Àned.Mr c t the ad- Lthe past are inlsu rpy against unhealthy feet Correct shoes-a factor Just as important to your chil8a proper food and warm coting..UnhealthY feet are-just as serions as any other unhealtby condition of the body-but in Most cases unhealthy feet are far casier to guard agaiùst and, correct. FIELD COMFOPEDIC SHOES offer you this pro- tection and, in some measure, the correction iproper for your child. Our. trained salesmen canquickly tell (on the X-ray ma- chine) whetber your child needs this protection.and correction. In sizesý from 2 to. 20 ,at prices from $3.75 to $8 The Evanston Store Church anid Shermnan MARSHALL FIELD &COMPANY. N PUB»L AtCollection, Jewelry W R014i Iseludimg OitPeintings ly Mat.rs, Or Iv.nes, Dr.nu.s, Pottery, Ethiflist Samuel L. Winternitz & Comnpany AUCTIONEERS MU6 Firt Ntional Bank BIdt. Chicago Mr. Herron is completing his tenthl year1 as* freshmân boys' advisor . chairman. During that period he bas1 worked.,with approximatèly 4,000 Newi Trier.boys. Next year, it is announced, the registrai's offce wÎhl have supervision of the lockersi'as *ell,.as of automo- ibles. and oôf parking., S. S. Vernon, junior boysý' advisot chairmafi, is to be relieved of the locker supervisinig work, while A.- L. Grinneli,' sopho- more boys' chairman, no longer will have' the automobile and parkingý Wornîes. N., .Track Team to P 1articipate tin Meet ât Evantston New Trier Hig1ý schoor's track team will enter the district meet at Evans- ton Saturday of t iis week. Qualifiers in the district meqt4 %ûhiughout Illi- nois will compete in the state meet the following Saturday, May 19. New Trier overwhelmed DePaul1 academy of Chicago in a practice meet Wednesday of, hast week. The score was.75 io 29. DePaul won the relay arni- ook first-place.. '1e broad jui-sp and the low huùdles.. - ther . irst places were won by N'ew Trier boys, as follows: 880-yard run-Martln Bridges. lime, 2:07.6. Hlgh Jump-~Frued Woleben. H-eight, 5 feet 6 inches. Discus throw-Bill Faymonville. Dis-1 tanuce, 123 feet 1Iinch. Pole iaul.t---Jaxnes Kingsley. Heiglut, a high hurdles-George ýe, 16 fiat. Il dash-"D)uke» Scott. Tinie, -y.d- da$h -Da.ve Gooder. Time, 'yard dash - DeWitt Jonies. Tîme, )t put-Bill Fa.ymonville. Distance, et %k inch. next year - Paul Dempsey, T om Hildebrand and Don Anderson. Candidates for the various other offices and committee chairnqanships ini the club are. Fred Homann and Carleton Ross, vice.president;, Djck .McLaren and Don Kurtz,.,secretary; Ed Mcee-and James Donovan, treas- urer; Kenneth Cowan,,* Bill Burrilli and "Bud" Barber, dinner -commit- tee;, Bob Prosser and . Bob Nickels, charity committee; Bill Casseli and Bill McFadzean, pubhicity. commit- tee; Art White and Diav1e. Miller, clubroom c ommittee, and DeWitt jones and Phil .Dostal, interscholastic relations comàmittee.' Ail but two of these candidates were. selected by a nominating com- mittee composed of the officers' and senior representatives of the club. The two not on the nominating com- mittee's, list were nominated by spe-, cial pet ition- in accordance with a. custom oPf the Tri-Ship club which, permits the selectioni of additional candidates in that manner. The can- didates we re presented at a boys' asSembly on Monday. Rifle Téam Second in National Match New Trier's rifle teain won second place in the nation-wide interscholas- tic tyro team match held recently. First place was won by Union High, school of Portersville, Calif. .'1 Out of a possible 1,500 points the Porterville team scored a total of 1493. New Tnier's 'total was 1,455. Scores of individual mernbers of the New Trier team were: Theodore Reed,. 293; Maurice Bosley, 293; Leonard Shure, 293; Harry Minor,* 290, and William Katz, 286. New Triér's second tean 1 1tied with. Polytechnic 'Preparatory school of B3rooklyn for fiftK place in the con- test., Other winners were Central High of, Washington,. D . C., » third, and West Central High of Morris. Minn., fourth. Each member of the New Trier first team will receive a bronze medal as a result of the school's showing ini the national match. For severalvears 'New Trier's rifle group and Carol Tugaw the the aWarcis. uOb organization. Bob Eastman is honor scholarsl ýary-trçasurer for the boys. eral years. G 1Yoyng is secretary and jane Wilmette boy, ing is-treasurer for the girls. Forest avenue., inna~iiy Lor sev- cMaxwel is a home is.at 1414 'j