Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 May 1934, p. 3

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'Greetyngs: "The forty-first annual' reunion of Ye Olde Towne Foikes wiIl be held Friday evering, May 11, 1934, in the Masonic temple, with a social hour at '5:45 and dinner at 6:30. A short programi of unusual interest to allye olde tyme residents will follow the business tmeeting." * In these words of E. . Buige, president, ail ye: goode olde towne foikes. who have been -residents of *the. village for a period of twenty- five' years, or your children Of legal age, are invited te, attend the 1934 get-together and participate. in 'thé feast of reminiscence.and renewval Of old-timne friendship thàt always char- acterize these gatherings. Genuîne ReuniOn A long establishe d f eature of these *reunions is the program. They are flîotý prepared in- advance, and oee neyer knows- when he may be called, upon to do bis part toward the "feast of reason and flow of soul" that neyer f ails to 'd'eveiop. For,'-the younger set, for whonî there is no Wilmette of the past but cn>tly a Wilmette of thé present, en- tertainmenit will be provided which wili require no memory to e n joy. This annual affair, it is said, is really a homè-coming, which in past vears has attracted former residents frorn distant points.. The average at- tendance over a long period lias been .approximately 175. No -Delinquent Dues l'le point is emphasized that the ýoniy requisite for nenmbership is pay: ment of dues for the. current year. Those eligible ones who have. not 'at- tciided or paid dues ini recent years are flot regarded as delinquent,' and -_'%iIIl be heartily welcomned. Mr. Burge closes, hi-,J.etter of in"- vitation. with these words: "Won't. - ou help ,make the reunion .this.year .a aeiorable 'one, neot only by attend- ing yourself, but by inviting any of your acquainances who are eligible?" Ye' Olde Towne Foikes organiza- lion embraces in its tnembership mnany of the families who -have nlaved Carlos Photo John P. Bailmanl, 1524 Elomwood avenuie, has beeiected presient of the -Wilmnette Civ-ic leagueë, to sricceed. G. H. Redding, zeho has .1ice»t head of the organtization fr te past twéo. ears. Mür Bail- nia. has bec» Promzinent in, leagute aýifairs for several years and par- ticuilarly active in commnIiIy civic enterprises. Officers chosen to serve wjth Mr. Balîman are Elmer D. Beckef, vice- president; H. T. Reiling, secretary, and W. D. 'Leary, treasurer. New di- rectors, are E. E. MUeier,' Jesse Wal- wortb, J. D. Roth, and Robert Stod- dard. The Civic league holds. a luncheon meeting in Chicago once each mont-b, anid four- general evening meetings i sonie village auditorium during thbe year. :Membership is open to ail resi-~ dents' of thbe comniunity who are i- terested in local civic affairs. ATTORNEYS'TO MEET Alexander H-. Marshall, Glencoe Village attorney', has charge of ar- ra ngemfent-s for a luncheon mieeting of corporation counsel and cit-y attorneys o6f ,,inois municipalities to be held Friday, no On, M.ay 25, at 'the Palmer House. Many 'important legal prob- lemis of municipatities will be consid- ered at this- meeting,. it is' annouficed.~ restrictions on the use of water for sprinkling purposes this year, and that citizens are at liberty to ýuse ail the water they want, day or night. In view of the drought and consequent dryness of the ground, this will be welcome-news to many residents who take pride in their lawns, flowers, s hrubbery and gar- dens. Until the comipletion of the 24-inch main as far west as ýthè' railroad, it. is saffd, there may be a shortage of water in some sections,, though this is hiot probable. Presi- dent C. P. Dubbs requests. that ini any such cases bis office be advised., by telephone or letter, so- that an investigation may bie promptly mnade, The fault often lies in some slight Obstruction in the ulne leading from the main into the bouse, wh ich cari be readily corrected., The water sup'ply is now adequate for ail pur- poses, it is stated, without skimiping. iBoy Scouts to Hold Big Rally at Beach An all-Wilmette Boy Scout ralîy Will be hield on the beachi at the foot of Forest avenue, Thursday exvening, Nlay 17, at 7 :30 o'clock, to which al Scouts, their famnilies and friends are. in%,ited. Thle prograin wsill include gaines, çontests, surprise events and a great caznpfire. At' the 'canipfire session those Scouts wh'o lelped ini the old paper collection for the benefit of WVihnette Welfare 'board wil be especialîr honored. Charles A. Steele,' the camping chairmnan of Region 7, ilicluding Illi- nois, Indiana, Wisconsin and Mich- igan. wil'l be present- and give the Scouts information about. camp op-' porunities, activities and-privileges. An' organization of a patriotic and politicàl nature was formed at a meeting held in the Village hall Tues- day evening, its avowed purpose b.- ing to work for the protection of the constitution of the United States and the preservation of, the American: f orm of, representative government., Fred .M. Clarke, .931 Oakwood ave- nue, served as, temporary chairman. The report of a committee appoint- ed at a previous. meeting to draft a state.ment of principles was presented bS' its chairman. The, committee con- sisted of: Draft Statement George H. Reddinig, chai rman; Wil- liamn Edmonds,- Charles* M. 'Bur- lingame, C. E. Drayer, Fred. J. Newey, A. R. Eddington, A.ý L. Grin- nell, ElmerAD. Becker, William M. James, Robert Stoddard, R. W. Mc- Canldlish, Jesse WalWorth. After an extended discussion of the various articles of the statement it svas unanimously adopted as a plat- form upon which -the organization. will ask the cooperation of the voters of Wilmette. A committee consisting of William .M. James, chairman; William Ed.. monds, Robert Stoddard, J. E. Worthen and H. O. Crews was ap- pointed as a nominating cominittee to select candidates for the various officers. Their recommendations were concurred in, the secretary be- ing instructed by motion to cast the v te. The officers are: Frd Nanie Officers EweM Clarke, presiclent; C. D. Ewrvice-president; Abert A. Mc- Keighan, secretary; Theodore C. Kniep, treasurer. SA committee of five, consisting of R:* E. Pattison Kline, chairman, the Rev. George P. Magili, H. G. Eisler, Paul C. Lang. and C. E., Drayer, was appointed by the president to pre- pare by-laws and such regulations as may be deemed necessary *for the proper conduct of the organization., The following. telegram was drafted by a 'committee consisting of Hoyt T(inLy. John P. Ramn. nd iAAlhet WILL to aUy exVALVaeircu.A i4iub** VI L'* 2. uJ tuf t registrants have been wit'hout st-eadyJ ers rel Nvork for a' long period, and will ap- but th preciate an opportunity to earn' somie- etiergic thing. however small. If in need of cant Ic teniporary help, call Wilmette 255 0 borhoo and your needs -wil be supplied. ïf àny,, Cmiii Wilmette 4300 to be honored for excel arship at the tenth ar, day convocation at the u day of this week. ,a ireshman rai arts and 760 students .ncy in schol- inual Honors niversity Fri-'

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