Lane," and ".In 'the Vienna~ od, a Strauss waltz. Deemns Taylor, Barnette, and MacFadlyeti were the composers other ihan Strauss whose works she sang.' Her encorcs 'vere 1\1ty- Little House, n 'id LOU." Lyric and- crystal clear, lier voice has, a lovely ýquality, exquisite *t timies, always 'well modulated, exceàlergt1y controlled, aPuatl pitched, ýand directed by, intelligence. D)istinct ,elunciatioti is hers. and , conîpflete ease in the flow ' of tone which is * iever strained.. 1-er per- sonality. goes hand in baud -with lier singing. 'iPh.stoiy E. Fr ederiv-k The golden harp resting against 1'o bec c'owned l Vay queen dur- lier cheek blended with the red-gold 1 gth fli, j ete Saturday of this in lier hiair to mrake-a Charming pic' -week ai the' Uni-eersity of Illinoi ture whien Mlargaret Sweenev plaved is the honor con iferred upon Miss her harp.. Her fragile * hands and' Janét A4. Brown of 1521 Highilanrd grms moved across the strings of the. avene intî.Tefeishl harp, in excellent ýtechniqu'e, produc- ini 'connucciion with the ,annjul iîng delicate' music. - 1r lier first Milrs'd' e-cdfsite. group lellotta, Gode froid and Ver-' dalewreth omMIrSSî cos.1 ~Brown, who ?L'as choscu. ai dalerbraddsh were th 'tusrse'cose". an Clection open b ail stuidents, is' Oberur nd edeshi erethe oni J i)bll(")<f 'DéIta' Delta Delta positions in lber second group of . «oI , forwtil iei os three. This latter group , as best, it4 last, nniber, 'Spanish. Patrol." dis- playing a* littie more animation. and v'ariety ini toue and mood than her ' M r. and M1r,. Louis Suekoif, 8191 others>. She encored twice, witlî two Chestiitt avenue,' entertained forty- old songs ' "Sweetest Story. Ever five guests at a buffet supper Suni- T'old," and "l3elfieve Mfe, If Ail Those hionor of Mrs. Suekoffs birth- Endearing Young Charms." day. announcement JOHN B. NASH, President of c/ Vgue (3/eaners' NCORPORATED this week announces ÇChestnut avenue, Wilnr of the active chapter. aternoon. er of Mr. of 1221 presîdent Breakfast for, Chorus Mrs. F. W. FuermanOf 206 Win- netka avenue,. Kenilworth, was 'host- ess to the miembers of-the ensemble' JIU -V THE EVANSTON ACADEM-4 OF Finit i-RTS CARL SÇHEtIFfLEt, Dfrectow SUIMMEIIC BOOOL Outdoor. skitching amd studio work for beginners andadvaced studehits. Public school teachme traW ' ut coursé. Specisi wee*ènd class for juniots a 'nd- chldren. 031 Chireb Street greenleal 1874 FIRST ..MORTGAGEý RESIDENCE LOANS Profer North Shore Suburbe COMMUNICATE WITH H. F. U'hllipsb@ra & 'Co. 105S. aSale t.FRAn.kin8397 Patronize Our 'Advertisers. I FOR IMMIENhATE WEAIL WINNET KA 33.60 GLENCOE HENRY C. Sous We 0wn and Operate Our 0wn P lant I J~ Sherman and Church-EVANSTON Open Saiserd .y Evrongs