Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 May 1934, p. 18

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A. SùmuinmerSp il finedouble woven Suede Fabrite lbyes 6Sme 6 button length 1050 .value white, French beige& fawn E<Igar A* Stevems, Imee EU A m* & T-Ira~ v r~ u~ w .~ On April. 23, 1934, Hugh S. Johnison. Administrat.or, signed the order putting, into force a Price Determiînation Schedule for printing plants througbout the coun- try. This Schedule definitely fixces the *prices for practically ail printed products. We have received copies of- this scbedule 1232-36 Central Avenue Mr. and Mrs'. William H.Fricke of Eta)nston .,announce the engage- mieit, of their datighter, Dorofhy Mlarie.Fricke, to. Donald John Connors, son of Mlr. and Mfrs. W. J. Connors of Evanston. -The wed- ding wvill lake place Jiipe, 23, at St. John's chu.rch in Dh.anst on.,> 7vith tlhe Rcv. A. J. lLfmsternapn officiating. ____ Abram Dale Gash, Noted Attorney, Passes Away Abram Dale Gasli, 527 Central ave- nue, a resident of Wilmnette for the past thirteen years and a practicing attorney for forty-three years, died Stinday evening at lis home after a. month's illness. Hie xvas 7.3 years old. L.'tan. H-e was a past grand master of thie Masonic lodge for -the state of I Utah. For imany years, aithougli flot recently, hie lad been active in the M asonic order. Hie is survived by his W.idow, Mrs. M aude Gash, a daughter Rose Marie, and three sons,, Abrami Dale, Jr., Williamn A. and L ôwell. Edward, the last named by a formeér iarriage. The funeral services were held \V'ediîesday afternoon at bis late res- idence, with burial at Oak Ridge Wilmette diania scfloQIt, flicago, in iYm Mr. Booz will receive bis degree at Cincinnati June 15, completing the five-year co-operative course in mecli- *anical engineering. He bas made a record of high scholastic standing and, widespread participation in stu- dent activities. Among the national college. boior- *aryý societies of wbich lie is a memnber are Pi Delta. Epsilon, journalism:- Scabbard and, Blade,' military; Pi, Sig- ma Tau,1 schélastic mnechanical en- gineering, and Omlicron Delta Kappa, men's upper-class leadership and, ac- tivities society. He is vice-president of the Cincinnati University circle of Omicron Delta Kappa. Mr. -Booz is one of tbe ,representa-. tives of the College of Engineering and Commerce to the Student couni- cil, unidergraduateý student govern- ment* bô dy. He was. chairman of the. council's .election committee last fall. Last year Booz was, pres ,ident of the junior class. A cadet major in the Réserve Officers' Training Corps unit at the university and received the j unior ordinance award last year.. He is a member of Iota Chii Ep- silon social fraternity,, one ýof the best known local college fraternities in the United States.'1He bas made bis Cincinnati borne at the I.X.E., bouise. Baird and Warner, mec., .Opens WaukeganOffice Baird &-Wainer, Inc., ont May 5 opened their tweiftb branch office ini the Waukegan State Batik building at 210 Washington street, Waukegan. This newv office bas been opened t6 properly service tbeir itqcreased activ- 1)y bthiniiisales and management througlbout Lake county, acording. to StewartB Matthews, vice-pres ident in. charge of sales, under wvlh-ose supervisiont this new' office will operate. James W. Harris, who lias enjoyed unusuial sales success working front Baird & Wa.rner's Glencoe of- lice, bias been appointed district manager. For the past vear Mr. 0o- Mr. and Mrs. H. ýA. Pope, 910 ,ake avenue, recently returned from two and one-haîf month's visit at ýrando,, Fla. 4

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