-na na lu-le, - v- cnce. FitP8flei - - -1172LTN52-ltp .Paultine's Empi. Agency ___________ Fourtll & Linden Opp. "L" terminlalAL 71LTN52-ltc ---FLP-WrD-MALE AND FIUL GEN. HSEWK. FEMALEI PAULINE'S IN WANTU-D G I R L S..,r27i POSITIONS WILMETTE open $10 -t $12,fora $15; one aATDATOC 416, one, nurse $18. î WîApNcupes ATON$100 Reinhart's Emnpi. Agency $100. (Jer. Couple for famnly of 3 adults. -14S Fin Street Winnetka 339t) $90 Swed. Couple -4 adui.ts and I child.J - HLP 71LTN52-1 te Patilin e's. Erp. Agency DOMESTICI IL WANTED Fourth, & i.nden Opp. "l" Terminal 4 ;envral Wlork, some cooking; ginatll i Bik. Linden Station N S. Uine familles. >City or 1s uburbs $12-$15., 731TN5È4 te COUPLES $75-$125 MaYothet positions, oosares, Carlson's Eii. Agency S-H-A-Y Ag'c.y 14 W. aFhington 84 lnWlnn. t2 Chicago Central 9800 94Ei i.32ý WHITE GIRL, PROT., FOR GENERAL GOOD OPENINGS AVAILABLE hous;ewoirk., Must understan ld.small 4, couples..................$75-$12.- .children and be a good cook. No lauu- Cook5. .....é... 4ry, Own room and 'bath..Not over -i- Watresses, Chambermalds. $12-$1 8 ýy sold. Phone. Winnetka. 1015. General Mald................. $01 years -73LTN52-ItC EXPERIENCED MAID FOR <IEN- ONE 0F THE -LARGEST PRODUC- eral hsewk., in famniiy of 7. No ký1 milî ers, refiners and distributors of fuel -hildren.ý No laundry. Good wages~. Go lis wants ftuli or part time salesmefl to Northern WisCOni3n inilddle of lune and salesWonief for the North Shore, to for 3 months. Kenilworth 1831. .. secure beàting oil contracto for ýbe 71LTN52-ltc 1934-36 season. _________________________ We psy the hghest rates ofeo(lflf COMPETENT WH ITE HEI.P WANTM~ sion. It whIl pay yen to Investigate Qur wth good references. Apply in person. proposition. Write A-46, Box 40, WII- S ALL EMPLOY MENT SERVICE mette, 111. 7L2-ltp 66:1 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 251. L 71LTNI2 -tfc DOMESTIC HELP WANTED 9EXP. AND WELL flECOMMF.ND D FIRST CLASS LAUJNDREPS.S No Charge to Employers PIfNE ;LECOE71LTN52-!t(, Lindgreii Empi. Ageney WVAZNT') - Eý-XPERIENCED %IMAID Established 25 years for-general hiousew.,ork. Must be neat 799 Elm St. Wlnn, 1047 and reliable. Ref. required. Phone 'in- - 7LTN29-tfé. iitka .--1146, .71TN5,-2-tl) DOMESTIC I-ELP lWoTe GIRk (ut oL F ENdEryA$S. ANTED 10 COUPLES. 5 POSITIONS liuws rüqurk,4 du elinno la 2450. ope$8100, tw$85, two $7-5, one $90. Ref~ reuird. el.Winfetkt 250.~ owIs the time to apply, don't walt. - 71TN52ltli REINHART'S EMPL. AGENCV EXPERIENCED . MAID FOR GEN- 748 Elin Street WYinnetl<a 3399 eral hlousëworýk. $8 per week. Stay -6ý,3LN52-t- *nights. Refs. req. Plione Wilînette 4537.OD OIIOSAR O .1LT52-tl)open for experienced couffles. <2ooks>, WHITE. EXPERIENCED. GEEA eeas et us hellp you secure teli hou.sework. (1"tod côok. I{efereflce,-l~~IIf O are looking, for. re~ured.Roon andbath, five dollar-. Fe' mp.A ec Phon Winetka 3871 7ILNS24I) ver Walgreen's Highlan.d Park 2520J MOTIIER'S H-1ELPERF, TO- LIVE IN. 73LTN52-1tp *Must. have reference. Phone '%rs.,Har- UN OETCAEC old Wagner' Glencoe 235., UN OETCAEC e ~~71LTri9-ltl) Choice jobs. open now. Couple s, mralds, ____________________________ etc. (White and colored). N. S hore WANTED - GIRL FOR GENERAL and City. Good wagds. 7623 Rogerki hnuseork ndconokîfla. Small famlly. Ave-.3 Biks._E. Howard "L." 1/ Blk. $7. Rtef. Phone Glen.coe 682. 