Ini Oür New Home Just one door south Of Our former loca. tion where.for many years we served Our customers. with FINE LINENS.. Maynew items'have been. added for this sale. . Why n ot select yOur. GIFTS for,,Weddings, Graduatio .ýn n Mother. events Fine, Linens'Make Fine Gifts: 15 Yea&n in Evanston, JOBOUL BROS. LINEN SHOF. 1633 Sherman Avenue, Evanston Opp>osite PosIt Office F U IR-CO&FS Cleaned Glazed Stored as,,low a Furrier's ei $5 </ -quipment and fur. of '..urtiss airpurt na ini The ship, which is the latest model froni the Stinson factory, is equipped with every facility for night flying as well as aIl of the recent. innova- tions that make for the comifort and, convenience of pilot and passenger .s. The ship will be used principally for dernonstration work.. South American. Country Orders Amnerican' Planes Bill Tatinaâ, 'wbo.unitil a fewmnonthis ago was ernployed as a inechianic at, Curtiss airport near Glenivie*,v. is nlow working for the Curtiss Airplan.e and Motor company at Buffalo, N,ý Y. He report's that the coômpaiiv recently, received from the Colombian, govNeru- ment a large ordeèr for Curtiss Ilawks. Herbert Anderson. Plies Racing Forms to Derby Herbert Anderson, vice-president of the Chicago Aviation corporation. left Curtiss airport last Friday 110011 in a Stinson-S carrying 550 poutids of racing formis for the Kentucky derby at *Louisville. On the, returi t tp Anderson bro ugh t ne's reel pictt res of the big race. Joins Office Staff at Curtiss-Reynolds Field2 Frank Bieser has joined t.he office staff at Curtiss airport, Bieser wvas an accounitant at the Curtiss-Stein- berg~ airport at East St. Louis. when Harold S. Darr, now president of the Chicago Aviation c-poration, operators of Curtiss field, w.ýas mani- ager at the East St. Louis base. Has Controllable Pitch Propeller Put on Pan Daniel Peterkini, Jr., of the 'Morton Salt company, hias hiad a Sinith con- trollable pitch propellor installed 01n his Stinson Reliant. The job ivas done at t.he Stinson factory. Peter- 1209 Washington Ave nue Phone Wilmette 781 -Ulldy. vveanesday ot îast weeic. 0 - Charles Ware, 32,5 Abbotsford road,- Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Rathbone, 523 Kenilworth, wbo bas been ili the past Abbotsford road, Kenilworth, re- ten days, is convalescing. satisfac- turned Sunday from a trip to French torily., Lick Springs. He also saw the derby. r Flying clubs, of which the Wilnette' squadron no* being organized is a 1uniit, will be Kirt Prillwitz who f lew 1with the famouis Udet of Gernany during the war. Mr. Prillwitz tells of a lot of thrill.- ing experiences with Udet's squadron, and every young man Iinterested* in aàviation is invited to hear him .at the club rooms' on the, second floor at 309 S. La Salleý street at 8 o'clock tonight- (Thursday).> There is- no ad- mission charge. Last week *Captain, Venages, the ýWell known Mexican pilot, gave an in teresting talk on the ýweather and ivhat to do about it when flying. The, national headquarters an- 1n ounces that, an Eaglet, has just been or(lered whic h ill be. available for the -use. of' the Wiflmette. squadron, as soon at it is delivered. 3 New ýFlying Students atSky Harbor Airport Three new students are taking flYv iilg iiistr.uction at Sky Harbor air- port, Duane Howard, ini charge of instruction, reports. One of the niewstudents is a Wiinnetkani, Fred HeCit- mn. The other two are E;vans-tOn-ý ians, J. P. Prindle anid Earl Fox. Fox has hiad*about five lîours of duna1. and Prindie, who lias his solo pilot«s licenise, is workinîg for bis private. PFlies His§ Travelair to- Louisville for Derby Alýlani Healy, younig attorney, left Curtiss airport withi a friend last Friday for Louisville, Ky., to attend the derby, The trip south was madc in Healy's Gypsy Travelair, %viwh.~ lie keeps at the Curtiss hangar, .j.PB., \Valker wvas aniother Curtiss hlanigar customer who took his ship out for a trip lastý Walker' ownis a Lambert XMonocoupe. Curtiss Shop Rebuilds Noble Cain's Airpiane Noble Cain, supervisor of vocal au(lltlons for the National Broad-