Invite. Villers to 'Take .Ad- vantage of Unusual- Values in Plants, Açccssorie's Ry Mrs. Walter Gore. Mitchell Petunias at unheard of prices- they are, so Iow-are to be among the potted plants offered for sale at the * eigh, annual Garden, Market in. Wilmette, Saturday, May 12, the day before MÏother's day. Members of the two garden clubs, the Wilmette Garden club and the Evening. Garden. club of Wilmette. who are sponsoring the market, are hoping for a day not too warmn and flot too cold and, à-bo;ve aIl, flot too ,wet,, for the sale which will be . bl1 with the assistance of local nursery- men, hardware stores, and others on the green opposite the Wilniette ave- nue station of the North Shore line. ail day -Saturday. Hold Maii, Rali or,,Shiai. For, raiîi or shine, the market will take. place, and perennials, annuals, potted plants, vines, wild flower plants, shrubs, bird baths, and other "garden accessorjes, and pottery garden tools, fertilizers., etc., wvill be on sale. Plants for the plant donation .booth wiIl be gratefully receivedi from anyone -who hias plants to spare. Sorne Unusual plants are always found' on this table. The co-chairmen of the market, Mrs. Elliott Youngberg. and Mrs. Esther Stone, if called, ivilI sec that plants are called for 'and- * 'taken to the market, It is hoped by the clubs, that.every- onie in the village will niake at least one trip to the -market Saturday and carry bomne as inuchi as lie or she can carry. Bring baskets and boxes,' the coinniittee uirges, so that youir * plants ivili. be better protected. The proceeds ~of the. sale wil'e used as ini the past seven markets for civic planting. orhUsers to Bene fit Nrhshore users of eiectricity wil bevefit, beginning june 1. 1934, hy the general reduction of el ectric rates, or- drdby the Illinois Commerce com.ý mission. This order by the commission af- fects the Public Service Company of Northérn. Illinois, and is estimatedl to, bring. a reduction of $1,055,000 for residential customers of the company. While the larg er consumers of pow er wili benefit to a greater extent, it is indicated that the reduction in cost as appiied to household usage of elec-i tricity wlll range f rom 8 to 12 perq cent. With the low 2-cent step of tlle îiev rate, -the Public Service compati% state. customers can use nearly one-thir(? more electricity without additional cost. James Simpson and George A. Ran- ney,. chairman and ie-chairman, re- spectively, of the company this week issued a statement emphasizing that they "consider the terms of the. tem- porary order issued by the Illinois Commerce commission in its ellectric rate case against this company most severe and flot justified by the facts. presented to the commission liv the company and embodied in the record that covers some fifty-eight hundred1 pages of testimony anid hutidreds. of' pages of exhibits. The Public. Service company offi- cials assert, however, that "îiotwith- standing the inequities of the commis- sion's findings, the company, deeming it wise to avoid further lengthy andI expensive hearings and court pro- ceedings,. has. decided to adopt the rate reductions imposed by the commissioni, believing that, ini view of its public statement, the commission will sée fit to t'nakethetemporary ord er a. finial, order. In doing, this, 'hovever, théi compa ny by express1 re se rvation does j iiot accept the prinçiples upon whicb the order 'is based." De inquents Are Urged Cash Awaits. Holders of Sehool Warirants F. A. Andrew,_ township scbool treasurer.: announces, that a consid- erahie number of grade school and New, Trier High scliooi tax anitici- pation warrants that have been caile(I1 for payvment are stili out- standing.These' are largeyin sma 1'1)blocks. but amounit to a-con- siderabie, sum., The cash is being held by M fr. Andrew to pay these warrants as f ast as'presente(i.,Hold- ers should realize that their inivest- ment is flot drawing interest and [bring the warrants to MNr. Andrews' office, 1200 Central avenue, Wil- mette, for redemption. New High Record for Play Activity Here A total of 20,981 villagers partici- pated in the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board's winter schedule of. activities from November 1, 1933, to Mfay 1, 1934,, according to a report issued this week by Daniel M. Davis, director of, recreation. This is thu. largest winter. registration ini the' bis- tory of the board. The increased attendance, Mr. Davis said, wvas due ini part to the increased leisuire broughit about. by., the depres- sion, and ini part to the fact that since January, 1, it has beeni possible, to ýoh- tain help f rom CWTES workers who assisted ini carryîing on the prograrn. t.ast year's total for the same periocl %vas 17,672. The year hefore, whlen hoth the Hovvard and Stolp gymnas- Neqrwý Trier Township Commité. tee Directs Important Letter to Real Estate Owners "Protect you real estate tities by clearing up youir back taxes. wbicb now impair -them." This is the plea which will go out this week from th'1h~Town- ship :committee té aIl property owners who have not paid in full their 1929. 1929 anci 1930 real estate tax bis. . The committee, which ik composed of representatives of al village,. park, school, and high school boards serv- ing Wilmette,* Kenilwortbh, Winnetka and -Glencoe, bas been engaged foir months in an effort to bring order outt of thec present local tax chaos. One of its first jobs was to conduct a cooperative audit of ail the delin- quent real estate taxpayers for th~ years 1928, 1929 and 1930. This auN ks to be used to bring to the atte tion of citizens the exact coftditiônio local real estate tax defaults for those yVears. Send Out, Letter Before any officiai actioneis taken* in the County court against 'delin- quents, the committee ks sending out a letter, telling property owners of the significance of fheir delinquni- dies and what the expens,Ž may mean to theni in dollars and cents. These are the high gpots of the letter: Il. Neither the assessor nor the local governing bodies can bis already received. *Redress lies oily in the County court. 2. Penalties of one. per cent pèr month are accruing against.:aIl unpaid and overdue tax bills f rom '1928 to 1931, inclusive, and 'for the first in- staliment of 1932, whether or mot the taxpayei bas file<1 objectionas to any of said taxes. After sale and for- chairmen of the will be Mrs. John Ida Nourse, and M~ Mrs.,Paul Lang,3 and Mrs. A. T. Wi D:)avy and Mrs. J. 1 chairmen of the cli lubs' food booth, Lyýmaii, Richie and cou Ilark Baker, Miss ance brokers, in the s. W. G. Mitchell, cities. Mis. Becker ar rs.. Charles BixlY, dards are going for tht iams. Miss Laura the trip. 'Miss Mary S ardie Weedon are bas spent the wÎnter inI )S, candy*booth.i return with the par ty. de.......... senNew Trierp le of Recreati 'on who' Socîety Paire will ar e nueaVoring to bIing orer l"o News'.>.......the chaotlc local tax situation. To that ........54 end they have secured an audit of defUn-' 38_42_45 quent taxpayers ln ail the communitieu BS......3 4245 for the years 1928, 1929, and 1930. You are listed ln these recorda as the Owner (Continiued on Page 56: