DrilIing Thre Days a Week The. track season is well under way with the, peewýees, heavies and lights, :practicing on Molnday, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Monday the peewees practice; Wednesday, the lights and heavies, and Saturday, -aIl three teamns. Mr. Davis says, "There:is a Svery good chance for a letter if any Sh ea vywe igh t vaulter cati doý over, six feet, six inches." The staff - lias narrowed the field dow n to four boys in each event s0 that they mnay get special attenl- tion. X'<e are practicing-at everything except the relavs,.-.Robertt Longer- gati. Howard 8A. Nature' Teoçher Imitates OnCatis of Various Bird s OnMay 1 in assembly, Miss Brown,, ourý nature teacher of sixth grade,' gave anit nteresting tallk accomipanied, * by slides. At first she showed US' flowers:, of early spring; then some of the birds ýand their hab its. Shie * iitated some of their cails, among thlese tivo. ons calling. across a lake * to each other. The talk was greeted %vith nmuch applause. We ail hope ta hiear bier soon again.-Beth Hind- IeStolp 2C. Pupils Make Covers * for Concert Program lit the 7B art class we aàre now making covers, represeting spring, for the spring concert which will be coming along soon; so that means .We have to -hustle to, get them 'finished., When we finish the covers,ý Miss Donnée' ly will Select, the best one, which will be used for the prograni of the spring concert. The covers are to be in connection with musc.- Carol Specht, Howard 7B3. rnjoýying i5asebaII Now that the girls are well along in the basebaîl season, 'the 2C's have been having a fair time. The first game we played was against 1IB. Due to the shortage of time, we cou-Id offly play tbree innings. The gamne ended'in a tie. The second gamne we played was, with IC. The latter won with a score of 2 ta 1. The other gamne we played. against an eighth grade was with IB again. This time w e won with a score of 18 to 14. If our. teamý memibers corne ont to more of, tht games, I ainqilite surewe shall win' more of thiem.- Betty Gaivin, Stolp 2C Students, in Howard 7A 1Areé Dramatizing Story Howard 7A is dramatizing "Tel! Minutes by the Clock." It was, put on for -an assembly last year-for that reason it seems as if we cannot Put it on again. With only two periods a week in dramatics,, we- are getting along ahi right. We -were go- ing to put on a ballad, but it was a bit out of the question, after seeing two. other ballads previously.-jaiie Drucker, Howard 7A. Students Write Neat Copies of Flag Salute lin writing lately we bave been copying such tbings as -Reverence f or La 'w"'b y Abrahiam Lincoln and "Salute to the Flag.' If it isn't neat, we have to write.. it over. "Sainte to the Flag" is as follows: "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Repub- lic for which it stands, one nation indivisible, with liberty and.jstc for all."-Peggy Butler, Howard 6B.. Orchestra, Glee. Clubs Practicing for Cionert Tbe Wilmette schools are practicing for the spring concert. The glee clubs. wilh sing; the orchestra will play. We have been working hard to make it better than it has ever Tvvim -i £uman I i I rx i 1 hope ail school children have seen "Son of Kong." Th is interest- ing picture was at the Wilmnette theater. [n case you havent, 1 will tell you a littie about it. It is sup- posed to be chiefly about ant ape which lias a humait heart and also brains.. Well, these ment, and *One girl ve nt to explore an island far, sonie treasure in.a mummy cave. Onthis island*,there were seven million glatt reptiles. ' his picture is a sequel, film to ".King.Kong" and was enjoyed bN young and okld-Julia I,.oui'se Stachel. Howard 7B. G.CirlsÉ'BasebailiTeam. Hopes for Many Wins The girls of 7B3 played the girls of 8A-' in -piaygrounid baIl. We played themn twiceý. The 8A girls wvon th e frttimte and we won the second. \Ve hope.to win many other times. Soiniel of the, players were as followvs, :, Mary' ,Woodbury, pitcher; Anna Grace J or- jorian, catcher; Maria Anderson, first base; Adelaide Kociieni, seco~nd base; Natalie Triplett, third base. Thiere were Connie I{usting, Helen Sp)arkS, Julia Stachel and Marjoric Pearson in the field.-M.\ary Woodbu)trv. How- ard 7B3. Track Stars Welcome Warmer Spring.,Days Tlhe days are getting xwarnîer asi spring progresses towvard summner. The warm weather is appreciated by the track teanii especiallyv. On Tues- day the track teain met1 because of the meeting of the eighth grades to discuss, Onl Wedniesdlay, New Trier sublject5. lThe weafhier wvas warmi, and for the beneft of the track% teani. .1I ope, it stays so.-Theodore -Riley, Stolp $th Grade. AMERECAN HISTORY PICTURES We have been working on sotieý small pfictures, of American bistorv. I 'vas the first to get permission to put mineé on -a big sheet four tintes as big as the small one. My picture was "Father Marquette Preaching to the Indins."-Kenneth Kinnear. Hown~ad4f h ern-d Th ey Sewed' The girls of. Howard have been working hard on, their dresses this year,:aiid %ere rewarded by modeling them for the P. T. A. on Tuesda'yof. last week. The stage was arranged like a garden with sun umibrella and garden table,. deck, chairs, fernieries' and plants. The girls 'came c.from 'the center back stage té the front, turn- ing, ii a coniplete circle and( going out alternately from one side to the- other.. On the stage were six girls and the ainounicer. After the show the girls presented Miss XVoodley with two pairs of hose and a bouquet. The show was en- joyled by aIl, anîd the girls feel re- Iwarded for thieir biard -work.-Mariail Goode, Howard 8B. Central-Laurel P..T. A. Donates Stage Curtains Thie Central-L-aurel P'. T. A. lia,~ given to the Stollp schooli a ncw sect of curtains. T hese !curtains aÀrtvfor the back and sides of the stage. ()lit play s probably will appear rnuch bt- ter with these nev curtajus thlen bc- fore, even though tlhe plays were so) well enacted due té the fact thiat Mi,,~ Flaskered bas directed theln. Ail the Stolp school members sitncerely thank the P. T. A. for this fille gift. -Dan Séiden, Stolp) 21), Adelaide Koenen Break s Record-in Bail ThrowingR Pretty,, soon, is field day.. The seventh grade girls tried for ball throwing. Up >to this *tue, Doàrotlhy Davis, bas kept the lighest record.of' bal throwing for wilmfette scbool girls. Now Adelaide Koenen bas the bighest. We hope she will. always keep hier good recor .-Emilie jan le Mickey, Howard 7B. day- Latnds." It tells about two eh il dren named Nandia and 13.2 Nandla's people go to the hur grounds every summer season.1 travel in a boat called a umiak-) by Edenberg, Ho10ward 4th grade. sing and the orchestra '- ferent selections. It is at 8 o'clock.-George Rei ard 7B. te *auring ine sum1A114Sm1 AAA'i1LliU1V y child," declared De Arv G. Barton, off ering greater freedom from aduit originator of Adventure Land, one crowds than Friday. of the new shows on the Island, in d Youngsters this year will find en- explaining. this popularity of sup- -tirely new thrills in ail parts of the posedly juven.ihe attractions for Fair-particularly in.their own realm grown-ups., <I v .fi v a h v 'i