ine, gay. New Trier opened its1 Suburban league golf schedule Monday by de- feating Proviso, 5, on the York course. Points were determineri on thé' basis of match play for each.,hole. Joe Franco, New .Trier's No. 1 play-I rhad low score for the, day, 78, and, mnade. two and a haif points for his sch!ôol., His opponient, Survico, shot an 80 and. made haif a.fpoint for Pro- VISO. CàptaIn Nos-ed Out Captain Anthony Franco and George Victor each made scores of .80 for-' New Trier, Franco getting one point and Viictor haif a point., Fratico's op- potient, IR. Fuller, shot a 79 and made two points, and. Victor's opponent, Schwerin, shot an 80 and made two and ia haif points. Tom Gallagher'and Richard Flynni -=4ahcollected three points 'for New TIrier,. alt'hough' their scores for the (Iay were not as Iigh as those of their teammates. Gallagher had an 83 and Flynn .an 85. T. Starus, ojpponient. 4)f Gallaghier, finishied with a 93, and Hutibner, Flynn's rival, had 95. To Play ai Indian Hill Arrangements have been made with Uic '-Indian Hill club for the playing of Newv Trier's home golf matches on the Indian Hill course. The- first of these matches, %vas schedu'led for Wed- inesday of this weck, 'withi Evanston fiirnisinig thé opposition, Next Wednesday New Trier will 'meet Deerfield, and 'on Monday, May- 21,. Oa'k Park will corne to thenor th shiore for a 'match with. New Trier. Thie Suburban' league tournianent is to be held 'on Friday, Mai' 25. WîIdcats and Tigers Ready to Resume Feud The Wildcats and Tigers, the'two groups into which, pupils at the. joseph Sears school in KenlWO'rth are dividedi for, purposes of ýcompetition iin sports, are busy preparing for- the school's annual field day, wvhich is 'to be held on Friday, May 25. Comnpetition between the Wildcats and Tigers has extended over. a period' Yo u can't entertain -with a dozen. teaspoons!l so-we. ~u1I sumg gest each "Place Setting inclucdes 2teaspoons 1 knife 1 fork isalad fork 1 butter spreader IN THE ROSE k MARIE, PATTERN 'îast i uesclay 'evening Dy thie iev. James T. Venekiasen o f the Pres- byterian .church of Wilmette;, in the' presence of just the immediate famni- lies. Mr. Wethling and his bride wil be at home after May 12 at 1631 Howard sireet, Chicago.,., Chicgo Eanstn Oa Par