Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 May 1934, p. 38

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Saturday, May 19 Shawnee's Feast of the Lan- terns, suggesting calor andIlight and gayety and, srummer, will1 be. held May 19., The day this Season is one month inadvance' of the sanie festivity of éther yiears. For the occasion the bailroom wiii be splendidl.y decorated witb myriads of muliîcolored lanterris., Dining tables will be set arou:d the baIl- room, and in the lounge ."if, when, and as thé. ballroom becomes over- crowded for dining and dancing and entertairiment," the club announces. Lis to be "an evening of beauty and enjoyment for members of Shawnee and their guests."1 A dinÙer will be served, inkeeping with the occasion the club promises,, and an orchestra regar4ç4 as >the 4'biggest hit of Shawnee s many -enjoyable parties" has been selected for the evening. Just as much for the younger mnembers of the club, as for the older ones, is the party arranged. "Unus- ual preparation and the very high grade type of entertainment" to be provided aréuses anticipation of "one oh, the biggest events of the year." 'be younger niembers of the senior aance committee are participating in promoting interest in the event. History is woven around lanterns. -Two years ago a. meuber of the club commented upon the subject of this type. of illumination, which is re- peated from Shawnee Shore: "In the Mycenean age historians -tell us windows were unknown and the folks iived in. the Iight of Ian- terfis entirely. The Romans made a great matter of their lanterris. Aadnhimseif had a great time with a lantern and remember Diôge- -es, the old Greek cynic and philoso- pher who spent bis time hunting9 with a lanterri for an honest mfan. Carlos Photo Mrs. Robert Markham, whose home is at 1610 Central avenue, is ticket chairman for the St. F rancis Xavier all-/'arish part y uhich wilI l'e held at Shawnsee Coupttry club earlY in lune. Mary Elizabeth Crush la Be Married May 22 O.» the afternoôn of Tuesday, May 22, Mis.s Mary Elizabeth ÇCrush, formerly of Wilmette, will be mar- ried to Dontald Rothmian Morrissey. of Appleton, Wis. The ceremony. wili take place at 5 o'clock at the home of the bride's brother-in-iaw and sister, Xlr.. and Mrs. Edward Kirchberg, 254 Mary street, Giencoe. *Owing to the recent death of Miss Crusb's mother the wedding Wiii be attended by only the families and a few close friends. M~rs. Kirchberg will be ber sister's oniy attendant, and Winfield Morrissey will serve his brother as best man. A small Another june bride is Miss Dor- othy Dayton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burt J. Denman, 21 Linden ave- nue, Wilmette, who will be married Saturday, june 12, to Beresford Fils- worth1 Beck, son of Mr. and Mrs.,- .WilliamD. Beck of Evanston.. The ceremony is tïo take place :ii the chapel of. the First Methodist Jpiscopal church of Evanston. at., 8 o'ciock ýand wilI be performed by Dr. Ern est, F. Tittie. A reception will 4follow at, the Deiman home.- Miss Peggy Beiden of Minneapolis will be Miss Dayton's maid of honor, and the bridesmaids are to. be Miss Peggy Gillette, also of, Minneapolis, Miss' Jean D)unbar,*of Elmnhurst, Miss Joan Walker of Highland Park, ànd'Miss Anne.Milis.of Highland, Park. joseph Beck will serve bis brother as best. man. The* ushers will be Lawrence Denman,' Carl, Kemps of Evanston, 'and Sidney Butz and. Ford Stoddard of Wilmette. Mr. and Mrs. Deriman wiIl give *the bridai dinner on June 11, at Shawne~e Countr'~y club;. After a* honeymoon Mr. Beck and bis bride will be at home at 736 Hin- man. avenue, Evanston. Enferfain Poster Art ists Friday, May 4, the Health center en-< tertained the twenty-two school chul- dren who sub mitted Health Week posters for luncheon at the Weeks' Dining room. Miss Gertrude Copéland, chairrnan of philanthropies of the jun-1 ior auxiliary of the Woman's Club of Wilmette, was hostess. Jun. Bride. Spring Festival Ait the -gi-oü-p and societies of 'St. Francis Xavier clhurch are ,uniting te mnake the parish Spring festival which is- being planned for, June 2, an out- standing suc .cess. This affair,: which' is -the -first all-parish party in, a number of years, will .be, held, at Shawnee . Country, club. There will be cards, and, numero us priz es including those. f or tables, dancéing to a good orchestra, and judging from ithe enthusiasmn which is greeting the project it will be a gala' evening- Rev. John, C. Keenan, Who is gen- eral chairman of the party called i meeting of the, womn of the parish for iast Monday evening. A reore- sentative group responded, and Father Keenan started the bail roiling by appointing various committee chair- men to work out the, details of festival. The following womenwere., appointed: Mrs. Robert 'Markhani,. ticket chairman; Mrs. Louis Peter- bans, patroness chairman; 'Mrs. Frank P * Collyer, table chairman; MVrs. Harry Barker, refresbment chairînan; Mrs. T. F. Molyneaux and Mrs. John Tracey, chairmen of prizes, and Mrs. Marshall V. Kearney, pub- Iicity chairnian.ý The Jun~ior group will assist on the varîous comm.ittees. Father Keenan bas called another mneeting of ail the men and women of the parish. for Monday evening, May 14; a t 7 :45 o'clock, at the St. Francis -Xavier schooi hall, and is urging themn to respônd and do, their bit to inake thspaihparty one-hupnded per cent succgessful.1 Virginia Evers to-Wed. Willard C. Thompson be per- rnorning Sby the rýs ago. er of 723 L.aurel fte, takes place severali Ïng a group of sangs, the piano by Miss A stu.dent at North- of Speech willi give er, soli of Preder.ïck avenue, fi lune 16.,.

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