Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 May 1934, p. 13

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No. 46,, American Legion and the Legion Atixiliary, held Iast Monday evening at the Wilmette Masonic tem- ple, wilI be long remembered as one jof the outstanding sessions of these patriotic groups. In an impressive ceremnony, ,tinged with sadness .as, thoughts of former comnrades came uppermost, the post. received from its memorials committee a set of beautiful chimes wvhich were dedicate(d to the. inemory of, deceased. memrbers. Flowing the posig of' the colors Commander D. J. L. Walther conduct-f eld a routine business meeting -in which reports showing the. splendid-£o diti.on of the post were noticeablie. Plans for Meniorial Day were, annouinced, ani an invitation f rom the Rev. George D. AUlison. pastor of Wilinette Bapist' church. to join in a niemorial service ini that. church on, Suinday miorning, M'av 27. wasaccepted. F~. H. MTvrland.l chairinai of the etiterta iient commnittee, introduced, Rov Mofhitt of Chiicago, pas t chairnian of the Tihosstate Americanisin coi- mnission, whlo gave an address ou the preservatioti of f reedoni, justice and democracy. Quiet and earnest i ian- ner, he emipliasized the, necessity ýof preserving to posterity those *lenefits fIihertl .andjustice which are a price- lesheritage fron patriots (f the past. InsaIl Vice-Commander George F. 'Scherzer \%,as installed as senior vice-comimander. to fli the va- cancy ça used b)v the death recently -of, Russeil. C. johnison. \\illi arn Benner 'vas instatled as junior vice-commander.. Theri installig, officer was Francis Phielan. senior v-ice-commi-and(er-of the 7th Mlinois district andl past commarnder Of \Vinnetka Post No. 10. In bis * charge '.\r. Phelan expressed a sense of dleep regret at the. untinmeI passing of Conirade Johnson, and] admonishied the nemw officiais that they were accept- ing a solenin duty to carry on the high ideals and splendid Americanisin' to wvhich he liad been, committeed. Two' surprise features *offered ,a 1)otindIess thrill and keen pleasure to the audience. The first was James To"ourncomrades of Wilmette Post No. 46 whio have answered their last roll call. Memorials chairman, F. R. Baker. 5-723'3" Commander D. J. L. WValther ac- cepted the memorial in a litting re- sponse in which he paid tribute, to the loyalty, helpfulhess, friendship and. co- operation of the deceased comrades, and congratulated the post upon the recceipt of so splendidi a memlorial. 1OrvilIle C. Daily, chimes player, count ed ".taps" iin tribute to the post's honored dead, henceforth to be a part of the ritual of ail meetings of the post. 1 After the close of- the post meeting refrieshnxei.ts were served and cards ýen- j oyed. ARDEN SHORE, HOSTESS Mrs. Frank- Huff.nan, 1311 Maiple avenue, is etitertaiing thie W\ilmettel Ardeîi Siiore board todav at Itiiicheoii a'ail a al-day meeting.. Nash Suits M#.de to Order $1890 and $22.90 Expert Repairing Riemodellng and Alterations 1117 GREENLEAF AVE. PHONE WIL. 1944 I 'I In the most modern and scientifie vaults on the North Shore. Our rates according to the WLy net h..d it? Espec.Wl, "e1nm w. are h.,. t. save th imtle $peut in shopping for fooid? The. pices we are able t. oMfet for the. finest fo.ds, with deiiv.ry, "e a:aniuy1 loy. The. Iist below wIU convince Yen. Conu» in or' gwe us a ring todm.y. lWe are always glad to se, nov or faàiili.i f4ces . .. t. hear new orfanla ocs ColonialC lub, Beverages Our owu. br.nd and an excepti*onaily fine one.e Stock the mefrigerator today with *a assortment of -these cooling drcinks. Large 24....hboutles. Dry Ginger Aie IRoot'Beer. Crenie Soda Sparkling. Water orange 'Soda lime Rickey Do.. S5c--Piut Deposit ZMon Fig SBors Deliciousiy fresh and *6fldei4fxfly t a à ty. Fine with coid gin- ger aie or foamînu root 6e.. 2-lb. pkg. 25c 3for250 Fox DeLuxe Beer On'e o'f the finemit branda to b. Lad. Theves umthrng More inviting than cold- beer these varm days. 24-bottle case 2.10 Plns Deposit. Lakle Trout-Fine for lunch.Ieon (r dinn er, eithier baked, broiled or fried, lb-.0 lnlit Steak - iSo good when uaked in niilk to ac gokien brown, 1 b. 2 Fresih Chicken LIvers-Serve for Iincheons with bolledc rice and fresh peaQ, 1lb. 39 Chiook F a n c y, pink m'eat. ne. Give it t. the children for uncheon -eitiier pian or creauned. lepc 36'.- 3 for 55c Porli Tenderioýn .- AIl mat, no wa-ste to this real' deliea.ey,1lb. 3 gravy, lb., Suminer or Salami Saumage Either one niakes a tasty sand- wkeh snack with a glass et~ ofltId ýbeer 23 I FriiGarden Splnach-Cbook it wlth .a good sired onion for a fine flavor, pk. ;......... ...... ..................... 9 Freso i Pneapil-Richi and juic-y, c'ombine with fstrawberries for your breakfast fruit, Florida oranges--Large"siu julce, 3 doz. 98v;. doz. ..... ýý.,........ 1Open Etieings and Sandays Glencoc Bicycle Shop 708 Vernon Gi.nco. 57 ., Okean Furriers, 18e. SU8 Uncolin Ave. Winn. 2752 Ne Carr$ng te De We aive got.'s Y.. Ordors Breu,g o AU Ai..g the NortI.

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