AND WVE HAVE A STORE CHOCK \ FULL 0F SMART NEW STYLES N The greatest velues and finent patterns we have ever presented. N Get yoursnow while Bizes and elections are comple. WIDTHS AAA-C s- IZES ,TO 9 ~ Our: New-Location -619 Davis St.- 1749 Howard Street PHO.TOGRAPHS 0F RARE, EX CE LLENC E Mrs. Neighbor North Shore, 111. Dear Mrs. Neighbor: The cbildreni don't stay littie long. Out of babyý dresses toclay, off to kindergarten tomorrow. and befoýre these No, the Wimette Sea Scouts are tiot playing the garne of "ýsnipe hunt- înig" but are serious iu building a real i sailing vessel that wi11 be seen ini Wil.- mette harbor withiu three weeks. Three of these boats aré under constructJin1 at the present time and another.,con-t temnplated., t is pointed out that a1 .6suipe" is tiot a bird but a boat ýin a racing class of its ownl-a boat capable utfcarrvying four persons anid affording 1 its ow uer', a lot o f f un. IMOO RINGS. l.The Sea Scouts, will have-tîeir boats rnio(red. along the north wall (if \il- mette, harbor just west of the U. S. Coast Guard, station. A large "sea chest" will be huiît and l)lace(1 on land t() conitaiti the sailsý and riggings. t DRUMS.. - Th'le drqum and bugle corps has of)- t ainecfseveral drunis andl is haviug a regujar m-eekiv practice on Saturday iMEETING.S il and at the same Tonighit the regular weekly mneeting i will flot be held ini the Baptist church as usual, but in the "shop" at the cor- 1 ner of Linden and «Main, where thi, scouts ivili be able to work on the boats and will have plentv .of roomn to înarch to the new drum corps. -R. 1). H. Now Is Time to Makçe Registration for Camp Opening its sixthi seasoxi june 25. Camp M.\a-Ka-J a-Wain will operate for thiree two-week periods and for a seventh %veek. XVtl 191 scouts ai- , ready registered for a total of 202 camp periods, the other boys,'.are urged to sign. up. promptly to assure a place in. canî.p,,this, suner. A. great camp staff is ready to help the scouts earri advancenient awards while en,;- joying pleut>' 'of fun and activity, it is an,îounced. The severitt week is "openî house'Y for scouts and their' friends anîd par- ents-. This week. known as "fatnil.v week."' is froifi August 6 'to August 12. camping rally of thie Nrorth Shore Area couticil, is to be held Saturday afternoon, May 26, and Sunday morning, May 27, titi 8:30 o'clock. at the Braeside forest preserve. Patrols throughout the council are busy, preparing for the big,. event that-wmill te3t their tnettle in 'Camping. Rather than vying with other patrols. each one will compete against a standard of excellence. More',thanl 350 scouts will inake camps; cook their. own, food; make fire by friction; identify trees, slîrubs. flowers and birds; communicate mes- sages with flags;: demonstrate. ability to render first aid, and do nîany other things designed to be of interest to the visitors. Many kinds of, pack. tent and cooking equipment are tii l)e used to, their. particular. advaîî- t age. It wvîll be a big; affair, andl visitors are. nios t welconme, especially on Sat- uirday :iftertioan, and evening, the sponsors emphasize. A big camip fire is lanedfor the e (min onSattur- (s lann 1 This Man Provides Boy Scout Power. Ronald W. Ross!, To inany scouts thiat wouild, be . ust a namne, but wheni you say, 1Cýhef Ross','-%ell, that's somiethi ng ele. again. 'Chef. Ross whoha (lonie ail the cooking'and baking at CamipNMa-Ka- Ja-Wan for two years. is 'to return for this, year to f111 his officiai Capa- City as -power plant."- And what a power plant.! Just mention Chef Ross to ait% scout :who has. been to Camp, and lis salivary'glanids begin to work extra liard. because he is thinking about. scot kurîs, sweet,'rolîs, pies, cakes, chicken, and dumffplings, bot cakes, doughnuts and what îlot. Eîerything that scouts like, lu .i.fact, the Chef cati make. Yep, he'1l be back for a bigger an d better suinuier of real food. "If ye dinna comne'îî get it. L'il t.hrow it oot.!" 110CENTRAL AVENUE WILMETTE Z,526 rated by water and his and woods aise, !.Iins4UUUoutA1AV 11CIIIUCrsOl Lme from the rest of Camp Ma-Ka-Ja- camp staff. wan, is to be available this summier for first class scouts more than 15 their meais, take trips, and do things years oid. In the Wilderiiess camp that are new and different. The the scouts. are. to have a chance to capacity is limited and immediate, build their sheiters, cook somne of registration is urged.