f the party will be used foi nity service work of which Bassier is chairman in tte unit. There Will be a meting of the Cook County council Friday, May, 4, at the Auditorium hotel at 1:30- o'clock. Commander D. J. L. Waltheroû, _Wilmette Post No. 46, .American Légion, extends a very cordial -invita- ion to ail members of Our unit to at- tend the post's, regular May meeting which will. be held at -the, Wilmette Masonic temple Monday evening, May 7, at 8 o'clock. The solemn part of the program'wilI be a very impressive ceremony -whicli wîill ýýbe the presentation of a beautiful set of dhiures. given to the post as a mémorial to. the .departed. conirades, o n e of-. whom wa s our Auxiliary presi?- dent'.- husband, Russell C. Johinson. Being invited to a. post meeting at which a dedication is to be performed we deem a great privilege and the executive board urges the niembers to take advantage of the opportunity to h e present on this occasion. A later program wilI include mnusic, dancing and cards. Refreshments wilI be served. I Christian Science I Charches1 .'Probation After Death" was thc subi ect of tic, tesson-sermion ini al Churches of Chriîst, Scicntist, on Sundav. April 29., The golden text %vas, "I ain thc rcsvrrection. and the life: lie that believeti in mie, though he were dead, vét shah lbe live.: and ,whosocver lïv- eti and believeth iiinie shah nieyer die" (John Il :25, 26). Among the citations wihich comi- here or bereatter, suiterig or Science must destroy ail illusions re- garding life and mind, and regen- erate uiisterial sense and self.... Mortal belièf must lose aIl satisfac- tlion ini error and.sm in order to part with them. Wiether montaIs will learn this sooner or later, and how long they will suifer the pangs of destruction, depends 4pon. the: teniac- ity of error" (p. 296). Paper Heiis CCC. Cam pers to Ke P. Better A cquainted Tic two thousand CCC wonkers: in Camnp Skokic Valley, Glenview, and Hanms roads, now have their own newspaper, .a1 fivc-column quarto,' issued semi-monthly and devoted.'to any other way. it wîi help to create a. common deterniination to make Camp Skokie Valley a more ideal place in which to live, a place, where you can be proud to have 'your. friendis cone and visit you." Five: hundred replace ment men were -enroîîed in the camp tendays ago to take tic 'place of a like num-. ber who, for various causes,, did flot desire to re-enroll for another six months. Workers Ïin.he. camp are ennolîed, for six monÈtis, at the end of which time they may re-enter for' anotier like. period, but. none are penmitted a total service, of more, than 15 months.. According to Camp authorities, thene are always ýthou- saànds, of ýel igible young men on the waiting ist to. enter this service, Camp Skokie Valley, now lias its MUSEUM SUMMER HOURS The summer schedule of visiting hours began at Field Museum of Natural History Tuesday; May 1, it was announced by Stephen C. Simmis. director of the institution. From, thi until Labor Day, Septemnber 3, visitors, wîll be admitted to the museurn daily, including Sundays, betwveen the hours of 9 a.m. and. 6 p.m., or an hour and a. half longer than the visiting hours observed during the winter months. Mrs. A. E. Logie, 1032 Ashland avenue, ýreturn.d, last Sunday from a two weeks ' trip in the east and the south. ýSic wcnt to Washington and New' York, toured the Virginia bis- toric homes and gardens, and. went to, see the restoration at Williarnsburg. Mrs. Logic was acconpanied by her sister,' Miss'.M\abel Merritt of St. Paul. W "SIqLEHNNOLV" resented by BRAUN BROS. Service Pions (tnunt the inoney You spend on your car, carefullY! If YC>u use it a great deal, and want to get the niost out of it... try SILVER FLASH G'ASR; You'II get faster, more powerful. per- formance., Fil1 'erup today with S3L- VER FLASH ...heid lnto, the open country, and -feel the thrill of per- féet performance. Service Station$. Wilnîette Kenil*orthi 12~ 2Cenitra.1 Avenue Wlmette Avenue nd 00 Ore enbaY R1osid Phone Wimette $212 Ridge Rond Phone o Knllworth 4; M <otheait Cerner) >Phone Wbnette 8405________ J I m~r~ (Y 1~71 ( -w *Ip.4 4i .0 ~T rtC1'~4~- \J I~..tKE-rtE- l<Et~4l >.\AJOÇ~114 - V.J~N'