Ail bose comploté wlth rouplings. In51l.lengîlis. TI. HLPKLJT is priced at... $12.0 The. ECLIPSE .......$13M5 Ail Rubbev-,' per ft..5. Full -4-inch. Double-double. braid* for lon g service,, per ft. Sunproof, extra heavy, Y4-inch, per f t. .l16 c Maxecopn,-%-inch size, light1 i and durable, per it.... Theè faînous OHIO. Reveruble ...$17 .0 Ilb BARTLETT -ne. BENT WHEELBARROW $3.98 Lîghit weighit, steel itay lar(bw for gel.- den use. v f . 4 *3.50 -.0-m LAW14 ROLLER Just heavy, enough to keep Your Iawn. ln shape flnot ton heavy to usüe. LAWN MOWER ý.SHARPEN-iNG Not. just an ordinary sha rpenlng. .We in- clude, expert adjust- mn t. LAWN ECIO- M h I nos£ REELS Avery, special . urchase enablee us to mcll i s reel-whlch foriii-ý eriy sold at $6.25- $39 for ............. Wall1 Houe Extra Quality $4.50 $2.95 SPINKLERS PAIN SQUARE' SPRI NKLER coVesR A SQUARE ARIA iVtA ft*Ut4O AREA WETIMIZERU 50 lbs. $2,50ý 100 lbs.$4.00 LOMA, 100 Ib)s........ .0 Boeeal - Driconure - Cattle Manure - Sheep Maiure Milorganite - Sulphate of Aimuonia PEAT MOSS, large ba le 42 V-bale$27 SORBEX, fine peat for Iawns, bg . $.1 LAWN BMm, PALACE GREE1-N A tlue mixture or re-cle4-ned seeds mpeclally prepared to meiet our local conditions. 10.I1b. baug, pr lb, 35e PARKWAY, *10-lb. bag, -. .- L.19%c SJIADY, 10-1b. bag, per lb. 35c .Cyclone FENCING At the Priçe of Oriînary Pencing Even Pick.t Top*, H..,7 Wl,'. -Uaiform SpRCUIm HighIy. Ornasuental SPECIAL PRICES Doule (as illus- trateAd, 36 luches high, full rolls. Per ft. i 1 . Singe (single picket), 36 luches hlgh, full rolls. Per It. ,71/. 42-lu.,aud 4-l.prQportionately prlced. Pricee in clude delivei-yto y'ur door- aud you get GEMMNECYCLONE FENCINC. Fouie POits, 6-ft. heavy Tee posts...... .......... 1219 "cGood Tools and a Wilhing Spirit Make Good Work»" 1. -MAY lio. 1934