Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 May 1934, p. 50

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socfrty Tue, ] Pohd MISStI. musical programn for the worship ewill be as follows: prelude, use," Chopin;. anthem., "'Beek Ye Ard." Roberts, Mr. Woerner and* hoir; offertory solo., "Mother Ine," l Tours, Mn. Edward Otis; le, étMarch ]pittoresque," Kroeger.. Prma Rounds. 18 dieector.. The Pastorlas class for those Who plan to Join the church meets gt 9:30. We Invite you.to our Bibleý school at 9:80 O'clock. We Invite you to Join the Bible. class which meets at 9 :45 té study some Of, the modern lessons froni the great propheta., The Christian Endeavor socity. wilJ meet at .5:30 0'clock and discus the topic, 'Military. Training and Good Will." We invite the Young people'of high sehool age to Join us. The Foru.m will, discuss. the topic, "Borne Preabyterian. Pi'inciples"l at its' meeting at 6:30 o'clock, led by the pas- tor. Refreshments will be served before and po4tscollecolaeg. The board of trustees wtll meet for organizatlon Monday. evening at 8 o'clock, the.place to be announced. Spoke No. 8 of the Woman's tsociety will be entertained by Mrs. Norman, Radder and Mrs. Clifford Goodman Tuesday at 1 o'clock at dessert luncheon at the homne of Mrs. 1Radder, 1331 Maple avenue. service we wi Boy Scout'Tnoop 5 will meet Monday evening at the chuch.. Girl ScoutTnoop 5 willi meet Thurs- day afternooni -atthe chu;rch. * The choir will nehea rse- Fniday ev.±- ninig at 7- o'clock at. the ehurch. A music festival will be given by: the choir Frtday evening, May 25.' On Sunday, May 27, the pastor wil specllyaddres the graduates of grade The Offilcial board Ineets Monday, May 14. at 8 o'clock at the church. AUi nem- bers are urged to 'le presênt. "Peg o' My Heart." will b. preseflted by the Wesley Players Wriday, May 25, and Saturday, May 2&6ti the Great hall.e Reserve these, dates and plan -to attend. The Senior choir meets for rehearsal Thuroday eveninga at 8 oclock under thé direction of Mise Marie BiioéL The.Junior cho Ir rehearses each Satur- day morning at 10:15 ýo'clock under Miess Bniel's direction. The Young. People's group will bave its ..May Frolle" F riday evening 0f tbis ,week at the Woman'à. club. Baptist Church Wilmette and Forest avenues Rev. George D. Allison, pastor Sunday Ws Mther's. Day, that new American. holy day of. the home and of the fa'mily , life. This church plans to observe this new custoin. There will be special exercises i >the Church school at 9: 30 and at the morning worshlp, il O'clock, there willl.b. songs, prayers and a message suited to the occasion. Dr. Allison preaches on, "Pioneering at Home Troday." The glirls choir'-sings "Love at lUome." Young People's'meetings will be held Sunday at 6:30, both in Sunset club, and B. Y. P. U. groups. New officerS for Sunset club are Joci Dickinson, president; Ruth Phelps, prograni chair- man; Winthrop Richards, social chair- nman. The play~, "Three Moss Roses," is in prepanation with a cast frôgn .the twQ groups and will be presenteci a'round June 1. The Twenty-First annua.l meeting of Wilmette Baptist .church will be .Wed- nesday, May 16, with elections of of- ficers, interesting presentation of his-: tory and present activities and a social boum. The dinner will be served at 6:30 and ail members are expected to attend. Norninating, budget andpro- grami comiittee5 are at womk.. Tomorrow, (Friday) is the annual luncheon of the Women's society at 12:30. Mrs. H. A. Orvis will lead the devotIonal and Mrs. George N. Lambl will read "Mary of Scotland." There will also lie very special music. The an- nual report will b. ead and offilcers for the ensuing year éeted., Suinday, May 13, the congregation of the Kenilworth Union ehurch wil wor- ship witb the Church of the Holy Coin- forter. Dr. Willett will preach. *First Evangelical $eventh street.at Greenleaf avenue Wilniette -A House of Worship"l The Rev. David P. Kabele, pestor SIJNDAY SERVICES Sunday school 9,ý45 a. ni. Morning, worship.,I11:00 a. nm. Luther league.............5:30 .. Choir rehearsal Friday eNeening.at,7:30 p'clock., The Luther league willi meet Sunda y evening at 56:30 o'iclock.11 1 The Felloivship group, WilI hold Its meeting Monday evening, May 14, begin- ning with a supper at 6 :30. 