tion of the .play, "As' You Like It even"ngo"' ini"' ""a111 ne n5.' Friday night, May 18, at 8 o'clock. schiobl auditorium, It is the custoni at joseph Sear.- The band lias been rehearsing for for each graduating class to present this appearan~ce for some time. and a Shakespearean play. The cast for promises a programn of unusual in- this vear's play, was ati.ioticed this terest.. ý%,eek ,as follows: During the intermission in the an- Thé banished duke . Kirk.Dillinig, Ual concert this year Mr. ýSchU-. Frederick, his brother and usurper mnacher, will play several xylophone of Ilus(olffilu.o solos. He is nioted for bis ability in Lords attending on the iukêe, Àniiens ... .. B a playing this instrument and hias w'on .Iaques.........David Locktt a number of awards for i t. Lé 1Beau, courtier -for Frederick * ..The programis as f ollows: ........... .lui HawleyMahTeBilor". John N., Klohr <lrethe Nwrestler to Frederick ... Overture. "181T'......Tschalikowsky. ............... ...... JmsOlijiDo,..n South.......H. Myddleton Sons fý Sir Ric(--hard' de Boys, . . concertino . ... ...... _on Weberý Oliver.. .. Norman Bemlis Clarinet solo by Richard Appleyard Jaques.. . 1-. aill tewart Anthony and Cleopatra . R,. Greunwald Orlando .ohn-ou . Interniission ~e~als of Oliver, . Mrh Ntoa Adani. . .. A iKubN nbe"............ ..E. Bagley Dennis..... Walter lwnM nnthe Clock Store .. C. J. Orth 'I'ochsone thecout ~ownMornlnig, Noon and Night in Vienna..............N SuPp Bredjin Burns Star SIpangled Bannler, Sir 0Oliver NIart ext, a 'lear . . .onatan Noyes Shépherds, oh eao Mrs..Anne George Millar SilVluùs ,..... ......Seeley Lodlwlck I to Lecture. Next Tuesday William, a country fellowY .Robert Trtnip) At a mieeting of parentse and in~ter- osln.daugliter onf the banished duke, ested f riends at the North Shore Mon- Miargaret Boozer esr school Tuedyeeig a Celia, daughiter of Frederick......tsousdyeeigMa .......Jean 'Strickland 15, Mrs. Anne George Millar will dis- IPhebe, a leeds Janet Colvin cuss present day educational problems. Audrey. a country, wench . Jean J.one.ý 1lI bringing the inethods of modern Pages... Ruth Mervis, Betty 'Schrei, Sue Hawxhurst, .Lucy lHuck and Edith laborat ory psychology inito the school-* Peters.. rooi, %Irs. M1illar feels that Dr. Mon- Foresters Loulse Burkhaird. Evelyn tessori offers a basis for an ideal ap- M.0ntanar(o, Ruth Sprenger, NîLrion. proaclh to al il mtxern problems in child MNfe s 1'k, Nadine Kinneýy, Hlarriet Inius, Betty Murray, Patricia (irover. Shir education. Originality and inidepend- ley Wetterer, Jane Bigneil, Evelyn eut thinking, she explains, are de- Betts, Dorothy Fuller, MyrIle Hol- veloped f rom the beginning, yet the loway, FlQssie flatterson and Joyce child i$ al\vays a part1 of bis group. BrlnkxWnan. Forêsters and attendants Victor Fiaul- 1Foril and dimension, sequence and stick, George Brown, . Lelloy Eggert, relativity, ail that is characteristi of Dana MNorrison.,, larren Kuner, R. our modern worId, is analyzed and ab- Utahbun~ oflld )ea. Tm Kithsorbed h)v the cliild through. the won- -nl .ameq Clemieuts. .P' 2 QUAKER MAID A PPLE 3 No. c BORDEN'S AMERICAN PIMENTO, LIMBURGER BRICK, SWISS, 'CI4ATEAU CILEESE 2 hj-LB.29 _______dentull Montessori inateriais, and nits constant expression in eachindividua's' .Joseph Sears Basebail creative \work. Teams to Clash Monday a There wvil be 'a. general discussion Two teams atý the Joseph Sears thclsofhe etng school in. Kenilworth will start play" RETMTRS ing basebail next Monday. From ARS M TRS these two teamns Robert W. Townley . Early Tuesday morning Frank (lirector of physical education at the Jones, colored, of 1020 Bluff road, school, will select a team torepresent Glencoe, ran his car over the curb Joseph Sears in inter-school matches. andl onto the iawn at an unoccupied ~ ,~. ~residence at 1209 Sheridan road. A e tollIowe4l y.abooQk review. ms Frank1 Adams read and discussed Mn. and Mrs. Forre "British Agent" :by Bruce Lockbart. formerly .of Evanston, h _______________121 Robsart road, Kenil The Girls' 'club election of officers were dinnet guests lasi bas been postponed until next Tues- the Melvin Hawleys of day. road, Kenilwrortb. 2-LB. P KOCS., GRAHM CROKE "K j290 SLTED BISUI .2 ~<~9â COJLML~MBAKED * 19e HOLLAND RUSK . .PKa 1me ENCORE 8PAGNffTi OR MACARON.* i5 RAJAA VM(IA EIMICT 3otOcÉ25c ENCORE OLIVE QIL - )t* Ï25c MAD DRESSING . 21* à23c SEMMS R~AS- .4 PKB. 29c OUR OWN BLACKTUl-LS 2% JONA COCOA . * *W: 19% O -LE AFLE SCMNNS . EACH 3c CLOT CIl tANA SA ~5 TOMAO ~GUEST IVORY. . 6 oAKE25c CANS FINE QUALITV Brick Cheese 2LB.25C FINE GRANULATED PURE BEET