* ITS BEITER TO DO BUSINESS WITH PRIENOS Bach o hs pherinacistu bas b... s.rvitig local families for maoy Vents. They are memb.us of youar eommunity yorneighbors and friends. Dong business wida friends in far more satisfactïory tii., patronaziu stragers. Tha'u w , u.çay Patropiz. Your Local Indepeudent Pharmueistu. Wl LLIAMIS 360 BOST Tooth. Paste Remnovu tobacco 60c site. Dr. West> Tooth Paste. 25c size-2 for~ 250 65c size. 20-oz. sîze. $1 value.. F "q Pata Puylliuna A. corrective for constipation, con- tains 80% heavy mineral i o and 20%y psyilium seed jelly. reglar$12............ APEX MOTE CAKIE IWls Motha Overnight JuaI Hang it Up!l Z.1 9c Caois Skia*s Full size-split lanib, -aP- 'T Totli Pute, ]Double i'". OVALTINE &-oz. ean. $1 value. Wimhanm'u Shavln Creatm 50c tube. I ~e. I $Oc size. e/1 Don't Forget Mother MOTHER'S DAY- Sunday, May 13 SPEÇIALS Kotex. Wonder 8t 2 for2 Saultazy Naphlns. 2fr2 c Mwennen'u 8he.v n ram oce tube. c«' 4 Stark Castile So la.p- fr 2 C 16c bar .for. r psodent Anlisepte. 35 50c bottie, 7-oz ..... 3 * Baume Beouna 51c 75e size. ]KclynsosToothi Paste. 3 c 50Q tuble....3 Listerine Amtiseptie. 5 c 14-oz.49 Pebeeo Tooth- 21 e.c Tek Tooth Brusit.c 50e value ..... .. ........39c Prophylactie Tooth Erush. c 5,0c value ..-.. . 3 Phililps' Dental Nagneula. 21C M5e tube .... ...... Ytast-Foam u i t.c 50e size T.Iet. 3 -. A. P. W. Toilet Paper k 15t.roilSI *egr 17w' i~3 MAY 10, 1934. I. e ~ rOld