'Reserva- tions are'to be miade with, Miss. Beatrice Larson, Wilinette 12X4 The Wômafl's soefety AilI bcld itt May work meeting at the Childrens Receiving home in Maywood. We will mneet at the parsonage at 9I o'clock Thursday, May 17, arid journey out to- gether. The pastor will attend the affluaI convention of the Illinois Synod next week-May 14 to 18.* Anyone wishingý the services of the paston will please get in 'touch with J. H. Hlopp, vice-chairrnan 0f the Church c-ouncil. Phone Wiimette What ftner tribut. could we pay to Our mothers than to attend a service of worship next Sunday morning and thaqnk God for our mothers. We will ob-. serve Mother's daY at our service of wo0rsliip next Sunday niorning with spe- cial music and a sermon fitting the occasion. Do as mother used to do-go to church Sunday. First Con gregdational John, G. Hindley, ininister The Miay meeting of the Womnan's guild will lie heid FrIday of this week. Luncheon at 1 O'clock will be served by the Neighborhood circie. The speaker of the afternoon will hA lDr. Paunl Irw K1T8 'Girls; s3:30>p. m.-Browrns; 7:30 p. m.-T'roop No. 2, Boy Scouts. Wednesday: 7:30 p. m.-Troop No. ^ 1 Boy Scouts. Thursday - 3.30 p. r.-Girls' choir rehearsal; 4 p. m.-Boys' choir rehears- ai;. 7:15 p. m.--Senior Choir rehearsaýL Fridayr:, 7:30 p. m.-Wekeacaflla Camp Fire Girls. Saturday: 9:30 a. m.7-Cub Pack No. 63; 10 :30 a., m.--GirIs' choir rehearsal; Il a, rn.-Boys' choir rehearsaL.> St. A ugustine'-S Rev. Hubert Carleton, rector, Surhday. May 13 wilI be' the Suiday. after Ascension uiay. Thére wilJ be 1101Y Communion at 8. a. -ni., church echool and Bible, classes at 9 :45. and. I norning prayer With'sermion at il a. m. Monday, May 14,, the men 0f the par- ish will assemble for an informai smoker in the' parish -bouse at 8 ip., m. AUl mepn of the church and their fniends, Includ- ing the young men, are invited.' There will be lightrefreshments-mcider, dough- nhts, etc.-and an informai program. Our acolytes are hoping to* attend the annual -diocesan service for, acolytes at St.' Luke's pro-catliedral, FEvariston, on 'hur.ýday night, May 17. Noted A uthorities on International *Affairs to SPeak Europe, Asia and al sections of the United States will be represent- ed by* the lecturers who are to par- ticipate in the Midwest Institute *.of International . Relations at North- western university june 25 to JuIy 6 under. the auspices of the Ainerican Friends 'Service committee (Quak- ers). Fong Foo Sec, member of the board of directors of Rotary Inter- national, ai-d for twelve y'ears chari'- Man of tlhe national* committee of the Y. M. C. A. in. China, will heca.d the courÉses and- round table discus- sions on -the "Orient in, World Af- fairs," with' Grover Clark, author'and former professor in the National Uiniversity of Pekinig. Dr. Leyton Richards, minister of Carr's Lane Congregational church, Birmingham, England, and one 'of on~ thne erati church. Visitors ae hreoe omhEncu ".y i o xhbtiu arruauged ro nelp ormulate effective quite weIcome at this service. Wednesday, May 16, froni 2 ta 5 O'clock pam fotecrsi ubcan of the. Woman's - nteeuc ain.TawI e private schools, ministers, collège ,ty. wili b. helO The aduit confirmation class will lie semved. students, leaders in clubs and civic lie home of Mm. examlned on, Wednesclay In the preseince raztinsuhsheYM.CA, Usl street, Win- of the deacons 0f the church. Both The May Fellowship dinner wîî il ognzainluc sth .M.C . abry wilî speak classes will then lie confirmed on Sun- held In the church Thumsday, May 17, at Y. W. C. A., Rotary clulb,.Le-ague of -oe."1 Ther. wiU day, May 20 th the il o'cloek service. ,6:-30 p. ni., the Neighborhood cirele serv- 'Women Voters,, etc., it is eXplained. D« of

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