of, Washingtonî, D. C., andýa- sister. visiting friendis. ..\r. Younigberg spent M,\rs. Elizabeth Gi. Chamberlainî, alsO. a few days %vith lier. .On thie way of Washington. *homne, NIrs. Youngberg. stopped to The funeral services were heîd visit lier son and daughter-iin-lav:,\Iollday- afternoon at the ,North- Mr. anîd Mrs. Elliott Youngberg inster : ?resbyterlan clitrcli ini Ev- who wvere married. in Chicago April anston,» \vitli the, Rev. Janmes E.> GOLFER9S PAYACRES anntounces a Program 'of FPREE L--ES-ý SONS, to Nortb .Shbore Golf ers - ro teacb, the ladiesý and cbildren -udrcompee istrutin.These are flot class lessons -,but, a complete course on each- individuel club by a seasoned golf professional 1Who. bas. specialized in teacbing rather than tourname nt. play- Trhose who have, enjoyed, PLAYACRES in the, past know -ihat nor even the privatet.golf club offers a more dignified or beautiful spot to quietly improve their garne. ;Lt is compét.ely enclosed W-itrbaa heavy flowering shrub. border witb a background. of towenng elms and sturdy oalcs -,fee frein the noise and annoyance of passing motorists - where you can really enq.ioy an hour of relaxed practice - and. idi-ý bidual instructio n free of charqe -by a competent inistructor. Advantages at Playacres- i. Full series of individuailfessons on Ail clubs. f ree of charge to anyone over ten years of age. 2. Grass tees. 3. Practice without facing sun. 4. Special attention to women and"children. 5. Semi-crivate. practice fairway. 6., Sur round inqs and,-atmospbere equal w o.thos e of' a privare club. 7.- A liberal pail. of, good pracrice balls for onPly, 50 cents. To provide pro pet of tle fimilv it iç as follows: free instructions for every member necessary to regulate. lesson, boues (F INBST ORRINGTON HOTBL BLDG. Harvey Olsen, Professional' Phone Wilmette 5301 TE, ILLINOIS I:

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