Jaunt May 22 On Tuesday, May 22, the Womnan's Club of Wilmette will hold its annual spring, tour Underý the, spoénsorship ofte ways, and mneans committeeof which, Mrs. C. L. Darling is gen- eral chairman. Mrs., G. S. Roberts, tourchairmani, entertaied the members of her c om- m .ittee at luncheon on Monday and. discussedplans formakinig this one of -tbe Most delig.htful^ of the scenic garden tours ever given. The tour luncheon Will' be served at the. Sedgc.ley Farms tavern, and stops wîll .be made at severalbeauti- fui country homes, among them. be-, ing the Alexander Legge estates, the King- Bruwaert home, formecrly owi- cd, by the French consul,, the lovely garden home of, a former presidentý Sof the Lombard WÀ,oma'n's 'club, and. the -estate of H. A. Fisher whicii is said to have 20,000 different varie- ties of iris. The last stop will be at the famous Lilac-park in Lomb)ard. A splendid tour is promnised and tickets may be- secured fron . Mrs. Roberts or any member of her comn-9 mittéee wbich is *as follows:,1 Mesdames W. H-. Hayt, C. L. Rogers, Maurice Booth, A. E, . m bail, George D. Williams, A. H. Fuessie, R. J. Lascelles, R. C. Clark, R. W. Hallet, Frank Randaîl. t Mrs. bennis Wood Smnih r Heads Friends in Council J Friends)ii Council ol Evanston hadp their closing lunclieon and prograin o01 FiyMay *4, at the Georgian h'otel.ý The following new officers were in- troduced:- *Mrs. Dennis Wood Smitb. of Wil- mette, 'presideât; Mrs. Leigh W. Bowles, treasurer; Mrs. F. O. Neu- v~ hacher, corresponding secretary;_and C 51e i nursday, -KF sion of more at' tf cause of the D.. ent. day. Ncwvly élected as preside>,f of the Womait's Gatholic Club of Wilmnette iiMrs. Harry L. Barker of 1765 W,ýa.shi;i.qtoin avenue, who 7vaos iiiducted into office at 'the gala annual lunclwon of the clb at Saneoit ,IIay do v. Skokie Valley D. A. R. l'o EIect and Hear Repýorts lier dire p nients % The annual meeting of the Skokie of *a nui VTalley. chapter of the Daughiters of planned. the Americani Revolution, of whicli M'rs. Charles B. Jacksonof Wiinnetk'a s regent, will. be hield Monday, May 21, at the home of Mrs. William A. Hg Durgin, 627 Forest avenue, WVilmette. The assistant hostess ivill be Mrs. r. B. Olwin. A buffet luncheon ivill )recede the meeting. The. annual election of officers takes place at the May meeting. On he nominat.inýg committee, are Mrs. )urgin, Mrs. Israel ,C. Cope, and M{rs. Otto Ruth. The prograni will consist of a re- 'iew of the recent national congress of the D. A. R. in Washington, given ne 14, will be celebrated it was last year by the l a luncheon and Flag r'eneprt. idrso ' ' i s memoerai ineannuid *banquet theretofore for mothers alonc. The idea was a good. one and well approved by the "dads,»' so the aux- iliary bas deÉided to repeat the invita- tion this year. "Fathers and ni other's of the Junior auxiliary of the Woman's club," the. junior s. an 1nounice, "),ou are hereby cor- dially invited to at tend the. annual ban- quet to be given in, your honor on May 17,. at 6 :30 o'clock, in the Wotnan's club bouse.". Hal Totten, fornwrly assciate d with *WMAQ an d, now assistant director of *pro grain arrangeenit at the NBC stu- dio, will speak on "Stars of Sport and *Radio.", Sunsef Rdgo Lu'ncheon, The 'Sunset Ridge cu 1lhv its spring luncheon, for womn Tues- day, May 15, at 12'o'clock. Trhis is the annua.l opening party and. ail ne~w members are cordially iinvited to at- 'tend. Mrs. Dick Payne o.f Winnetka is chairman of the bridge committee. Mrs. C. . Graham of Evanston, chairnian of the golf commiittee, Mrs Howard Jordan of Kenilworth, chair- man of holiday bridge. Mms Willis in llju,,u Li a n.lli, anctu MItUC -ction manly artistic improve- were completed. A season nber of delightfuil'parties is. eIps With Benefit '11' PJ -enrr zen lci, i er dance ini the SWiltnette May -o is rno7.ng Io encrgetically up deParture ri- te Plaws for the c and Song, Included et The May meeting of the Northridge. Woman's club ôf Xilmnette Will take place Mon- day. eveninig, May 14, at the hiome of Mr's.. Rudolphi Heiser, 1932 Thornwood avenue. Charles Kashian will talk on ï'Theý History of. the Orient and4 It.s Orient- al 'Rugs,'ý: Mr. Kasbian: will show samiplesof orienttais to illustrate bis talk. Miss Clarice Coke andMi. DotaMacMundt, students:at the _Na- tional College of.Education will siýng and, play. The following officers for 1934-35.' %villbe elected; Mrs. Leonard Van Deursen, president; Mfrs. H._B In- gersoll, first, vice-president; Mrs. Frank Cra7wfôrd, secretary; Mrs. Mýaxiwell Rust, treasurer. On Tuesdav,. May15 the card club, under auspices of the NoÉthridge Woman's club -will mneet at the home -of Irs. R. C. Quinlevan, 1928 Thorn- .ý,ood avenue. Members are asked please, to re.member to notif v'theý hostessif they cannot be present. On Monday afterntoon, May. 7. the> literature, departni 1ent. of tue North- ridge Womian's club held its last meeting of the vear at thue boine of MUrs. William Edmonds, 1935 Thorn- wood avenue. Mrs. Freeland Stecker read Keith Winter's play "Shining H-our." The play is a tragi-comedy. Its construction and treatment. of subject mat ter provoked considerable dilcussion both for and against. *After beaing the play read, a nurn- ber_ of the memnbers. plan t'O sec. it whecre it: is .piaying downtown. Reelected l'oHe'd. Catholic Juniors. At a special meeting of the board of directors of tbe juniors of the Woman's Catbolic Club of Wýilnîjette, TbursdaY eveliing of Iast week, Miss Dorothy Pettinlger %Nas reelected L, ilitIeu Iii teirg irom thie wo- l'le" of the Chicago diocese of the Episcopal church. will be mnade on May 17, at thie Church of the Atone- ment in Edgewater, during the aIl- day meeting and luncheon. A group Of women . from the Churcb of the Holy Comforter i Kenîlworth wilI attend.