1T2l) W;r Sheridan Rd. 3T 9-1 SINGLE ROOM OR SUITE. WITI{ AYRE BAL JK sleeping porch and private bath. 725 Eln Street Wlnnetka.85W0 G~a.rage. Housekeeplhg if desired, or 92L62-ltp will share my home. gi5 Foret ave., Wllmette, '11. 82LTN52-ltP 4-ROO-M APT., SUBLEASE AT A - sacrifice, Linden Crest building, 516 TWO LARGE ATRY FRONT ROOMIS, th St., Wlimette. Phone Wilmette ln private home wlth sleeping porch.% 965-J after Frlday, May 4th. Alse third fil. rm. with bath.-Garage. e2LTrN52-1t Near tiraflW. East aide. Ph. Wllmette MODERN, 6-ROOM APT. NEWLY 1253. 8LTN524ltP remodeled. Close to schls. and tranep. 1 OR 2 ROOMS WITH OR1 WITHIOUT 011l ht.,, large lot. Phone Wllmette 1468. private kitchen. Comfortable home 92LTN52-2tC for adulte. Conirenent East, loc. Reas. Ph. Wil mette 965-R, 1-7 P. M. o . u-Nomm APTS. S2TN2ît FR SU"MMER MONTHS:. IVING CENTRAL. MOTEL roomf, 2 bedrooms. bath, kitchen (Frig- 629 Main Street, Wllmette . idaire: gas range), 6x15 ft. hall. Close Lge, peaat roome, wlith hot and côId te Elmn St. trans. Wlnnetka 3411. water. -Vel'y reas. Ph. Wtlmette- 5381. 93L"X2-Itp B2TNI-tCMODUE 4 R0039 FURMISKE OR NEWT.AY DECORATED NICELY FtTR- unfltrn. apartuient, new1y decôrated.: nlshed room with twln beds. Private Central, location. ReiablO., Phons home ln Wllmetie. ]Kr. tranup. Phone Wllmette 2399 or,2427. 93LTN50-4tP> ATTRACTIVE FURN ISHED R O O M, ~RN-HUE 1lncludlnig fireplace and lav. Central location. Phone Wllmette 2399or27 NICE AIRY ROOM WITH PRIVATE ént rance. 1 block frein trans. $ 4., Apply 1099 Tower Rd., Winnetka. * 9u M E LARGE, PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, sultable for 1 or 2. Llght house- _JN IV keepIng If desired. Also smaller room, A B )rea$. Wlmette 3206. 82TN2-tp LAROE, AIRY FRONT ROOM, NIC EA~T ly decorated. Near transportation.J~II~fa\JP. Reas,,nable. 'Phone Wllmette 3918. ___ - . 82LTN52-l»()T LREROOM SUITABLE FOR 2V D gentlemen. . Near trans.ýportation. Fil. NWlimette 210. 82LTN52-ltli wTrD. TO mEN-LT._HUKPG, RoomoS \NOtLtD YOUT BE INTERESTED IN making a littie mofley b> accom- inodating a famuily of five for a month, May' lSth to June l5th? 2 ad'ults, .3 girls; 1 in high echool 2 in grade school ail day; 3 roonis, light hskpg. or kitch- en privileges. Phone Wlpinetka 889. 1SMNALI.. APARTMENT OR HOUSE- keeptng rooinis anted. Cal ee- ýF nings. ilmette1'06'8."~ LN5-t CARE OF CONVALESCENTrS AlARIE'S IITA-ND REST HOM~E for invalids and for care of the: aged. 'Day and night nursing; trained nurses always on duty. Men attendant ,s in service. Physician's references. Phione W'ilinette 2548, 87LTN52-ltpu POî.rLDERLY PER- wlh itss flowers and, ious1 ng la U R NIS-IED, Why not close your town house and move your ward- robe Into one of. the mnany exquîsite homes ,we are: now showing NFURNISHED cial equlpment, anad Delco 01 urn - ' *,,F4i 5371. . 77LTN2ltp 424 LindenAVOnue Closing assistance and field training _________________ to ail men on ail products. A real FOR R.N«T--Rooms 5 ROOM APARTI chance te mttke moneY. 'Se '1Mr. E. L. Simmonfs, 1565 Shermnan ave., Evans.- NICICLY FURNISHED ROOM FOR 1 ally desirable. ton. Thurs. or ,Frl. 5.~30 te 8 P. M. or 2. Garage avallable. Near transp. Oakwood -Ave., 72LTN52-ltc Phone Glencoe 976. 82LT52-ltp eat. ALFVO I 526 CenterSt ETN4 8-ttc Wlnnetka 96 97bTNq52-ltp '13 L n in to a, or one